League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1637: Zhou Zhichen find fault

As soon as they came up, there was a disagreement. This was a common routine for many instructors. Su Ming and the others met this instructor, and it was no exception.

As soon as he came up, he said cruel words, and the tone sounded particularly harsh, making many people afraid to breathe, and at the same time, there was an unknown premonition in their hearts.

Before the military training, I would more or less definitely dream about it in my mind. For example, if I met an amiable instructor, I could easily spend two months.

However, the possibility of this is obviously very low. Most of the instructors are very serious. This is for sure. It is also the trait of a soldier. The kind that can really laugh with you, very few.

But Su Ming and the others are very unfortunate. The instructor they were assigned to looked like the cruel one. It is estimated that the next days will not be easy.

"Give me a stand. I will teach you how to stand in a team first. Everyone has memorized it for me. I will stand like this from now on. After I call to gather, no matter where you are, you will give me ten seconds. The bells and the like are assembled!"

The instructor started the crazy training mode and said a lot of things. After standing the team, the next first project was very simple, that is, standing in the army.

Basically, the first item of military training is this thing. Anyone who has experienced it knows that when standing in the sun, you have to stand in a standard posture, and you can’t move at all. Even if you wipe your sweat, you must report in advance.

What's the use of this? In fact, wool has no effect, it's just a form, but there is no way, it can only be accepted if there is no resistance.

Su Ming is quite relaxed. It's okay to stand like this except for being boring. After all, with Su Ming's physical quality, you can let him stand for a few days and nights.

But other people are not so comfortable, even some boys, at this time, they are a little unable to hold it, let alone women.

Fortunately, for the first time, the instructor only let him stand for half an hour and then rested, but after getting up, he continued to stand. It seemed that he had been playing this all day.

There was a two-hour break at noon, and at two o'clock in the afternoon, it started again.

On the first day, most of the people were not used to it, only Su Ming didn't change his face, and the rest of the people complained incessantly.

"Dear brothers and sisters, seniors and sisters from the Student Union, come to give everyone water." At this time, I don't know who said something.

Everyone looked at it again. It turned out that several students from the Student Union came here. They looked like seven or eight. They were both male and female, carrying several boxes of mineral water, and came to take a look.

"Here, drink some water, I must have worked hard today————"

The person leading the way was Zhou Zhichen, the president of the Student Union. This guy came up and handed a bottle of water to Zhang Chuxue.

In fact, there were quite a few students from the Student Union who came to send water. Everyone acted separately. Because of Zhang Chuxue, Zhou Zhichen came here specially.

However, no one noticed anything abnormal, so it was taken as a simple condolence. After all, Zhang Chuxue is outstanding among girls. It seems normal for others to care about it.

Zhou Zhichen didn't say much to Zhang Chuxue either. That would be too obvious, so Zhou Zhichen continued to send water.

Just when they came to Su Ming and the others, Zhou Zhichen recognized Su Ming as soon as he raised his head.

It's very simple to talk about how he knew Su Ming. After he went back yesterday, he checked it and looked at Su Ming's basic information. He knew what Su Ming looked like.

This kid bullied Zhang Chuxue. He just said yesterday that he would give him some color. So when Su Ming stretched out his hand to get the water, this guy suddenly took the water back.

Su Ming was very embarrassed at this moment. Su Ming stretched out his hand and said "Thank you". As a result, this guy took the water back again. What does it mean?

"This classmate, get up for me!" Zhou Zhichen said.

Su Ming frowned, not sure what this guy was going to do, but Su Ming stood up anyway.

Zhou Zhichen looked at Su Ming up and down, and continued: "During military training, everyone is required to dress appropriately. Why didn't your clothes fit into your pants?"

It turns out that during military training, everyone is required to wear good clothes. The short sleeves you wear must not be exposed to the outside. However, when he was resting just now, Su Ming was more casual and pulled the clothes out of the waistband. , It’s not very comfortable to keep stuffing inside.

What this guy said, Su Ming frowned. You, Te Niang, are a student union who is here to deliver water. Isn't this nosy?

But Su Ming gave him face, and said: "I just took a break and I took out the clothes."

"When you rest, you can be so casual. You have to remember what you are doing. You are training in the military, not a joke." Zhou Zhichen continued, reprimanding Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~here The movement attracted everyone's attention. Basically, everyone was together, sitting in a circle, and heard every movement.

Everyone could see that Zhou Zhichen was obviously looking for fault this time, and everyone else also dressed casually. After all, it was during a break, so how could he catch Su Ming and let him go.

I also don't know how Su Ming offended the students in the student union. Only Zhang Chuxue understood what was going on, and at the same time, there was a sigh of relief.

The heart said that it made you offend me, this is just the beginning, and you will suffer in the future.

"Are you sick?"

Su Ming hadn’t spoken yet, but Wang Tao next to him spoke and cursed directly, saying, “Tuck your clothes in or take them out. It’s up to you. Just leave as soon as you finish sending the water. It’s annoying here. ."


Many people looked at Wang Tao with surprised eyes, thinking that this man was too fierce, and even people in the student union dared to scold him directly.

You must know that the student union has a very high status in the school, and they are all seniors, and most people don't dare to offend them.

Su Ming and the others have become accustomed to it, Wang Tao's temper, you make him upset, no matter whether you are from a student union or not, you will still scold if you get caught, even this instructor, he will not miss it.

Zhou Zhichen's face went black. He wanted to find the fault to warn Su Ming, give him a bit of pain, and express himself in front of Zhang Chuxue by the way.

But who knows, they were scolded when they came up. These new students this year seem to be more arrogant than the other, even the president of the student union is not in his eyes.

In the past, those younger brothers and sisters who met the former student council presidents were not polite, and even had worship in their eyes. How come this year is not good.

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