League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1541: True Essence Liquid

Su Ming finally understood that mom was selling the batch. No wonder these people stopped fighting when they saw these magic weapons. They thought that one or two of them had become saints and didn't like to **** things.

After doing it for a long time, Su Ming himself was too naive. It turned out that this group of talents would fight like this because of the existence of such a good thing as True Essence Spirit Liquid.

If you really follow Lin Canghai's words, this true essence spiritual liquid is really important, especially for the Gu Wu family.

With enough True Essence Essence, then their True Essence Realm powerhouses will not be few, and for the Guwu family, the Micro Realm is only the cornerstone, the new generation power of the younger generation, and the True Essence Realm only It is the backbone of the Guwu family.

But the true essence realm is not so easy to break through. You must have the true essence spiritual liquid to increase the possibility of breakthrough.

The True Essence Spirit Liquid should be available not only in this Falling Temple, but also in other ways, but listening to the meaning of Lin Canghai's words, the possibility of getting it is very low.

No wonder the Guwu family attaches such importance to this ancient relic. They have sent the younger generation of the family to Ningcheng a long time ago.

The baby in it is one thing, and Su Ming feels that the most important thing is for this true essence spiritual liquid.

Almost everyone is arguing, for fear that after one step is too late, they will be preempted by others. If you can't get the true essence, you can't go back.

If you just came in and wasted time looking for other magic weapons, maybe the true essence spiritual liquid would be gone, and that would be more than worth the loss, so everyone would run straight ahead, just for the true essence spiritual liquid.

After Su Ming figured out the reasons for this, he immediately said: "Then what are we doing in a daze, let's follow along quickly, don't lose our share in the end."

Since the True Essence Spirit Liquid is so important, Su Ming can't be polite. After all, it has something to do with whether he can break through to the True Essence Realm. With Su Ming's cultivation speed, it is a matter of time before he breaks into the True Essence Realm.

In order to avoid getting stuck in the bottleneck and being unable to move at that time, you have to get some of this True Essence Liquid.

The group of people continued to walk forward. On the way, they didn't encounter anything weird. On the contrary, it can only make people feel that it is indeed too deserted. It seems that there are no living things. The entire palace is lifeless.

After passing a long arch bridge, the bridge is full of weird aura, I don't know, I thought it was the Naihe Bridge.

Fortunately, no accident happened. After passing the bridge safely, Su Ming discovered that there were six passages in front.

"Brother Su, this is where the True Essence Liquid is hidden. The seniors in the family have said that they choose one at random. Anyway, the amount of True Essence Liquid in each one is different. It depends on luck. "Lin Canghai said calmly.

Su Ming deliberately looked up and found that it was indeed like this. The six passages did not seem to be unique, except that there was a stone sculpture above the passage, which was not very exquisite, and was easily overlooked. Lost.

There are exactly six passages. Obviously this was intentional, because a total of six ancient ruins keys entered six families, which is equivalent to one passage for each family, and they entered to **** the essence of essence.

It’s good to be like this, it’s just fine to face the test of the Temple of Fallen God, and you don't need to kill each other. If you rob each other like that, it is estimated that few people will get out of the Temple of Fallen God.

"Our Gongsun family has gone in first, we need this passage!" Gongsun Lingmu guy pointed directly to the middle passage and said something.

In fact, people have this kind of mind, especially when picking something that is almost the same, people's inertial thinking will like to choose something in the middle. It seems that there is such a feeling that it is definitely not too bad in the middle.

After speaking, the three of the Gongsun family entered directly, which was equivalent to the first to move.

"I want this passage from the Eastern family————"

The other families are similar, they have picked up one after another, in line with the first-come-first-served choice, whoever chooses first is whoever chooses.

Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little speechless. He said that it is necessary to be so anxious. Every family will have one channel, and you can't have one family occupying two.

That's not a shameless question. After your strength is dispersed, you won't be able to get good things at all. It's better to concentrate your strength.

And it's also a matter of luck, it's not that you pick it first, and you take more after you go in, which doesn't make sense.

Soon, Su Ming and the others were left, and the other families had already entered. Even if there was only one person left in the Liu family at this time, he also picked a passage to enter.

At this time, there is still the rightmost channel ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The uppermost side is not to be seen. Su Ming and the others have no choice but to enter this channel.

"Be careful, pay special attention to some organs and the like." After Lin Canghai entered, he exhorted.

Su Ming couldn't help but numb his scalp. It seems that this true essence liquid is not so easy to obtain.

Walking cautiously inside for a while, Su Ming suddenly saw something wrong in front of him, and a burst of green light was shining.

The strength of the ancient martial artists is very powerful, Su Ming carefully fixed his eyes, and immediately said: "Look at it quickly, is that true essence spiritual liquid."

After a few steps forward, it turned out to be like this. There was a moderately sized altar in front of which there happened to be some green liquid, which looked crystal clear and dazzling.

"Yes, it's this thing, this is the true essence spiritual liquid." Lin Wufu said immediately.

Obviously, the two Lin family had met each other. After they saw them, not only the voice of speaking, but also the sound of breathing became a little faster.

The allure of the true essence spiritual liquid can be imagined.

Su Ming was not too excited, and he reminded him: "Be careful, this thing is not so easy to get."

You can think of it with your toes. The true essence is so precious that you can get it at your fingertips.

PS: Let me tell you that this book is still an urban style book, and the following will still be based on urban plots.

Writing the plot of this ancient relic and ancient warrior is also to add some elements to make the book less monotonous, and also to promote the plot, to draw out the identity of Su Qishan and Su Ming's life experience, and it must be written.

I will try my best to speed up, simplify the plot, hurry up to finish writing the ancient relics, and then continue to go back to the city to pretend to be forced. I hope you will be patient.

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