League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1633: Domineering Shen Muke

"Hey, after doing it for a long time, we thought too much. I said it was a little unlikely, and it shocked me at first."

Suddenly everyone seemed to have reached a consensus in a short period of time, and felt that it was unlikely to be Su Ming in their class.

If a beauty of this level really has a crush on Su Ming, how could Su Ming still go to assault Zhang Chuxue? Isn't this just asking for distance, so it's even more impossible.

To put it bluntly, everyone was still affected by that Zhang Chuxue, who said it, so everyone thought it was unlikely to be Su Ming.

"I wipe--"

Su Ming was dumbfounded, and said that the real Su Ming is far away in the sky, so why don't you recognize it.

Seeing that these people suddenly lost interest in Su Ming, Su Ming proactively said to Fatty: "Fatty, you have to believe me, Su Ming she said is me."

"Come on, I didn't react just now, everyone is in a dormitory, so don't brag, don't brag, we are still good friends." The fat man teased Su Ming.

Then Wang Tao also said: "Yes, Su Ming, stop bragging, really put gold on your face, if she confesses to you, then Bingbing is my girlfriend."

"Okay, stop teasing Su Ming with you two. Su Ming just wants to make a joke with us, but let me be honest, Su Ming, you joke, it's not funny at all." Even the honest man Zhao Shaobo spoke. Cheerful look.


Su Ming is completely speechless at this moment. Lao Tzu, who has a special heart, tells the truth, you people, why don't you believe it.

"Let's end today's school opening ceremony. After everyone goes back, prepare quickly. Tomorrow morning, the military training will officially begin." The host said.

This school opening ceremony was almost going on, and there were still some finishing touches, but it was some accident that was made by Shen Mu, and the atmosphere at the scene was obviously not suitable for continuing.

After the meeting was over, everyone went out in an orderly manner, but along the way, Su Ming was taunted by three roommates, not saying that Su Ming wanted to pretend to be someone else.

These three goods are not malicious, it is because the relationship is already a little familiar, that's why it is the kind of kind ridicule.

But Su Ming couldn't bear it anymore, and felt that he had to fight back. Otherwise, this group of people would really treat themselves as fake, so Su Ming said directly: "I really didn't lie to you, the one Shen Mu could say The man is me, otherwise we will make a bet."


As a result, the three roommates, now accurately said they should be three bad friends, couldn't help but laugh after hearing Su Ming's words.

He looked like he couldn't help it. The fat guy, with a face full of meanness, said: "It's alright, we believe you can't do it, Shen Mu is your girlfriend, she chased you long time."

Obviously he was perfunctory Su Ming, saying that he believed Su Ming, but the expression on his face clearly didn't believe it.

Su Ming had secretly planned it in his heart. No way. If this continues, he really loses his place in the dormitory, and he has to prove himself.

I'm going to come to the simplest and rude one. Let's just invite these three goods to have a meal at night, and then call Shen Muke together, when they will be dumbfounded.


But who knew that at this time, there was a cold voice behind Su Ming. Su Ming looked back and found that Te Niang's woman was Zhang Chuxue again.

Su Ming had a headache. Su Ming really didn't want to see this woman at all. She couldn't afford to provoke her, but she couldn't hide her. However, this woman always appeared near Su Ming, which made Su Ming very painful.

She didn't deliberately approach Su Ming either. Given her aversion to Su Ming, it must be impossible, but she just happened to come out of the auditorium door, and she heard Su Ming's conversation behind them.

This woman was not the kind of woman who could live freely. As soon as she heard Su Ming still saying that he knew Shen Muke, she stopped getting angry, as if she couldn't see Su Ming well.

Everywhere I was directed at Su Ming, just listening to her continue to say: "Yeah, I beg you to brag and make a draft, you really think everyone is a fool."

"A hooligan like you will only take advantage of women with three abuses, and there will be women who will love you, dreaming." Zhang Chuxue said mercilessly.

Su Ming's face was completely black, Maby was so deceiving, even if she had a good temper, she would not be able to resist it. If she were not a woman, with Su Ming's temper, she would have done it directly.

Many people in the class are also nearby. Su Ming and Zhang Chuxue are no strangers to them. Most people still believe in Zhang Chuxue.

After all, Zhang Chuxue is a girl, and everyone feels that she should not arbitrarily frame Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So many people feel that Su Ming is indeed not a good thing. In the future, you should pay attention to this kind of people. .

"Su Ming, who are you taking advantage of?"

At this moment, a sweet and waxy voice rang. It sounded very good. Su Ming heard this voice and immediately reacted. How could he not hear Shen Muke’s voice? I know how many times I have heard it.

Looking back, it was Shen Muke who came over here. Su Ming said unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

"It's not you yet. I don't know if it's over. I just ran over to find you." Shen Mu couldn't help complaining, but it sounded more like acting like a baby.

The people next to him were all dumbfounded. The dazzling Shen Muke on the stage just now really knew Su Ming, and the tone of his speech was completely acting like a baby.

When others were shocked, Shen Muke asked, "By the way, what's going on with you."

Su Ming knew that Shen Muke was afraid that he had heard something just now, so he said honestly: "I accidentally touched her yesterday, but she bit her to death, saying that I took advantage of her. You have to believe me. "

Shen Muke naturally believes in Su Ming. It is not Su Ming who is dedicated. Based on her understanding of Su Ming, she will definitely not do the kind of mischievous things. The first time she meets, she will take advantage of girls. Su Ming is impossible. Do this kind of thing.

Looking at Zhang Chuxue, Shen Muke's eyes were a little bit cold, what she said just now about Su Ming, Shen Mu could hear clearly, naturally a little angry.

I saw Shen Muke go up and grab Su Ming's arm and put his body on it, and said to Zhang Chuxue with a cold voice, "My boyfriend, do I need to take advantage of you?"

At this time, Shen Mu was extremely domineering, and Zhang Chuxue could be crushed by the aura of his body alone.

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