League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1639: Contact privately

A bright red palm print quickly appeared on Zhou Zhichen's face. This guy's skin was quite white, so it looked very obvious. Almost everyone present could clearly see it.

And all this is Su Ming's masterpiece. Frankly speaking, Su Ming just used a little bit of strength. If Su Ming was really cruel, he might not be able to get up now.

Regardless of that, Zhou Zhichen still felt a hot pain on his face, not only the pain in his face, but also ashamed.

One of his dignified school students' union presidents, in front of many juniors and sisters, was actually sucked by a freshman. This is a shameless thing, it can be said that his face was lost all at once.

"What are you doing here?"

Just as Zhou Zhichen was about to beat Su Ming, the instructor noticed the movement here.

During the break, the instructor was not here, but not far away. Several instructors gathered together to brag and chat. Suddenly they noticed something wrong here, so they ran over.

The arrival of the instructor made Zhou Zhichen calm down. No matter how bold he was, it was impossible for him to do it directly in front of the instructor.

Su Ming didn't care, he smiled and said relaxedly: "Instructor Li, it's nothing, I'm joking with this senior."

Zhou Zhichen's eyes widened, as if he wanted to use his eyes to slash Su Ming with a thousand swords, and he said that someone was kidding him?

However, Zhou Zhichen didn't say this, because at this time, he had already reacted. Now that he is in conflict with Su Ming, it is not a wise choice.

In his capacity, if he had a fight with Su Ming at this time, he would have beaten Su Ming severely, but he would definitely be unlucky afterwards.

The president of the student union beat new students during military training. This kind of thing has spread, and it is estimated that he is not sitting in a hot position.

You can't be impulsive, you have to hold back fights, anyway, there will be time and some ways to deal with this kid!


Zhou Zhichen gave Su Ming a fierce look, and then left like this. His eyes released a strong signal. I was afraid that this incident would not be easy to pass. Su Ming would definitely be troubled afterwards, depending on what he did. Correct Su Ming.

The instructor is not stupid. Look at the slap print on Zhou Zhichen's face. How can you not understand what happened, but more is worse than less, and he doesn't want to make the matter worse, otherwise the leader will criticize him.

So he chose to open one eye and close one eye, selectively ignoring the matter, and sternly said: "All give me a hurry to rest, there is still five minutes, and after a while, he will continue to stand in the army. "

"Su Ming, you are so cruel, I thought you were going to apologize to him, but it was a slap in the face. I guess that guy was beaten up."

After Su Ming sat down, the fat man said in a dancing gesture, it seemed that Su Ming's behavior just now made him very enjoyable.

But Zhao Shaobo still masked a worried look and said, "Su Ming, that guy is the president of the student union. I heard that they have great power in the school. If he asks you for trouble in the future, I am afraid you will live. It’s not so good."

"I'm afraid of him getting a ball. That guy was here to make trouble. It's so obvious that you can't see it. The more you are afraid of him, the more vigorous he is."

Wang Tao didn't care, and he said, "This kind of person has to be beaten, and Su Ming has done nothing wrong. If I change it to me next time, I have to go directly to him, too much! "

Su Ming nodded, agreeing with Wang Tao's statement. People must not persuade them. People have come to find fault. You still think it's boring to persuade him. All you have to do is beat him.

Although he didn't understand why that guy came to trouble him for no reason, Su Ming knew that there was nothing in this world for no reason, maybe it was something he didn't know.

But Su Ming doesn't matter anymore. It's just a small student. If Su Ming is even afraid of him, he doesn't need to mess around in the future. This is really a matter of indifferent to Su Ming.


After Zhou Zhichen left there, his face was very ugly, and the air pressure he radiated from him was also very low, making the members of the student union next to him dare not speak at all.

"Mah, this time I must kill that kid!" Zhou Zhichen finally spoke. Zhou Zhichen, who has been paying attention to his own image, turned out to be swearing.

There was a girl from the student union next to her and said, "Senior Zhou, you have to calm down. The freshmen are crazy now, but if you really have a conflict with them, the school will definitely end up with 50 boards each."

The implication is to remind Zhou Zhichen that you can't pay for general knowledge with the new students~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhou Zhichen naturally understands this truth, but it is impossible to let him not move Su Ming, just listen to Zhou Zhichen said: " Of course I understand this. I have many ways to deal with that kid."

Immediately, Zhou Zhichen showed a sinister smile, which made people look a little chilly.

Just heard Zhou Zhichen say again: "By the way, the army, you can check for me, what is the phone number of the instructors of this group of military training, if there is no phone, help me ask how to contact them."

Everyone didn't understand what Zhou Zhichen meant, but a boy named "Dajun" nodded his head. He was in the student union and was mixed with Zhou Zhichen. How dare he not listen to Zhou Zhichen's words.


After five o'clock in the afternoon, the military training was over, and there was no such thing as late training or emergency assembly, so after the whole day of military training is over, everyone can relax.

However, Su Ming and their instructor, Li Dafu, received a call after dinner, inviting him to meet.

These instructors all came from far away and lived in the school's dormitory. So the two met at the teachers' apartment. The person who invited him to meet was naturally Zhou Zhichen.

"What can you do with me?"

Li Dafu glanced at Zhou Zhichen, and suddenly recognized that he was the person who was going to send water to the student union in the afternoon and had a conflict, so he frowned.

With a smile on his face, Zhou Zhichen said, "Instructor Li, sit down and introduce yourself. I am the president of the student union and my name is Zhou Zhichen."

While talking, Zhou Zhichen handed Li Dafu a cigarette, which was still a good-quality Huaxia brand cigarette, worth dozens of dollars a pack.

As soon as Li Dafu heard that Zhou Zhichen was the president of the Student Union, his identity was not simple, his expression softened, and he reached out and took the cigarette.

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