League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1545: I'll go ahead and explore the way

When he said this, Lin Canghai spit out unaffectedly, looking like an alive little bastard.

It's hard to see the calm Lin Canghai, with this kind of reaction, Su Ming's heart is not fluctuating and even wants to laugh, it seems that Lin Canghai is also bleeding.

It's really like this. I just played fifty gargoyles. Although it's a bit difficult, it's not so unsustainable.

Not to mention that they know the life gate of the gargoyle, and they still have a great advantage. If they give up when encountering this difficulty, it is indeed too bad. Everyone wants to fight.

Similar to what Su Ming thought, Su Ming didn't want to give up so easily, so Su Ming said, "Okay, then let's go ahead. Remember for a while if we really can't beat it, let's run quickly."


Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai nodded at the same time. After the fifty gargoyles had been beaten just now, no one dared to be careless. There were too many things, and it was also a terrible thing.

The difficulty of the next level is indeed abruptly increased. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a hell-level difficulty.

A full 100 gargoyles, this number has doubled on the basis just now, but the combat power of one hundred gargoyles is obviously more than doubled compared to fifty, and the quantity has reached a certain level. After the degree, it will become a qualitative change.

The battle began. This battle was very tragic. A hundred gargoyles rushed forward, densely packed with fear, and felt like beating zombies in a doomsday game.

It’s very fortunate to know the fate of these gargoyles. Otherwise, there is no hope of winning at all. Many of Su Ming’s skills, especially the powerful ones, can only be used by people, and they cannot be used on these things. .

Su Ming directly activated Wei En's Q skill, which increased his flexibility, allowing him to be more flexible in battle, and to dodge attacks for a while.

After there were more gargoyles, Su Ming couldn't do it with ease.

The battle was fierce. Su Ming almost took his footsteps and swordsmanship to the extreme, and he was fighting frantically.

With a shot of a child, a sword of a gargoyle, Su Ming was almost crazy and fell into an extreme state.

In addition, the two people of the Lin family were also fighting frantically. Because Su Ming used the stone man passive ability [Granite Shield] to protect the body, it was slightly better, and it would not matter if he was beaten a few times.

However, Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu were slightly injured.

This is also no way. Su Ming is already a little overwhelmed, and he doesn't have so much time to take care of them. If you get hurt, get hurt. After the battle is over, Su Ming can heal again.

I don't know how long the battle lasted. Without the concept of time, Su Ming only felt that the sky was dim.


Finally Su Ming cut off the last gargoyle with a sword. Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief, his legs were a little weak. This battle really did not consume a little bit of physical strength.

Take a look at Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai. Compared to Su Ming, they are much more embarrassed, especially Lin Wufu, who has already injured several places.

But Su Ming didn't say anything, and couldn't care for himself to take a breath for a while, so he hurried up to heal the two of them.

With the skills of a nanny, it is hard to die, not to mention that the two of them are not seriously injured.

"One hundred drops of true essence spiritual liquid, a full one hundred drops." Lin Wufu ran to the side of the altar, unable to control the majestic power in his body, his eyes were shining desperately.

It's like a pauper who suddenly won a big prize of five million, and all the five million is cash in front of him.

One porcelain bottle is no longer enough. Thanks to Lin Canghai's preparation, he also brought a slightly larger porcelain bottle. The three of them started working together and filled a hundred drops of True Essence Essence Liquid into it, which was full.

This is really a bumper harvest. Although the battle just now was tough, but as the saying goes, the rewards are extremely sweet.

These one hundred drops of True Essence Essence can be said to be a great fortune. When placed in any Guwu family, this is an incredible treasure. This time, Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai really went against the sky. Luck.

"Let's go out--"

Suddenly making a lot of money, Lin Canghai carried the porcelain bottle in his hand, and said something, no one thought about going ahead.

Now I have figured out the routines here. The difficulty increases several times as you move forward. Just now a hundred are already a bit too much.

If you go further, and two hundred or more pop out at once, you won't be able to play at all. It is estimated that it is possible to send a small life there.

Just as the saying goes, just accept it when you see it.


Su Ming originally thought that he could stop~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly at this time, there was a roaring sound in front of me. I don’t know what was roaring. Su Ming heard it clearly anyway, and it seemed The shaking ground trembled twice.

Lin Wufu and Lin Canghai obviously heard it too. They both changed their expressions immediately. They thought something had happened. They said quickly, "Brother Su, let's go quickly. Chi is going to change, so that nothing happens in a while. ."

Today, I got nearly two hundred drops of this True Essence Spirit Liquid, which can be said to be filled with great satisfaction. The only problem now is, don't be happy and sad. What happened?

But Su Ming's thoughts were different from the two of them. After hearing this voice, Su Ming became a little curious. Is it possible that there are other things besides the immutable gargoyle?

Su Ming suddenly became interested, and I wanted to go in for a look, and finally came here. If I missed it, there would be no chance. Su Ming didn't want to be too regretful.

So Su Ming said, "You two will go back the same way. I'll go in and have a look. I'll pass by right away."

Lin Canghai's expressions changed immediately. Su Ming didn't expect Su Ming to move forward, and said immediately, "No, it's so dangerous. How can you go alone."

Su Mingxin said that I went alone, and the ability to protect myself was better. However, the two of them were also worried about Su Ming, so Su Ming said, "Don't worry, I will take a look. If the situation is not right, I will run away. You believe me."

Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu saw that Su Ming was resolute, and thought about Su Ming’s style. He shouldn’t do anything unsure, so the two of them didn’t say anything. They could only go back the same way and pray for Su Ming. Luck.

"I'll go ahead and explore the way—"

Su Ming was naturally prepared, and directly activated Timo's passive skills and entered the invisibility state.

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