League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1632: Must have the same name and surname

Shen Muke, who made his debut on stage, directly put a lot of pressure on Zhang Chuxue.

With Zhang Chuxue's eyes as a woman, she glanced at Shen Muke twice, and had to admit that this woman was indeed a beautiful woman, perhaps the word "beauty" could no longer describe Shen Muke.

However, she only admitted that Shen Muke is indeed good-looking, and she is a beautiful woman. It is absolutely impossible for her to admit that Shen Muke is longer than her.

How could a woman be willing to admit this thing, even Zhang Chuxue refused to admit defeat, she had already regarded Shen Muke as her biggest opponent in school.

"Dear leaders, teachers, and classmates, good morning everyone. I am very happy to be a member of Ningcheng University, and I am also honored to speak on stage on behalf of all the freshmen..."

Shen Muke's speech began. It was very simple and didn't have any flashy language, but it still attracted everyone's attention. A good appearance is indeed a bonus.

"Speaking of why I came to Ningcheng University, apart from Ningcheng University being an excellent school, there is another important reason, that is, the people I like are here."

Su Ming's heart moved when he heard this sentence. In an interview with the media before, Shen Muke said that, and sprinkled a wave of dog food firmly.

Unexpectedly, Shen Mu could say this again at the freshman ceremony at the beginning of the school, which made Su Ming a little vain. After all, Shen Mu could speak of him.

Only when Shen Muke said again: "Finally, let me say one more sentence, Su Ming, I love you!"

"I go----"

After Shen Muke finished speaking this sentence, he immediately stepped down. The pace was a bit fast. It was obvious that this was a very bold act for her.

Suddenly the entire auditorium was detonated, and the goddess confessed on the first day of school. With Shen Muke’s face value, a well-deserved school flower, if she confessed, this shock is definitely better than you, holding a bunch of flowers. Shouting that so-and-so I love you, I want to give you all of my heart, is much more shocked.

The more shocking thing is that this was still at the opening ceremony. Shen Mu could speak up as a representative of the new students. On such a formal occasion, Shen Mu could confess.

I have to say that this is a very bold behavior, which immediately detonated the enthusiasm of all the students. It was an excitement for everyone.

After all, they are all young people. Who doesn't have any bold ideas yet, it's just that many people don't dare to really do it, but Shen Mu can do it. The goddess school girl confessed in public. Is there anything more exciting than this?

The leaders sitting there on the stage couldn't help looking at each other. One and two were dumbfounded. They have participated in the opening ceremony for many years, and they have never encountered such a thing.

The key to doing this kind of thing is that the top freshman today is the top student in the college entrance examination. What should I do? I don't seem to know what to do with her anymore.

The host responded faster and hurried up to Yuanchang and said: "I didn't expect that our classmate Shen Muke is still a free and easy girl..."

The round field is no longer useful, because the enthusiasm of the students below was completely ignited.

"Fuck, I heard it right, the goddess actually confessed directly, seeing it for the first time."

"The goddess actually has a part in her heart. It hurts me so much, I have no chance!"

"You can pull it down, it has nothing to do with you, but Shen Mu is so bold and has a character. I admire such a girl."

"I just want to know who Su Ming is, he won't belong to our school, I really envy this man, who can let the school flower confess."

"Nonsense, it must be from our school. Didn't you hear what Shen Muke said just now? She came here for this man. Otherwise, with her grades, how could she come to Ningcheng University, the two best universities in China? Whatever she chooses."


When everyone was discussing, they expressed their interest in Su Ming. They asked who this boy was and what kind of man could Shen Muke confess in public.

As the person involved, to be honest, with Su Ming's Gu Jing Wubo mentality, he was shocked. Shen Muke was shocked by such a hand, and Xiao Nizi became more and more courageous.

If you put it in the past, I am afraid that Su Ming would not believe it even if he was killed. Shen Muke, who was a little shy, had become so bold.

"No, who was she talking about just now, Su Ming?"

The fat man next to Su Ming was the first to react, looking at Su Ming with a particularly suspicious look, and then said: "Su Ming, it's not you, right?"

It was all right now. The fat man immediately exposed Su Ming, especially the classmates of Su Ming and his class. After introducing themselves, they were very impressed with Su Ming, so they knew what his name was.

It seems that the person whom Shen Muke confessed just now is the same name, plus he is also a new student, is it really him?

"Frankly explain~www.wuxiaspot.com~Su Ming, is it you who the school flower said just now?" Wang Tao's guy also said immediately, obviously very interested.

Su Ming suddenly became a target of public criticism. Su Ming didn't know how to answer, but after thinking about it, let's tell the truth.

Shen Muke, a woman, dared to confess in public. Then Su Ming, a big master, how dare not to admit it, it is not so low-key if he wants to be low-key.

Besides, this kind of thing makes Su Ming very face, which man has no vanity yet.

But just when Su Ming was about to nod generously, squinting his eyes and saying "It's right down", who knows that Zhang Chuxue spoke.

Just listen to her opening and say: "Keep it down, how could it be him."

"He's just a hooligan, and women like him? Dreaming, the school is so big, there must be more than him named Su Ming." Zhang Chuxue still has the same face, and she seems to be excited when she catches Su Ming. Up.

And just now because of Shen Muke's reasons, she was in a bad mood, so naturally she wouldn't say anything nice to Su Ming, very unpleasant.

"That's right, maybe it's the same name and surname."

As a result, it was all right now. After being brought a wave of rhythm by Zhang Chuxue, the students had no interest in asking Su Ming again.

It feels that what Zhang Chuxue said is reasonable. After all, Su Ming looks like a little white face, but also has no advantages. He doesn't seem to be a man who can attract top women like Shen Muke.

Besides, if a school is the size of a large school, there is a high possibility that it will have the same name and surname. The name Su Ming is also quite simple, and it is not very remote.

PS: Brothers, I did update the chapter at 8 o'clock in the morning, but I don’t know what went wrong in the background, and it is still not displayed. I will send the chapter at noon to see it.

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