League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1580: King Gu is here too

Su Ming suddenly thought of something, so he quickly asked: "By the way, will Mr. Liu come this time?"


When Lao Ling heard this, he immediately laughed, and said, "Do you really want to see the fellow Liu Tou? I know you must think that way."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not take him this time. That shameless thing will definitely not let him come." Ling Lao said.


Su Ming was really convinced, and he mentioned Lao Liu on the phone. Lao Ling could be happy for a long time. It is really fun for two people to love and kill each other.

Knowing that Ling Lao will have to come in a few days, Su Ming knew that this day is not going to be free, I hope Lao Liu will not come with him, otherwise the two old men can really bring Su Ming to life.

I also don't know what Ling Lao deliberately came to Ningcheng again. It is probably not a trivial matter.

It's just that Su Ming can't figure it out now, there is no way, only Ling Lao can come over.

After returning home at night, Su Ming discovered that Su Qishan had returned and was busy packing up at home.

In the past ten days, the father and son were not at home. Su Ming went to sleep immediately after returning, and did not clean up. Instead, Su Qishan was cleaning up.

"I'm back, come over for dinner, I stopped cooking and bought some outside." Su Qishan didn't ask Su Ming where he went, but said directly.

Su Ming had actually eaten it, but I saw that Su Qishan bought a lot of cooked vegetables, all of which were the kind of food to go with, and he also carried a few bottles of cold beer, which was obviously a drinking posture, so Su Ming sat down and drank with Su Qishan A little bit.

At the same time, Su Ming also released the little wolf in the space and fed it something to eat. It has not been released for so many days. Although there is no need to eat or drink in the system space, it is still different from the magic marsh frog. Yes, Su Ming felt that after a long stay, this little thing was suffocated to death.

Sure enough, the little thing was not happy after it was released, and jumped up and down happily. Su Ming threw something in the bowl and gave it to eat.

Su Qishan glanced at Little Wolf, moved in his heart, and said, "Su Ming, where did you get this little thing?"

Now there is nothing to hide from Su Qishan, so Su Ming said: "This matter is complicated to talk about, and it was accidentally obtained on the mountain. At the time, I snatched it from an ancient warrior."

"You have come into contact with other ancient martial artists. Who are you? Don't you know your name?" Su Qishan immediately looked tight.

Su Ming knew what Su Qishan was worried about, so he said, "Don't worry, that guy was killed by me."

When I heard this Su Qishan, I was relieved, because in this world, only the dead would keep secret forever.

Closer to home, Su Qishan glanced at the little wolf who was eating happily, and said, "You have to protect this little thing. It is a spirit beast with a pure bloodline. After it grows up, it must be very powerful."

As soon as he heard Su Qishan, he could tell that the little wolf is a spirit beast, so Su Ming brightened his eyes and said quickly, "Dad, do you know this little thing?"

Su Ming never understood the origin of this little wolf. Although Su Ming could guess that it was not simple, he still couldn't tell what kind of breed it was.

Su Qishan said directly: "How can I tell this, I have never seen this kind of wolf, besides, there are too many types of spirit beasts in the ancient martial world, so let's wait for it to grow up slowly."

Su Qishan's words made Su Ming more confident in this little wolf. As long as he is raised, it will definitely help Su Ming no matter what.

Looking at the little wolf who was eating again, Su Ming couldn't help feeling guilty. With such a pure bloodline, he actually chewed on the bones of a spirit beast, and it has a proper tendency to evolve into Erha.

Early the next morning, after Su Ming woke up, he found that Su Qishan had gone out. Needless to say, Su Qishan went to Ningcheng Machinery Factory to get busy again.

That day, Su Ming was amazed. Since that day, Su Qishan has been like usual when he came back, becoming an ordinary person again.

Like Su Qishan's acting skills, even Su Ming was shocked and admired, and he didn't know how to do it.

Summer is not as good as winter. Although it is almost autumn now, it is still the breath of summer. Autumn tigers are not a joke.

Generally speaking, it’s better to sleep under the covers in winter. In summer, I almost don’t have the feeling of sleeping late. After I wake up, I can’t fall asleep over and over again.

Thinking of Cheng Ruofeng's wife yesterday, Miao Yushi was not feeling well and went to the hospital. She didn't know what was going on, so Su Ming wanted to call and ask.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't call Su Ming yesterday. According to Su Ming's guess, there should be no major problem. Otherwise, Cheng Ruofeng knows Su Ming's medical skills, and he must have sought Su Ming.

But I still have to make a phone call. At least my good friends and brothers need to be concerned. After the call is connected, Su Ming asked: "Ruo Feng, what's going on in the rain, right?"

Cheng Ruofeng was obviously not in good spirits. He should have been in the hospital yesterday. He didn't sleep well all night. Hearing Cheng Ruofeng said: "It's nothing big, but the child in the stomach has some reactions, so people are uncomfortable and the pregnancy reaction is more serious. "

"Is the due date coming soon?" Su Ming asked.

Generally, the sooner the due date is approaching ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, that is, when the woman's belly is bigger, the reaction is basically very strong at this time.

Cheng Ruofeng said: "It is not the due date, and there is still more than a month, but her body is a little special when it rains, and her reaction is a little bigger."

Su Ming didn't say anything. This is a normal phenomenon. Different women's bodies are different. Some people have a greater reaction. Maybe they have a big reaction when they are pregnant, and they will vomit twice in three days.

After some women become pregnant, just like those who are okay, what should they do? Maybe the child will soon be born and will not vomit.

"The doctor said that during this period of rain, you have to stay in the hospital until the child is born. The care in the hospital is better. I have to accompany her first these few days. The company will not be able to pass." Cheng Ruofeng said something to Su Ming.

Su Ming could understand, and said: "Just leave the company's affairs alone, just leave it to Huzi."

"By the way, Yushi her grandfather, King Gu, they should come back these two days after they heard that Yushi was uncomfortable." Cheng Ruofeng thought of this and said to Su Ming.

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