
But at this moment, the dark dragon that looked terrifying suddenly moved and made loud noises.

At the same time, his eyes were looking straight at Su Ming's position, as if he had noticed something wrong.

Su Ming raised his throat with a heart, and the hairs all over his body stood up. The horror in his heart is conceivable. I didn't expect him to be discovered. This is too fake.

If this giant dragon finds out about it, it will be over. Su Ming can be sure that no matter how strong he is, he will not be able to run away. The power of the giant dragon is probably even more terrifying than the profound thunder unicorn.

Although Su Ming was nervous, he still held it back. He didn't immediately run away. Instead, he looked at the giant dragon and watched its movements, but he didn't really find Su Ming.

Sure enough, after the dragon got up and looked at it for a while, it lay there again, as if there was no movement again, and it didn't take it too seriously.


Su Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his choice was correct. The perception of this giant dragon is definitely more acute than that of humans, and it is probably that he has noticed something wrong.

However, Su Ming was in a state of invisibility after all. It was impossible for it to see Su Ming's. It thought that he felt something was wrong and didn't take it seriously.

If Su Ming was frightened and ran away just now, it is estimated that a major event will come out and it is very likely that he will be discovered.

Seeing that the dragon was lying there again, there was no more movement, but Su Ming became bold in his heart and looked around for a while.

This cave is too big, Su Ming feels that the height of the cave must be more than 100 meters. In the duny world, it is impossible to see such a big cave.

It's really hard to imagine that there can be such a place in this Falling Temple. What is even more surprising is that there is a dragon here. It is really hard to imagine why there is such a existence.

And even though it is a cave, this cave is completely the opposite of what everyone remembers. The cave here seems to have a feeling of magnificence.

Why is it so bright here? Su Ming looked up and saw that all the walls on all sides were Ye Mingzhu, and all of them had to be at least the size of a fist. If they were taken out, they would be invaluable.

With so many night pearls on the wall, it would be weird if it were still dark here. What is even more horrifying is that Su Ming also found mountains of gold and silver jewelry here.

It looks magnificent, it really brightens people's eyes, and people who don't know think that they have found some incredible treasure.

This quantity is really too much, and the jewels and the like seem to be all good, just take them out. It is estimated that there is no need to worry in this life, enough to live a lifetime carefree.

"Hao, Zhen Te Niang Di Hao is inhuman."

Su Ming murmured a word in his heart, but when he glanced at this dark dragon, Su Ming probably understood that dragons have a special feature. They like to collect gold and silver jewelry.

Speaking of these things for them, the wool is useless, they cannot be eaten, they cannot be used, and they cannot be exchanged for money, because they are useless if they require money.

But they still like these sparkling things. When they find it in the collection, it seems that the piles of gold and silver jewels next to them are very cool.

So over time, there are naturally a lot of gold and silver jewelry piled up here, which is a very exaggerated figure. What Su Ming saw is only a part of it. After looking at it, there are still several piles next to this giant dragon. It looks dazzling, and I feel very impulsive in my heart.

"What is this?"

Su Ming glanced at a place not far from the giant dragon, and he was taken aback for a moment. There was something like a big water pool, and the pool was full of green things. It looked a little disgusting, and it looked like polluted water.

Suddenly, it seemed a bit disgusting. A pool of spring water sounded quite poetic, but it had nothing to do with a pool of green water. The big green pool did look a bit disgusting.

Su Ming squeezed his nose and took a closer look, and found that there was no smell. Then he took a closer look and suddenly found that something was wrong.

"Fuck, won't this be?"

Su Ming's heartbeat speeded up abruptly. No wonder Su Ming looked so familiar with the liquid in this pool, because it looked like a real essence liquid.

Glancing at the dark dragon, the dark dragon is lying down at this time, with its huge body facing away from here, that is to say, this is its blind spot of vision.

After Su Ming took a look, he became courageous involuntarily, and starved to death the courageous. It's not enough if the courage is not enough, Su Ming started directly.

He stretched out into the pool and fished it, and as expected, a drop of True Essence Liquid in the shape of a drop appeared in Su Ming's hands.

It turned out to be the True Essence Essence Liquid, Su Ming was really excited this time, never thought that this pool was actually the True Essence Essence Liquid~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although this is a water pool, there are also water pools. In terms of size, the water pool in front of you is obviously very large. After Su Ming jumped in, he could swim for at least ten minutes before reaching the end.

In such a large pool, it turned out to be filled with True Essence Liquid, which is too exaggerated, it is really too exaggerated.

When he got a hundred drops before, Su Ming felt like he was making a fortune, but now it is doing well. In the big water pool in front of him, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 drops, right?

It was like a person who had made 10,000 yuan a month, and felt that it was already incredible, but suddenly found that there were tens of millions of cash in front of him.

Such a big gap would inevitably have an impact on people, and Su Ming probably felt that way at this time.

Looking at the dark dragon again, it is estimated that these true essence spiritual liquids are all from it, and suddenly a picture appeared in Su Ming's mind.

This dark dragon put a little real essence liquid in one of the previous levels, and then let everyone fight through the level, fighting to die for a little real essence liquid.

And it just watched here quietly, if that was the case, it would be terrible.

Su Ming's heart moved, and I have to say that Su Ming was really heartbroken at this time. If you don't take some of the true essence spiritual liquid, then Su Ming will not come here for nothing.

On the contrary, Su Ming has no interest in the gold, silver and jewelry. Su Ming is not interested in such a huge amount of wealth, because Su Ming is not short of money, and it is useless to ask for it.

On the contrary, these True Essence Essence Liquids are extremely precious. Even if Su Ming can't use so much, it must be right to get them in his hands. They can be sold to those ancient warriors.

So Su Ming had a bold idea in his heart.

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