Su Ming quite understands his inner feelings, so Su Ming directly told Cheng Ruofeng and asked Cheng Ruofeng to wait for a while.

Not only was it to help Cheng Ruofeng, but the Gu King came all the way. Su Ming had to go over and take a look at it. After all, everyone was acquaintance and the relationship was good.

This call didn't evade Ling Lao, so Ling Lao heard it all at once. After Su Ming hung up the phone, Ling Lao said directly: "You have something to do. If you have something to do, go directly. I'll take a rest. "


Su Ming nodded directly, and it turned out that Ling Lao was still considerate, and he saw that he was okay, but he didn't let Su Ming take the initiative to speak.

"Can you finish the night?"

At this time, Elder Ling spoke again and said, "If you can finish your work in the evening, then find a place to have a meal together. By the way, I will tell you about the visit to Ningcheng this time."

Su Ming immediately moved in his heart when he heard this, and said, "No problem, I have time at night."

After thinking about it, I would only take a look at the Gu King's side. This is only the afternoon, and I guess it won't take that much time. In the evening, let Cheng Ruofeng entertain the Gu King and the others.

Su Ming went straight out. Cheng Ruofeng's wife Miao Yu went to the Affiliated Hospital of Ning Medical University. This is the best hospital in Ningcheng. It is not surprising that she would choose here.

Su Ming at the Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical University is already very familiar with it. It can be said that he does not deal with that much, so he just arrived by taxi.

When I came to the inpatient department, the fifth floor of the inpatient department was on the obstetrics and gynecology side. After coming in, I felt an unusual breath. Many of them were hospitalized here after giving birth, or expecting to give birth. .

All the women lying in the ward were all women. Although it was not the first time to come here, it was really the first time to come to the inpatient department of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Cheng Ruofeng had already sent a text message to Su Ming in advance, so Su Ming was easily found. At the same time, Su Ming also bought some health care products on the way. After all, he came to visit Miao Yu. It’s not good to be empty-handed. .

"The boss is here"

Cheng Ruofeng stayed in the ward, and it was actually quite tormented. King Gu and the others were less talkative than one. They could only say a few words to Miao Yushi, as if they had nothing to say to Cheng Ruofeng.

This is not to have any opinion on Cheng Ruofeng. Those people who are purely Gu raisers will definitely have a more introverted personality. If you speak more, they are withdrawn. Generally speaking, they don't like talking.

But if you don't talk together, it will be more embarrassing, so Cheng Ruofeng just wanted to get some topic out.

But unfortunately Cheng Ruofeng has not been successful, because everyone can hardly find a common topic, and there are some common topics in Miao Yushi, but he can't say a few words.

And Cheng Ruofeng is not a person who talks a lot like that. If it hadn't been for Su Ming, who had figured out his boring side during this period of time, it is estimated that Cheng Ruofeng would have fewer words.

It didn't take long for Cheng Ruofeng to collapse. If this continues, it is estimated that before Miao Yu is discharged from the hospital, Cheng Ruofeng feels that he has to be hospitalized.

Fortunately, Su Ming had already arrived at this time. After seeing Su Ming opening the door, Cheng Ruofeng breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had seen a savior, he quickly got up and said something.

The actions of Cheng Ruofeng, other people also noticed Su Ming at once. Su Ming's status in Miaojiang was too high. The Gu King in the house and his grandson Wu Qiu, after seeing Su Ming, could not bother to sit. , And quickly stood up.

"the Lord"

After the fellow Gu King got up, he wanted to call Su Ming "Master" as soon as he opened his mouth. He was already used to shouting, so he blurted out the unconscious.

Su Ming immediately changed his face when he uttered the first word. This name is too strange. If he yells it out, it will inevitably make people feel weird. Su Ming does not want too many people to know about the master and servant blood contract. So Su Ming immediately coughed.

Pretending to squeeze his throat twice, Su Ming pretended to say: "I'll go, just now this accidentally seemed to be choked by my saliva."


Everyone was speechless for a while, but no one doubted Su Ming, thinking that Su Ming was accidentally choked by his saliva.

Only Gu King suddenly understood what Su Ming meant, and he was taken aback. Su Ming had told him not to call him "Master".

Fortunately, Su Ming reminded him in time. If he didn't remind him, Gu King probably would have called it out, so the Gu King who reacted immediately changed his words and said, "Mr. Su, you are here too."

"Well, when did you arrive, sit down and talk quickly, don't stand!" Su Ming said.


As a result, when he saw Miao Yu, who was lying on the bed with a big belly, he even thought of saying hello to Su Ming, but Su Ming was shocked, and he said how could this be possible.

So Su Ming hurried forward, made a gesture, and then said: "Lie down quickly, don't be polite to me, take a good rest!"

After chatting for a few words, I asked about Miao Yushi's physical condition, and at the same time, I also asked questions about how King Gu came here and how long it took.

Although it didn't sound too nutritious, Su Ming succeeded in reviving the whole situation, and Cheng Ruofeng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, this is the gap. After Su Ming arrived, the awkward atmosphere in the ward just now disappeared.

After a few chattering words Su Ming said: "By the way, are you two here in Miaojiang this time?"

Su Ming was also looking for something to say. It feels like the two of them came here, because they and Miao Yushi are a family. Although the others are from the same tribe, there is no obvious blood relationship.

Unexpectedly, Gu King seemed to think of something all of a sudden, and immediately asked: "By the way, what about Ebony?"


Su Ming was stunned for a moment, and said to his heart what the **** this ebony was, as if he had never heard of it.

King Gu explained: "Ebony is also from our King Gu tribe. I wanted to come and have a look, so I took him with him. I said that I went to the bathroom. It's been a while, and I haven't come back yet."

He had gone before Su Ming came, and he had been chatting for more than half an hour, and he hadn't come back yet. I just spoke and didn't expect him for a while. If it weren't for Su Ming, he probably hadn't expected it.

Wu Qiu was also taken aback for a moment, and said, "Could it be lost?"

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