League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1548: 1 stick shameless

Su Ming is very simple, he is not the kind of wicked person, Su Ming's idea is very simple, just want to put all the true essence of this water pool in one pot.

This thing is too tempting. Su Ming can't see what he doesn't move. It's not Su Ming's style, and don't forget that Su Ming can be invisible, which is equivalent to having unique conditions.

"Go ahead, finally bumped into it, after passing this village there will be no such shop."

No matter how honest people are, there will be some greed in their hearts, let alone people like Su Ming, who are not honest. After tangling for about two seconds, Su Ming directly made up his mind. To give up, it is too heartache.

Su Ming kept comforting himself in his heart, giving himself courage, anyway, he was invisible, this dark dragon couldn't see his movements, just need to be careful.

After making up his mind, Su Ming moved directly and opened the system space. Su Ming discovered a magical place in the system space.

Normally, if Su Ming wants to put something in, just open the system space and just move his mind.

And this time Su Ming tried it, trying to install all the true essence of the water pool into the system space, but the operation failed because there were too many things and it was not an individual.

But something more interesting happened. Although it could not be installed all at once, this true essence spiritual liquid seemed to be attracted, and it was continuously entering the system space, even forming a line.

This is undoubtedly much faster than Su Ming's own manual efficiency, if Su Ming put it in it drop by drop, it is estimated that he would break his own hand.

Su Ming yelled, hurry up, while watching the movement of the dark dragon. This thing seems to be sleeping, and its acuity has dropped a lot. As a result, he really didn’t realize what was happening behind it. Su Ming put its baby, it's almost ready to be served in a pot.

The True Essence Spirit Liquid is a kind of almost substantial liquid. In fact, it can be directly held by hand. After entering the system space, there is no need to worry about storage.

Not to mention that this system space is originally a very magical place, where animals can survive without eating or drinking, and this true essence liquid shouldn't happen.

The true essence spiritual liquid in the big water pool is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. To put it simply, the water level is constantly falling.

"Almost almost done—"

Su Ming saw that this big water pool was about to bottom out, so he immediately stopped and closed the system space.

It’s so easy to meet afterwards. Su Ming thought about it. One pot is too cruel, so let’s leave a little foundation for it.

Anyway, Su Ming is already making a lot of money now, and the system space is full of Dangdang, at least tens of thousands of drops of True Essence Liquid.

If the Guwu clan knew about this, it is estimated that the big brothers in the clan would be dispatched together and directly rushed to divide Su Ming's body.

After Su Ming finished his actions, he glanced at the dark dragon again, but fortunately, this one still did not move.

So Su Ming just step by step, slipped cautiously, and ran away after stealing things. This feeling was really exciting.


Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu didn't know that Su Ming was inside, and they made a big deal. Su Ming asked them to go back the same way, and they both went back obediently.

The two people are still in a very good mood. They have obtained so many True Essence Essence Essence, which is a great harvest, and it is estimated that they will make a splash in the family when they go back.

If it wasn't for Su Ming's absence at this time, and some worry about Su Ming in his heart, it is estimated that the two of them would be in a better mood.

"It's all out—"

After Lin Wufu and the others came out, they suddenly discovered that people from several other families had all come out at this time.

Everyone seemed a little embarrassed. Lin Wufu took a look and found that almost all the people who came in just now except for Su Ming were there. This surprised him a bit. He didn't expect that they were the last to come out.

In fact, this is nothing strange. The other families came out without passing a few levels at all, but Su Ming and the others passed the one hundred gargoyle level.

Just on that level, it wasted a lot of time, more than the combined time of the previous levels, it was not very surprising that the last one came out.

"Where is Su Ming?"

Ouyang Shuo paid close attention to Su Ming, and found that only two of them had come out, so he couldn't help but ask.

Lin Wufu was very insensitive to this Ouyang Shuo, and even had some unspeakable disgust, so Lin Wufu directly cursed: "What's up with you!"

Who knows that Ouyang Shuo saw this reaction, but he was not angry but was overjoyed. Su Ming didn't come out. Did he mean something happened to him inside?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is only this possibility~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If Su Ming is fine, why didn't he come out with them?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is that this happiness came too suddenly. Su Ming, who caused the Ouyang family to have a headache, had an accident on his own, which is really pleasing!

Ouyang Shuo and Ouyang Kaiyin looked at each other, and it was obvious that they could see something in the eyes of each other.

Since Su Ming is not there, then the two Lin family are naturally not afraid. Through eye contact, the two seem to reach a consensus in an instant.

Ouyang Kaiyin took two steps forward and said, "Brother Lin, you look relaxed, and you are the last one to come out. It seems that you have gained a lot from it."

"How many True Essence Essence I got, take it out for us to see." The guy from Ouyang Shuo also said, and the two of them sang and matched, and they cooperated pretty well.

The expressions of Lin Canghai and Lin Wufu changed in an instant. The people of the Ouyang clan had no good intentions and wanted to hit their true essence spirit liquid.

Su Ming had Lin Canghai hold the true essence spiritual liquid he obtained, and at this time the two porcelain bottles were both on Lin Canghai's body.

Lin Canghai was not so stupid. He really took out the true essence spirit liquid, said how much he had obtained, and showed off.

It was an extremely stupid behavior. As the saying goes, wealth is not exposed, not to mention the true essence and spirit liquid, which makes people extremely jealous. If you take it out, you must be robbed.

Lin Canghai had a bad premonition, so he immediately said: "How many true essence spiritual liquids are obtained, it is up to you."

"Why doesn't it matter to us?"

Ouyang Kaiyin continued walking forward and said, "Take it out and let our Ouyang family keep it for you."

Ouyang Kaiyin played their Ouyang family, always shameless style.

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