League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1586: Identity is really not average

Seeing Cheng Ruofeng smile so contemptuously, the middle-aged man wearing glasses felt that Cheng Ruofeng looked down, and suddenly became angry.

I thought Cheng Ruofeng didn't believe what he said, and couldn't bear it all at once, so he immediately said, "Okay, you don't believe it, do you? I won't let you cry until later."


Immediately, the middle-aged man took out his mobile phone and dialed a call. After about ten seconds, the call should be connected.

The middle-aged man wearing glasses smiled and said, "Dean Yin, this is Zhang Benjun. There is something in the obstetrics and gynecology department, and you need to come here quickly!"

After saying this, this guy hung up the phone directly. It seemed that his attitude was not very good when he called Yin Rengui.

Such an attitude caused Cheng Ruofeng to be stunned for a moment, and asked who this guy was. It is reasonable that Yin Rengui is the dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Ning Medical University, even if your status is higher than him.

But in the hospital, you have to be polite when you find someone to do the job. This is human nature. As a result, the tone of the middle-aged man with glasses just now didn’t mean anything polite. It seemed to sound more like a command.

Cheng Ruofeng naturally noticed what was wrong at once, and couldn't help thinking in secret, asking if he could be this guy. Is his identity really simple?

But after another thought, Cheng Ruofeng didn't want to think about it. There was nothing to worry about. He had already offended him anyway, and it was obviously impossible to reconcile.

Moreover, Cheng Ruofeng and Yin Rengui also knew each other, and I really didn't believe that Yin Rengui could listen to him and drive himself out, even if his identity was not simple, it would be a big deal to invite Su Ming over.

After thinking about this, Cheng Ruofeng suddenly had no worries, and Cheng Ruofeng also thought of another possibility. It is possible that this guy just made a call just now, just pretending to be forced.

Who knows who he is calling? It is possible to dial a number at random, or not to call out at all.

"Wait for me, you will be ready to roll up the bedding and **** off, you country folks deserve to be hospitalized here too?" This guy still sighed very badly. With these words, Cheng Ruofeng felt that he couldn't let him go today. , It's too special and lacking quality.

Cheng Ruofeng's hometown is indeed a rural village, but Cheng Ruofeng didn't feel anything about it, but this product kept mentioning it, as if the countryman was his father.

The young woman is also becoming arrogant. Two people who don’t lose are a pair. The **** looks at the mung bean. They have the kind of reluctant and unforgiving personality. They have to do something with you, especially after suffering a little loss. We will never give up when we find the venue.

Cheng Ruofeng didn't dare, and said directly: "Okay, I want to see if you can drive me out. If you don't drive me out today, I will blow your head!"

"Prosecutor Zhang, why did he hang up so anxiously on the phone? What happened?"

After waiting for less than ten minutes, Cheng Ruofeng was surprised that Yin Rengui actually came. Cheng Ruofeng saw Yin Rengui coming out of the elevator from afar, and then ran over, looking very anxious.

In fact, Yin Rengui was in the hospital today and did not go to other places. However, he inspected the outpatient department. After receiving this call, he rushed over immediately, and he didn't arrive in ten minutes.

Yin Rengui didn't notice Cheng Ruofeng, his attention was all on the middle-aged man with glasses, and he said after he walked over.

After this middle-aged man with glasses saw Yin Rengui, he didn’t smile at all. Instead, he said with a bit of displeasure: "Little Yin, I have to criticize you this time. Why is your hospital so casual and let those countrymen Just come and live?"

Yin Rengui was stunned when he heard it, and said to his heart that you are sick. As long as the person who runs the hospital is a patient, he must be accepted. It doesn't matter where he is. The rural people and the city people are the same in the hospital. , This also has to criticize him?

However, Yin Rengui didn't speak, because he knew in his heart that there would definitely be something to follow.

Sure enough, this middle-aged man with glasses said, "Look at these two country folks. It's not good enough. Just now I scolded my woman and even beat me up. What do you think? do?"

Yin Rengui was shocked immediately, and when he looked at the face of the middle-aged man with glasses, there were really red and swollen marks. This was indeed beaten by someone. Yin Rengui was a little surprised. Then he turned his head and saw Cheng Ruofeng with him. ebony.

"I go"

Yin Rengui was even more surprised now. Isn't this Su Ming's friend? He has helped him before. How come he has become a countryman, and why has he clashed with a middle-aged man wearing glasses?

After looking at Cheng Ruofeng twice, Yin Rengui asked in a low voice: "This...what the **** is going on?"

When Cheng Ruofeng saw Yin Rengui's reaction, it became clear that the middle-aged man wearing glasses did not lie. He really knew Yin Rengui, and it seemed that Yin Rengui didn't dare to do anything to him.

So Cheng Ruofeng shrugged and said, "Dean Yin, you can also tell that this was the first of the two of them to cause trouble, and it turned out to be bloody. I will not tell you lies!"

Cheng Ruofeng is a mature and stable person, and it makes people feel comfortable to deal with him. Yin Rengui can see this, and since he is Su Ming's friend, it is certainly not bad.

From a certain angle ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yin Rengui believes in Cheng Ruofeng, because of what kind of stuff a middle-aged man with glasses is like, Yin Rengui also knows that Yin Rengui has been tossed by him in the hospital these days.

I made some weird requests. I really took it as a vacation to come here to be hospitalized. I had to go to Yin Rengui for big things, and Yin Rengui was tortured.

But Yin Rengui couldn't help it. This guy had a special identity. Even if he was dissatisfied in his heart, Yin Rengui could not give him anything but greeted him with a smile.

"What are you whispering about there? Get out of these two country folks and their family members. I don't want to see them here again." The middle-aged man wearing glasses, Said arrogantly.

Yin Rengui was also a little angry. He said that you really thought that this hospital belonged to your family, and that the entire inpatient department was not in your residence alone, so why should you drive others out?

If he rushes a patient casually, his dean, strictly speaking, doesn't have that right.

But considering that this guy's identity was unusual, Yin Rengui put it up and said with a smile: "Prosecutor Zhang, you calm down!"

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