League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1638: 1 point is not soft

An unnamed fire hit Zhou Zhichen's heart and directly surged, which made Zhou Zhichen very upset. Wang Tao and Su Ming were very shameless.

Having been scolded in front of so many people, if he were to forget it, then Zhou Zhichen would have lost face, not to mention that Zhang Chuxue was also there, he could not afford to lose this person at all!

So Zhou Zhichen glanced at Wang Tao coldly, then laughed, and said, "Yo, do you want to help a good friend? I can warn you, don't try to show off. In the end, you won't be able to end it."

"What help a friend to get ahead? I'm not familiar with him. Lao Tzu is just seeing your nosy people upset. Isn't the student union hanging a little bit?" Wang Tao continued, without any guilt, Zhou Zhichen seemed to be In his eyes, there was no fear of these two words.

Su Ming couldn't help but smile. This is indeed Wang Tao's style. This guy has a bad temper and his mouth is hard.

For example, he clearly made his debut for Su Ming, but he didn't admit it, he had to say that he was simply watching Zhou Zhichen upset.

In fact, if it is someone else, with Wang Tao's character, he would not bother to take care of this nosy.

"Well, you said I'm more nosy, then I'll be more nosy today."

Zhou Zhichen nodded in anger, and at the same time said: "I am a dignified student council president, and I still don't believe that you can't be cured."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. It turned out to be the president of the student union, and I didn't see that this guy still had two things.

This identity is indeed not simple in the university. It can be said to be a very authoritative person. Otherwise, how could most of the people just now be surprised.

It's just that Su Ming and Wang Tao didn't react at all. It just so happened that they both didn't care about this stuff. They were just the president, and they really regarded themselves as terrible characters.

"Don't you know that you have to wear the shoes given to you during military training? Why do you wear your own shoes!" Zhou Zhichen pointed at Wang Tao and said in a stern tone, as if he really regarded himself as a person.

He really found out the problem, because Wang Tao really felt that the shoes he made were uncomfortable, and he wore his own sneakers. This was not in compliance with the regulations, but who would be okay to stare at his feet.

Su Ming couldn’t help it anymore. Ah was here to find fault, and it’s too obvious. Even if these things don’t meet the regulations, it’s the instructor who said, "What matters about your student union seems to be your hands." It's not that long yet, is it?

So Su Ming frowned and said, "I just want to ask, what is your business, when is it your turn to take care of this kind of thing?"

Unlike Wang Tao, who just cursed when he caught it, Su Ming was still reasoning with him, and for a while, Zhou Zhichen didn't know how to pick it up.

Because of these things, he really shouldn't take care of them. The military training has nothing to do with the student union. They came here today, and they acted as volunteers, and they just came here to send water for condolences.

I wanted to find fault and teach Su Ming casually, but after a long time, he couldn't get off the stage by himself.

The furious Zhou Zhichen said directly: "Okay, it's none of my business, right? You can wait for me."

"After the military training is over, when you go to class normally, it has something to do with me. You have to be careful in school by then."

"Don't be caught by me. For example, skip classes, be late, and dormitory hygiene is not up to standard. I can't guarantee how many credits you have left." Zhou Zhichen said.

Threat, this is a very direct threat, and everyone can hear it.

Su Ming frowned again, asking whether this person was ill, and he hadn't provoked him, so he came to find fault for no reason.

The key point is that if he is with a large group of students from the student union, if he really finds fault in the future, it will really make Su Ming and the others very uncomfortable. I will find something for you today, and I will trouble you tomorrow. Too annoying.

But this does not mean that Su Ming is afraid of him. On the contrary, Su Ming's eyes are slightly cold, because Su Ming usually hates others to threaten him, and nothing will do.

So Su Ming directly asked: "Are you threatening me?"

"I didn't say that. The main reason is that you will be honest in the future. This is the key!" Zhou Zhichen would naturally not admit that he threatened Su Ming.

Su Ming continued: "How can I be honest?"

"Then I will tell you. It's very simple. First of all, you have to apologize to your classmates for your behavior just now, and then we can talk about the next thing." Zhou Zhichen smiled as if I feel that Su Ming is going to be counseled.


Su Ming blurted out and apologized. Everyone who listened to it was stunned. It seemed that Su Ming was indeed persuaded, but a sensible person felt that Su Ming was doing the right thing. After all, he offended the president of the student union. Later in school, It can be said to be difficult.

The university is still very long, and there is no need to add to myself in the future. It is a wise choice to admit to him now, there is no need to be arrogant.

However, the look in Wang Tao's eyes changed a little. Su Ming's behavior made him unexpectedly help Su Ming to get ahead, but Su Ming directly confided.

Unexpectedly, he was this kind of person, with no backbone at all. Wang Tao showed a trace of disappointment in his eyes. Even if he didn't say anything afterwards, he would no longer regard Su Ming as a friend.


Suddenly, Su Ming's voice fell. When Zhou Zhichen was about to listen to Su Ming's apology, Su Ming directly slapped him in the face.

The loud applause ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shocked everyone. They looked at Su Ming dumbfounded, and never thought that Su Ming was going crazy, so he did it directly. What did he want to do? Even the president of the student union dared to fight.

Su Ming had a very indifferent attitude. After smoking someone, he smiled and said faintly: "I'm sorry, I suddenly want to smoke you."


The fat man couldn't help laughing first. Su Ming is really good. I said I'm sorry just now, but he didn't say what he said. He wanted to move this guy a long time ago.

Even Wang Tao's eyes lit up a little bit. Su Ming didn't disappoint him, and directly acted on this behavior. Instead, Wang Tao immediately recognized Su Ming.

It's okay now. On the surface, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, when it's time to start, it's not at all soft.

Wang Tao asked himself, if he really wanted to go up and beat the president of the student union, even if it was Wang Tao himself, he couldn't guarantee that he would beat him, but Su Ming would dare.

(End of this chapter)

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