These members of the Gongsun family had already settled on Su Ming in one bite anyway. It seemed that they were unsure. It was all right now. Su Ming felt that he could not argue with each other, and it was useless to say anything. )

Obviously this group of people would not believe it, and Su Ming didn't need to waste his tongue at all.

The main reason is that this person was indeed killed by Su Ming. This is a fact. They didn't frame Su Ming for what they were doing, so there is nothing to say.

The husband does things alone. Although this behavior sounds a little silly, Su Ming admitted it cleanly, mainly because he didn't want to drag the Lin family down.

Su Ming is nothing to take on this kind of thing alone, but if he drags the entire Lin family into the water, it doesn't seem very good. Su Ming can also see that there is still a gap in strength between the Lin family and the Gongsun family.

"Sure enough it is you!"

The three members of the Gongsun family all changed their faces, as if they were about to eat Su Ming. This guy actually killed them.

People who dare to kill the Gongsun family at will, even other Guwu families, don't have such courage, but the kid in front of him has such courage.

Some time ago, the death of Gongsun Linghai was investigated and found no results. The Gongsun family had to give up, planning to wait for the ancient ruins to be over before thoroughly investigating the matter.

No one thought that before they entered the ancient ruins, they would really come across this murderer. It was a coincidence that he came early.


When the three Lin family heard Su Ming confessed in person, the expressions on their faces were still stunned, and there was a glimmer of shock in their eyes. Su Ming was crazy. He actually dared to kill even the Gongsun family.

You must know that if this is in the ancient martial world, Su Ming's work, I am afraid that the big man in the Gongsun family will directly kill Su Ming.

Now that they admitted, everyone clarified the words. Su Ming had nothing to hide, and he said directly: "I did kill someone, but at the time I didn't know if he was from the Gongsun family, and he provokes him. Me, I naturally want to kill him!"

His words were sonorous and powerful, so that Lin Canghai could not admire Su Ming’s courage. He killed the Gongsun family members, and he could be so relaxed when facing the Gongsun family members. This mentality is still very Ok.

"Then you can kill me!"

People in the ancient martial arts world have a heavier body's quagmire aura. If you have a grudge, you will get revenge, and the principle that they believe in is one life for another.

Su Ming killed the Gongsun family members, and the solution to this matter was also very simple, so he could just kill Su Ming directly.

"*, who is afraid of who, I will be killed by you." Su Ming saw the reaction of Gongsun Lingmu, and he was immediately unhappy. With Su Ming's temper, he was not afraid of anyone at all.

Seeing that the conflict is on the verge, an inevitable battle seems to be happening like this. Who knows that a person next to Gongsun Lingmu grabs Gongsun Lingmu who is about to rush away, and says, "Brother Lingmu, Don't be impulsive."

"What are you holding me for?!"

Gongsun Lingmu was forcibly grabbed all of a sudden, and the momentum of his body just now became much weaker, and he asked strangely.

The guy next to him deliberately lowered his voice and said to Gongsun Lingmu: "Brother Lingmu, don't forget, this is the place where the ancient ruins opened."

Gongsun Lingmu understood it instantly, a whole layer of cold sweat broke out, and he realized the seriousness of the matter.

In the opening place of the ancient ruins, it is absolutely forbidden to conflict. Once someone does it, then the ancient ruins can collapse. The price is too great, far beyond his ability to bear.

Counting that he killed Su Ming, it would be useless to put up hatred for Gongsun Ling's poster. After returning, it is estimated that the family will directly punish him, because he destroyed the ancient ruins. No matter what he did, this crime would be impossible. Forgive.

Not to mention that if this happens, the entire Gongsun family will immediately stand on the opposite side of the other Guwu families. This is not good news for the Gongsun family. No matter how powerful it is, it can’t fight so many. .

And Su Ming is not afraid of wearing shoes, so naturally he doesn't have so many worries. Gongsun Lingmu's head reacted very quickly, and he suddenly thought about the stakes.

If you just close your hand, you don't mean to move Su Ming at all. At this time, you must be patient and focus on the overall situation.

Su Ming thought it was going to fight at first, but who knew that after the cargo was loaded for a while, he immediately withered, and then Su Ming thought about it, and he understood why in an It was in the ancient ruins Before opening, it is impossible to do it.

Su Ming couldn't help but feel amused, and deliberately said, "What's the matter, don't you want to do it, you have taken off your pants, show me this?"

How could Gongsun Lingmu couldn't hear the ridicule of Su Ming's words, and the fire suddenly appeared in his stomach.

But Gongsun Lingmu hadn't had the urge to do it right away. He could only slap his tongue and said directly, "Don't be arrogant, kid, you want to enter the ancient ruins, right?"

"I'm telling you, don't let me run into you inside. As long as you meet someone from our Gongsun family, you will definitely cut you at the first time!" Gongsun Lingmu said viciously.

You can't do anything before the ancient ruins are opened, but after you enter it, you are completely free. Don't talk about killing, you are stripping other people's pants and doing some shameful things. No one cares about you!

Therefore, Gongsun Lingmu had already planned. After entering the ancient ruins, he must kill Su Ming as soon as possible, and he will never let Su Ming come out alive.

"I'm waiting for you to kill one of your Gongsun clan, and I don't care about killing a few more."

The aura is absolutely impossible to lose, so Su Ming directly stunned and went back. Anyway, this beam has been formed, and Su Ming has nothing to worry about.


In order to avoid seeing Su Mingxin becoming even more angry, the Gongsun family members left directly, went aside, and distanced themselves a little bit from Su Ming.

"Su Ming, you have to be more careful, after entering the ancient ruins, remember to be careful of the Gongsun family." After these people left, Lin Canghai exhorted.

The expression on Lin Canghai's face looked worried at this time, and the other two people were similar. Obviously, he was worried about Su Ming.

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