League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1585: Drive out of the hospital

Cheng Ruofeng is also a violent temper, but this violent temper has not been revealed for a long time, but this does not mean that he is ready to talk.

When I heard that the person from my natal family was insulted in this way, the key point was that the middle-aged man wearing glasses still looked very arrogant, which made Cheng Ruofeng very intolerable.

There is one thing that Cheng Ruofeng is very similar to Su Ming, that is, he can't tolerate people around him being bullied casually, so Cheng Ruofeng's violent temper can't be tolerated at once, and he suddenly slapped him up.

Ebony's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly. In fact, for people in Miaojiang, they don't know so many reasonable things.

Violence is undoubtedly a good method. Just now, Cheng Ruofeng's slap has won a lot of Ebony's favor. It seems that his brother-in-law is not an easy person, but this is in line with Ebony's appetite.


But the middle-aged man wearing glasses was miserable. Cheng Ruofeng's slap was slapped out with anger, and he was destined to be strong, so he was beaten miserably.

The whole person swayed twice and still didn't hold it up. He fell directly to the ground, covering his face and screaming like a pig. The two patients who had just come to the toilet were frightened.

I thought that the psychiatric hospital ran into the wrong ward, so I didn't dare to go to the toilet for a while, so I stubbornly held back.

"Honey, how are you?"

The smile on the young woman's face froze all of a sudden, she had a gloating look just now, she was about to bully the country folks, but in a blink of an eye, her man was beaten, which scared her off.

So the young woman hurriedly knelt on the ground, held the middle-aged man wearing glasses, and asked how he was doing.

It was just that the face was a little red and swollen, and the slap in the face could not kill anyone, and it alleviated after screaming for a while.

With the support of the young woman, the middle-aged man wearing glasses finally stood up, the expression on his face looked a little scary for a while.

It's just that the big redness and swelling on the right side of his face weakened his momentum a lot.

"How dare you hit me? You...you..."

Cheng Ruofeng looked at this guy with a little contempt. Cheng Ruofeng didn't know how many such idiots had seen before. Seeing him flaunting his might, when he actually wanted to do it, he was very embarrassed.

"Why, you have to continue fighting. If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end. If you don't want to fight, you will obediently apologize to my relatives!" Cheng Ruofeng said coldly.

Next to this middle-aged man wearing glasses, in addition to the young woman, there are actually two other people who seem to be gentle and normal.

At first glance, it was the kind of scholar who said that the power of the hand is too exaggerated, but it is not much stronger. These two guys should also know their own level, so they dare not touch Cheng Ruofeng at all.

The face of the middle-aged man wearing glasses changed a bit. At this time, he was in an absolutely disadvantaged position. Now Cheng Ruofeng and Ebony have become the kind of hooligans in his eyes. They are still hooligans from the countryside. Really fight, I am afraid he will be Killed.

However, it is almost impossible to make him apologize. He has to apologize after being beaten. He hasn't experienced this kind of anger for a long time. Today these two "countrymen" must be severely taught.

This guy glanced at Cheng Ruofeng and Ebony twice, and immediately thought of something, but with a weird smile on his face, he said, "You two appeared on this floor. Someone at home should be hospitalized here, right?"

I didn't expect this just now. In fact, I guessed it right away. It's not a difficult thing.

Basically what appears in the inpatient department here, except for the patients and medical staff, that is the accompanying family members, and here is the inpatient department of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

The only people who are hospitalized here are women. It is impossible for the two elders to be hospitalized here. Then there is only one possibility. They must be the family members of the mother, otherwise, unless the brain is broken The inpatient department of the hospital is here to play.

"none of your business!"

This is nothing to Cheng Ruofeng. Cheng Ruofeng didn't admit or deny it, but said something politely.

I don't know why, Cheng Ruofeng always feels that this middle-aged man wearing glasses has a breath that makes him feel very uncomfortable, especially when he is speaking, the official tone is too heavy and makes people feel uncomfortable.

Anyway, this guy is not a good bird. Cheng Ruofeng doesn't need to worry too much. It's just a shot now. If there are few people, it is estimated that Cheng Ruofeng will have to take extraordinary measures to deal with him.

But after hearing what Cheng Ruofeng said, the middle-aged man wearing glasses smiled. Although Cheng Ruofeng didn't admit it, as long as he heard what he said just now, he would probably understand it in his heart and confirmed that his guess was correct.

Then the middle-aged man wearing glasses said: "Someone in the family is giving birth here, right? You wait for me, I will let you go out in a while, and I want to be hospitalized here, no way!"

This guy spoke very loudly, as if this hospital was run by him, he could just let Cheng Ruofeng and the others get out.

If there are any family members who are hospitalized here, it is nothing more than giving birth soon and finishing the baby. There are different methods of giving birth. There are normal births and caesarean births. Normal births recover quickly and may not need to be hospitalized. You can go home in two days.

But Caesarean birth is different. There are some damages to the body, and it takes time to recover. It also has to prevent wound infections, so it must be hospitalized.

Regardless of the situation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is very serious, and it must be extremely weak. If he is driven out of the hospital at this time, it will definitely be enough for him.

The girl dared to beat him. He really didn't know how high the world was. He had to let this kid from the country learn the lesson.

First drive his family members out of the hospital, and then say hello to the Ningcheng Police Station, and directly arrest him and squat for a few days, otherwise he will really not be taken seriously.

Cheng Ruofeng laughed when he heard this, and kicked him out of the hospital? This might be a good joke.

You must know that this is the affiliated hospital of Ning Medical University, not only the best hospital in Ningcheng, but also the directors of Yin Rengui and Cheng Ruofeng, who knew each other through Su Ming's relationship.

There is a relationship with the dean, Cheng Ruofeng really doesn't believe it, so he deliberately said: "You want to kick my family out of here? You can kick out and count me lose."

"Ha ha-"

The middle-aged man wearing glasses sneered twice and said: "Tell you, I know the dean here, do you really think that if you pay the money, you won't be driven away?"

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