League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1470: Hurry up and call for money

Of course, this thought only flashed through Wang Yuji's heart. Wang Yuji didn't say it directly, and his EQ had not yet reached that point.

After all, this is something that Su Ming and Luo Xiaoxiao decided. The two big bosses are doing things, and it is not appropriate for him to say anything in his identity.

If you let Wang Yuji know that Su Ming just wanted to ask for 10 million a person, it is estimated that Wang Yuji would be scared to not have to eat breakfast today.

Su Ming glanced at the surprised Wang Yuji, and then said: "Director Wang, or the money will be paid in a while, half of it will be given to Director Luo, and the remaining half will be divided between us."

"No need, no need--"

Wang Yuji was so frightened that he waved his hands again and again. How dare he ask for this kind of money? After all, it was Su Ming's money, and as Wang Yuji, he was not a bad guy.

After a person reaches a certain position, as long as you have power in your hand, the money is not a matter of minutes, so Wang Yuji wants money very simple, there is no need to take Su Ming's money.

So Wang Yuji hurriedly said, "Shao Shao, don't make jokes with me. My heart can't stand it. I don't want the money. You can divide it."

Seeing Wang Yuji's insistence on not and his attitude was very firm, Su Ming didn't say anything. Anyway, after breakfast, this matter has been finalized, and the blackmail plan is just the beginning.

The Speed ​​Crews who were still in the detention center probably didn't know yet. In Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes, they were no longer humans, but a living cash machine.

After eating, Luo Xiaoxiao and Wang Yuji let Su Ming continue to rest in Luo Xiaoxiao's office for a while, and they went to the detention center to watch the speeding party.


"Mmp, hurry up and let us out. The one who feeds us this morning will feed us the pigs. Let us go out quickly!"

At this time in the detention center, these speeding parties were all locked up together, and it was already noisy and the voice was very loud.

After waking up, it was obvious that these people also had energy, especially after seeing breakfast, this group of people began to explode.

Is there anything else good to eat in the detention center, or it’s pretty good if I can give you something to eat, so what are the extra requirements?

The breakfast is very simple, it is the ordinary porridge with steamed buns. Of course, the quality is definitely not flattering. There is not much rice in the porridge, and the steamed buns are also dry and tasteless.

It’s good to have this food in the detention center. After all, this is not a church or a place for charity. If the food is good, many people think that they are rushing to commit crimes and want to run into the detention center. Will society be It's all messed up.

However, these speeders usually eat good things. They have not eaten this kind of food. In their eyes, it is estimated that even pigs do not eat this kind of food. Naturally, one or two opinions are very big.

I can't bear it if I'm caught, and I can't bear it even if I eat this kind of food.

"If they don't eat, they should put away the food, so as not to overturn and waste food." At this moment, Luo Xiaoxiao and Wang Yuji came over, and Luo Xiaoxiao said something.


When the little policeman in the detention center saw that the two chiefs were coming, he was shocked and hurriedly shouted.

When the Speedy Party saw this reaction of the little policeman, and then listened to his name, they immediately understood that this must be the leader of the police station, maybe their family has already used the relationship.

As a result, these speeding parties started their enthusiasm one after another, and one or two quickly shouted:

"Which one of you two is the director? I don't care which one of you is, hurry up and let us go."

"Did my dad call you and ask you to come over and release someone?"

"Don't worry so much. Come here and let us go. I'm going out to eat. I'm almost starving to death."

"I gave us these things in the morning. After I go out, I have to sue you for abuse. Let me wait."


Luo Xiaoxiao and Wang Yuji were too experienced in dealing with this kind of things. The two of them had a tacit understanding, and they didn't say a word, or even said a word.

Because there are so many people, when you go to quarrel with them, it is not necessary at all. Not only is the voice not as loud as theirs, but it will arouse the emotions of these people and make them even more energetic.

After a while, they finally finished talking, and Luo Xiaoxiao said: "Don't worry, you all think too much, I am not here to let you out."

"I just wanted to see you guys. By the way, if I don’t eat breakfast, I will replay it there and keep it there. It will serve you as lunch or dinner until you eat it~www.wuxiaspot.com~Luo Xiaoxiao directly Said.

It's too easy to deal with this kind of people. At first, whoever came in was not very tough, and I was so aggressive that I would blow up the entire detention center. Within two days, he was cleaned up and obedient.

"What, you... don't go too far."

"Those broken things are left for us to eat at night, aren't you kidding me?"

"Hurry up and let us out, I don't want to stay in this shabby place for a second."

"Give me back my cell phone. I want to call home. If I let my dad know about this, all of you will be unlucky."


These Speedy Party mobile phones were taken immediately after they were caught yesterday, so they have never had a chance to call them back until now.

Luo Xiaoxiao's mouth couldn't help but a smile evoked, and she said to her heart that you thought the Laozi in your family didn't even know that you were arrested?

Originally, Luo Xiaoxiao came here for this, so Luo Xiaoxiao pointed to Wang Jiahao, who was clamoring hardest in the Speeding Party, and said, "Okay, it's you!"

It was very silent for a while, no one spoke. Everyone looked at Wang Jiahao, including Wang Jiahao, who was a little guilty in his heart. I don’t know what happened to me. I thought this woman in police uniform would not want to clean up. Right?

"Give him his cell phone and let him call home." Luo Xiaoxiao said.


The little policeman was very fast and directly returned Wang Jiahao's mobile phone to him.

After Wang Jiahao got the mobile phone, the look on his face was unbelievable. They even gave their own mobile phone. This is really incredible.

And Luo Xiaoxiao looked at him and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Call me and ask for money."

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