Su Ming was quite surprised when he heard this news. He really didn't expect King Gu to come over too. It seems that he got the news very quickly.

But it doesn’t feel too surprising to think about it. After all, this is the granddaughter of King Gu. It is reasonable that the child she carried in the belly of Miao Yu was the great-grandson of King Gu. It should be.

There has been no contact with the Gu King for a while, and Su Ming estimated that the split between the two tribes on the Miao border should have been resolved, otherwise the Gu King would have no time to come.

I don't know how King Gu came here. It was definitely not a plane. He couldn't accept that way of traveling, so he couldn't get there for a while. It might take a few days.

After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that he had collided with Ling Lao. Ling Lao also waited a few days to come over. Su Ming felt that the two people had discussed it.

I was afraid that it would not be easy to deal with the crash, so Su Ming said: "Then you pay attention to entertaining, it can be regarded as your mother's family, and you will tell me when someone arrives."


Cheng Ruofeng had thought of it suddenly, so I just mentioned it to Su Ming. Su Ming and Gu King are relatively familiar.

A few days have passed since the days were relatively dull. Su Ming has been waiting for Ling Lao's arrival. After all, Ling Lao's day has come.

Su Ming borrowed a car and went to the airport early. This time, he had to go earlier to avoid letting Ling Lao arrive first. Su Ming would inevitably be teased by Ling Lao then.

After waiting for about an hour at Ningcheng International Airport, I saw Lao Ling and his party. In fact, there were only three people.

In addition to Ling Lao, the other two, one is Ling Zimo, and the other is the facial paralyzed face. This guy is Ling Lao’s personal guard, much like that kind of guard. He has been with Ling Lao. , It is not a strange thing.

Sure enough, Lao Liu didn't come this time. Su Ming was relieved to see that Lao Liu didn't come. Fortunately for one old man, it would be difficult for two old men to do it.

"Zimo, here, here..."

After seeing it from a long distance, Su Ming opened his voice and shouted a few times at the exit to pick up the plane, attracting their attention, for fear of not seeing himself.

I didn't call Ling Lao's name deliberately because I was afraid that the voice was too loud and there was a risk of exposure. After all, Ling Lao's identity was too special, and we must be more cautious.

"Brother Su Ming"

After hearing Su Ming's voice, a few people walked directly over here. There were not many passengers at this time today, so it was easy to recognize Su Ming by following the voice.

Ling Zimo took a brisk pace and walked in the forefront. He jumped to the front of Su Ming, his youthful vitality was unobstructed, and attracted the attention of many people along the way.

After rushing over, Ling Zimo immediately hugged Su Ming, and at the same time yelled cordially. Seeing Ling Zimo now so energetic, Su Ming felt a sense of accomplishment that could not be concealed.

If it hadn't been for Su Ming's initial shot, Ling Zimo would not have said that he had successfully stood up from the wheelchair. I am afraid it would be uncertain whether he could save his life.

"Boy, why don't you see the old man not enthusiastic at all?" Ling Lao squinted his eyes and said, talking about Su Ming. In fact, seeing his expression is quite happy.

Seeing that Su Ming and Ling Zimo were very close, for some reason, Ling Lao felt unspeakable joy.

"What the old Ling said, don't mention it. I feel that you seem to be more and more energetic than last time." Su Ming immediately changed the subject calmly.

This flattering shot is still very useful. After listening to it, Ling Lao was obviously very happy, and said: "Is it, I guess I drink your Guanyin tea all day. It works."


Su Ming gave a dry smile, and said that I just said casually, you actually took it seriously.

This time Su Ming came in a car, so Ling Lao didn't specifically arrange for a car to come over. The group of people rode in Su Ming's car directly.

"Lao Ling, are there any arrangements for coming over this time?" Su Ming asked, actually just wanting to ask Lao Ling where he was going: "Is it the last resort?"

"I didn't notify me this time, so the people in the nursing center didn't know that I was here. I won't stay in Ningcheng for a few days, so I booked a hotel without that need!" Ling Lao said.

It is always weird to hear people of this level like Ling Lao go to a hotel, but the high-end hotel infrastructure is very good, don't worry about Ling Lao will not be used to living, anyway, only a few days.

After hearing the name of the hotel, Su Ming happened to know where the hotel was, so he drove Ling Lao there directly.

When he was driving, Su Ming already wanted to ask. Old Ling came to Ningcheng on purpose this time and came to find himself, what he wanted to say.

However, Ling Zimo was there with the paralyzed face, and Ling Lao didn't directly say this, Su Ming held back and did not ask.

If Ling Lao didn't say it at this time, it means that it is not the time yet, and we are not in a hurry at this time. Let Ling Lao want to talk later.

After arriving at the hotel, before saying a few words, Cheng Ruofeng called: "Boss, King Gu and they have arrived, I just picked them up!"

"It's all here, where are you now, have you settled down yet?" Su Ming asked immediately.

I didn't expect King Gu and the others to arrive. It was exactly the same as Su Ming thought. King Gu and Old Ling crashed, and they arrived at Ningcheng on the same day. This is really godly.

"I haven't settled yet, now I'm in the hospital." Cheng Ruofeng said.

"It's not easy for them to come here. The boats and cars are overwhelming, so I have to quickly arrange a place for them to Cheng Ruofeng smiled bitterly: "I said the same, but when they are worried about the rain, they want to come to the hospital. , I can only bring it over, so what to say. "

Su Ming thought that it was true. He came to see the situation of Miao Yu and asked them to rest. I guess no one wants to.

Before Su Ming could speak, Cheng Ruofeng went on to say: "Boss, where are you now, if there is nothing wrong, you can come here, I can't stand it a bit."

When saying the latter sentence, Cheng Ruofeng's voice was deliberately lowered.

Su Ming immediately became happy when he heard this. It is estimated that he was facing the Gu King at the same time, listening to Cheng Ruofeng's meaning, not only Gu King came.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't know them too well either, they were both her maiden family, and the aura on Gu King was really unstoppable for ordinary people.

Su Ming smiled and said, "Okay, I'll be here in a while!"

(End of this chapter)

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