Lin Canghai is very clear about the strength of these people in the Gongsun family, especially Gongsun Lingmu, whose strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

Although everyone is in the late stage of the microsphere, Lin Canghai can be 100% sure that he is definitely not the opponent of Gongsun Lingmu. The strength of this guy is very terrifying, and Lin Canghai has long heard of it.

I have to remind Su Ming that if I actually encountered it in the ancient ruins, it would not be a joke, it would really kill people.

Su Ming nodded. He also knew in his heart that these people in the Gongsun family must be careful. If they really want to fight, it might be much trickier than those in the Ouyang family.

Su Ming feels that with the strength of one person, he can't beat the three of them combined. This feeling is very strong. It has nothing to do with self-confidence or not. The main thing is that these three guys are really good.

If the three guys in the Gongsun family knew what Su Ming was thinking at this time, he was a mid-level of microcosm, and he thought of hitting three of them by one person. It is estimated that the three will be angry, no matter what ancient ruins are not. The ancient relics are there, and Su Ming is directly caught and beaten.

It’s impossible to want to be okay at this point. People have been killed and Su Ming can’t bring him back to life. So no matter what you say, even if you kneel down and beg for mercy, it’s probably useless, let alone Su Ming. Would not do that kind of thing.

There is also a better way, that is, Su Ming gave up entering the ancient ruins, taking advantage of the three people of the Gongsun family, who were scrupulous in their hearts and did not dare to do it, Su Ming could completely take advantage of them to enter, and then escape.

However, after thinking for a while, this idea was directly rejected by Su Ming. It was not Su Ming's character. The monk could not run away from the temple if he ran away. People from the Gongsun family would still come to him sooner or later.

Moreover, this ancient relic is so rare that it may only be experienced once in a lifetime. Su Ming still wants to go in and see what it looks like inside, so Su Ming can't just give up, he must go in.

Just listen to Su Ming say: "After the ancient ruins are opened, let's go in and don't walk together. You two are together, and I will leave by myself!"

The reason for saying this is because Su Ming knows that members of the Gongsun family will definitely retaliate against him. If Su Ming alone can't beat him, he can still escape very easily, and it is more convenient for one person.

If they were with Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu, it would be different, and it would drag them both.

Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai immediately understood the meaning of Su Ming’s words. The two of them couldn’t help but feel moved. At this time, Su Ming could still think about their safety, which shows that Su Ming’s Character is absolutely trustworthy.

After being moved, Lin Canghai said leisurely: "Brother Su Ming, we can feel your kindness, but you have been thinking about it too much."

"What do you mean?"

"After entering the ancient ruins, where to land is randomly assigned, just like a lottery, the uncertainty is too great, and the people are all scattered, it is impossible to be in one place." Lin Canghai said again. Something Su Ming didn't know.

It’s not that Lin Canghai didn’t talk about it before. There are too many things about this ancient relic. Lin Canghai can only talk about some important things. If it weren’t for what Su Ming said just now, I guess Lin Canghai would not have thought of it. .

"There is such a thing?"

Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up suddenly. Lin Canghai understood what Lin Canghai meant. It meant that after entering the ancient ruins, everyone was in a separate place, not together. Everyone was in the same place. of.

According to Su Ming's previous imagination, I thought there was a gate. After everyone crossed this gate, they entered the ancient ruins, and everyone was together.

Unexpectedly, it was different from what Su Ming thought. After everyone went in, they were all random places and scattered. No one knew where they would be. Maybe no one could run into it.

For Su Ming, this is good news, because as long as he looks like this, Su Ming is not so worried.

Even if you are unlucky, you may encounter a person from the Gongsun family alone. At this time, it is not always certain who kills whom.


"Haha, your brat is really brave, even the Gongsun family dare to kill!"

Just when Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly a very annoying voice came over, causing Su Ming's brows to frown.

The speaker was Ouyang Shuo. Su Ming was a little unhappy when he heard this guy’s voice. Obviously, this guy was gloating at There was such a big movement just now, what about these people in the Ouyang family Maybe they haven't noticed it, but they haven't spoken, watching steadily in secret, it seems that people in the Ouyang family like to do such things.

After hearing what was going on, these people in the Ouyang family began to gloat. Su Ming offended the powerful Gongsun family. They were naturally happy. There was something more exciting than seeing Su Ming. Things.

Su Ming was ridiculed by this Ouyang Shuo, a little upset, mainly because Su Ming thought that having a Gongsun family is enough trouble, but we must not forget that there is another member of the Ouyang family who is still staring at him. The Ouyang family's sordid way of doing things may be able to do anything.

"Are you looking for death?"

However, Su Ming didn't show these irritable emotions on the surface. Instead, he gave a violent drink, and then immediately raised his hand to fight.

Ouyang Shuo was scared to death, and he suddenly hugged his head, as if he was afraid that Su Ming would be hit in the face. This was purely a subconscious reaction.

It can also be seen that Su Ming is strong in Ouyang Shuo's heart. When facing Su Ming's attack, this guy didn't even fight back.

"What are you doing, teasing you, how could I hit you at this critical moment?" Su Ming said with a smile.

Su Ming was just to scare this guy a bit, and didn't plan to do it directly. If the ancient ruins were destroyed, Su Ming would fail the mission.

After Ouyang Shuo reacted, the expression on his face was a bit ugly. Obviously, he also realized that he was molested by Su Ming. The key point was that his subconscious reaction was shameful just now.

As a result, Ouyang Shuo's expression changed, and he said with some discomfort: "You won't be longing, and after entering the ancient ruins in a while, good luck!"

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