"Brother Canghai, let's just go back, Brother Su will have nothing wrong with him, right?"

After the two of them walked a few steps, Lin Wufu involuntarily stopped, with worries in his eyes. Obviously, he was worried about Su Ming's safety.

Immediately, Lin Wufu looked back and found that Su Ming had disappeared. He thought that Su Ming had already gone forward. The inside was dark and visibility was very low.

How can Lin Canghai not know what Lin Wufu is thinking at this time, Lin Canghai said directly: "Once you are done, don't look at it. Since Brother Su is going to take a look, he must be sure in his heart."

"It's no use worrying about us here. Let's go out first and wait for Brother Su outside. If we are with him, it will cause him trouble." Lin Canghai could understand Su Ming's thoughts.

There might be nothing less troublesome at first, but if you bring the two of them, you may be in trouble. Lin Canghai still knows the gap between the strengths.


Lin Wufu nodded, and said nothing, praying silently in his heart, Su Ming, don't have anything wrong.

In fact, Su Ming didn't go out at all, but after turning on Timo's passive ability [Invisible Wings], he entered a state of invisibility.

Lin Wufu just turned his head and surprised Su Ming. Fortunately, Su Ming activated his skills two seconds earlier. When Lin Wufu turned his head, he was already invisible.

If it's just right and let Lin Wufu see it, then it would be cheating.

Seeing that the two of the Lin family had gone back, Su Ming was relieved too. This also indirectly proved that Su Ming's stealth skills were indeed working, otherwise Lin Wufu would not have seen anything. .

Su Ming felt relieved and walked straight forward.

Fortunately, Su Ming had already upgraded his passive skill once in advance. After the upgrade, Su Ming would not just stand still and be invisible. Now Su Ming can walk around at will.

Moreover, if Su Ming moves, he will not expose himself. Only when Su Ming is touched by others will he expose himself. As long as he is more careful, it should be fine.

Su Ming was cautious along the way, deliberately slowing down his pace a bit, there is no need to be in such a hurry, now you must be careful.

If Su Ming's stealth skill was broken, it would be cheating, and it would be impossible to think about stealth, because then the skill would enter a cooling state.

The next scene was exactly the same, and Su Ming entered another altar.

Seeing the large number of True Essence Essence Liquid in the altar, to be honest, Su Ming was still a little moved. If calculated according to the law, at least two hundred drops, or even more.

Su Ming really wanted to hide himself, so he secretly filled up these true essence spiritual liquids. If he could get all the true essence spiritual liquids in his hands, it would be more than the estimates obtained by all the levels in front of the three people.

But reason still tells Su Ming whether he can do that. There are organs near the altar. If Su Ming gets closer, he will touch the organs. If you want to make a sound, use the True Essence Spirit Liquid. It is almost impossible to get away.

The designer of this level was not so stupid at the time, so naturally he thought of a way to prevent it, and it would be impossible to get rid of the real essence of the gargoyle without getting rid of all the gargoyles here.

And one person wanted to fight two hundred gargoyles. Su Ming said frankly that he couldn't do it, so Su Ming had to give up.

Anyway, Su Ming’s goal was not these true essence spiritual liquids. For the true essence spiritual liquids he obtained before, Su Ming wanted some enough. This time, Su Ming still wanted to see the main purpose of stealing in. Something.

After passing through three more levels in a row, Su Ming finally found that these unchanging levels were gone, and it seemed that the front was not endless.

But after a little thought, you can understand. After all, the latter are too difficult. There are very few who can destroy a hundred gargoyles like Su Ming and others, let alone the following levels. , Are extremely difficult and abnormal, it is impossible for anyone to pass, so it is wasteful to make so many levels.

On the way, Su Ming deliberately walked against the wall, avoiding those organs, so the road went smoothly. Su Ming encountered almost no obstacles and passed the customs.

Of course, this is not a real customs clearance, because after all, he didn't touch those true essence spiritual liquids. Otherwise, it is estimated that Su Ming would have been killed by dense gargoyles.

"What the **** is in it, I want to take a closer look--"

At the end of these levels, all the buildings have changed. It is a huge cave, which looks brightly lit~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which makes people somewhat unexpected that there will be such things in it, so Su Ming Can't help being more interested.

Anyway, Su Ming was in a state of invisibility, and he had nothing to be afraid of, so he walked in directly to see what was inside the cave.

"I wipe it!!!"

As a result, as soon as Su Ming came in, he was immediately frightened. This special lady turned out to be a dragon, a big dragon.

Su Ming also deliberately rubbed his eyes, for fear that he had made a mistake, or had some hallucinations, but after looking at it, Su Ming found that there was no mistake. This is indeed a dragon. Yeah.

Su Ming was about to cry, seeing this legendary thing all of a sudden, Su Ming was really frightened, even if he saw something like Xuan Lei Qilin and Titan Great Ape, Su Ming did not react like this.

After all, it is a dragon. If you want to know the dragon, it is the totem in the hearts of Huaxia people, and its status is too high.

The dragon in front of me was indeed similar to the dragon in Chinese myths and legends. It was huge, at least as long as several tens of meters. Su Ming, in front of it, could really be said to be a small thing.

If there is any difference, this dragon is black all over, a black dragon, it is indeed not as domineering as it looks like gold, it seems that there is a kind of evil aura permeating the whole body.

"calm down--"

Su Ming desperately reminded himself in his heart that he saw it for a while, don't be so boring.

No wonder I heard a domineering roar just now far away. This is the thing that came from the co-author. Su Ming finally understood.

I subconsciously wanted to take out the phone to take a picture, and then I could go out and brag that I saw a dragon, but Su Ming still held back, this phone can't be invisible, and he exposed it when he took it out.

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