League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1542: Stone statue demon


Not three seconds after Su Ming's voice fell, there was movement on Lin Wufu's side. It turned out that when Lin Wufu's feet took a step forward and then fell, there was a sudden clear voice.

The hearts of several people were raised in unison. It was obvious that where the organ was touched, it should be the floor that Lin Wufu stepped on just now.

The three people leaned together, each facing three directions. This is the best way to defend.

Although it is a bit nervous, it is not surprising, because basically everyone can guess that there are definitely some hidden organs. It is impossible for you to take this true essence liquid away so easily.

Lin Wufu just touched the mechanism ahead of time. Even if Lin Wufu hadn't stepped on it just now, when Su Ming and the others took a few steps forward, it was estimated that the ending would be similar.

"Boom, boom—"

Then there were a few loud noises, and the scalp of the listener was numb, and several gargoyles jumped out of the air.

There is no sign, and I don't know where these things come from. Su Ming also looked up specifically just now. There is nothing strange on it, why suddenly several gargoyles popped out.

Su Mingding glanced at it. There were three gargoyles in total. It seemed that basically all three were carved out of the same mold.

It was about two meters high and looked very large. Su Ming was about 1.8 meters tall. In front of this gargoyle, it seemed almost worthless. Without comparison, there would be no harm.

Suddenly, the closed eyes of this gargoyle flashed light, like a dog, suddenly opened its eyes in the dark, it was blinding people's eyes.

Su Ming and the three of them were all taken aback, their hearts trembled, which seemed a little weird.

And this time Su Ming remembered that when he entered the passage, Su Ming saw the stone sculpture at the top of the passage, but it was smaller and ugly, Su Ming didn't care.

Now I think about it carefully. Isn't that a reduced version of the gargoyle? It seems that when you enter it, it has been foreshadowed. These three gargoyles are the test.

If you want to get that true essence liquid, you must defeat them.

The three huge gargoyles, after a green light appeared in their eyes, seemed to have activated, and they rushed towards Su Ming and the others.

Su Ming immediately moved in his heart, and quickly said: "We three each one by one, we will lead them away!"

For the time being, I still don't know the real combat power of these gargoyles, so I can't be careless. Let's go heads-up first, so that the pressure can be dispersed and the efficiency is higher.

The three of them moved immediately and jumped up directly. They attacked in three directions at the same time, each of them hit a gargoyle, and the fierce battle began.

Su Ming slammed up with a punch first, and used the iron fist skills of the Picheng Marshal, plus his own vitality, but Su Ming's fist still shook, and he felt that the back of his hand was even a little numb.

"Te Niang Di, this is too hard, why do you feel that something made of stone is much harder than steel." Su Ming was very puzzled.

It could be said that he used a lot of power with this punch, and it could completely shatter a small mountain, but facing this gargoyle, Su Ming didn't even knock off his skin.

What's more tragic is that his hands still numb for a while, it seems that Su Ming's first wave of hands has lost some.

"No way!"

Su Ming immediately shook his head, and made up his mind in his own mind that he could no longer fight like this, and he couldn't see the effect in vain, so Su Ming immediately took out his own ruined king's blade from the system space.

At the same time, Jian Ji's passive skills were turned on, allowing Su Ming to possess supreme swordsmanship. Su Ming didn't believe it. No matter how hard you are, there must be weaknesses, and Su Ming only needs to attack the weaknesses.

Sure enough, after Jian Ji's skills were activated, Su Ming looked at it again, and the gargoyle in front of him showed weaknesses in his body.

Unexpectedly, the weakness of this gargoyle turned out to be his neck, that is to say, just attack his neck.


Su Ming moved quickly, like a phantom in the dark, he rushed over, sealed his throat with a sword, and slammed an arc across the neck of the gargoyle with the blade of the ruined king.

Although this thing is lifeless and naturally does not bleed, the effect is exceptionally good. After Su Ming struck it up with a sword, the gargoyle fell directly to the ground.

When I look at the ground again, it turns into a pile of broken stones. It is obvious that Su Ming has given this gargoyle to KO.

Looking at Lin Canghai's side, I don't know what method Lin Canghai used. It also achieved good results. The gargoyle he faced also fell directly to the ground.

Although it didn't turn into rubble like Su Ming's one, it obviously lost its combat effectiveness.

After all, Lin Canghai is still very strong in the late stage of microcosm ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, a gargoyle, he can't deal with it.

On the contrary, on Lin Wufu's side, progress has not been so fast. Lin Wufu is the weakest of the three, and he will definitely have to work harder.

But it wasn't too dangerous. He was trembling with the gargoyle. If it continued like this, it is estimated that Lin Wufu could beat the gargoyle with some effort.

But Su Ming and Lin Canghai couldn't wait. The two of them shot together and went up to help. Su Ming's blade of the ruined king drew a red light in the air, and then the last gargoyle directly GG.


Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't completely remove his defenses. He just listened to Su Ming opening his mouth and said: "Be careful, maybe there is any mechanism or ambush ahead."

It's completely unknown what will happen next second when you come to this place, so it's definitely right to be careful.

However, Su Ming was a little worried. Unexpectedly, he walked directly to the side of the altar and no accident happened. Su Ming and the others were able to clearly see the True Essence Spirit Liquid inside.

"This is the true essence spiritual liquid, right?"

Su Ming took a look and found that the emerald green liquid looked so pleasing to the eye. Su Ming even had a feeling in his heart that it seemed to be greener and purer than the emperor green jade, and it was too delicate.

Lin Canghai's eyes revealed joy, and he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

The three of them were very happy in their hearts, after all, they managed to get the true essence spiritual liquid, which meant that they had hope in the true essence realm in the future.

"Don't be stunned, put it up quickly." Su Ming reminded.

Lin Canghai had already prepared, and took out the white porcelain bottle, and then what surprised Su Ming happened again.

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