League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1640: This is just an appetizer

Similarly, Zhou Zhichen reacted very quickly. He took out a lighter and helped the instructor light the cigarette, and then the two of them sat down.

"Student Zhou, right? I don't know what you have to do with me today." Although Li Dafu has well-developed limbs, his mind is not simple.

Knowing that Zhou Zhichen would not come to him for no reason, and diligently light a cigarette, there was definitely something, and it was very likely that it had something to do with the conflict in the afternoon.

Li Dafu thought very clearly, but he didn't break it. Instead, he deliberately pretended not to know anything and asked.

Zhou Zhichen smiled and said, "Instructor Li, if I remember correctly, you are the instructor in their class of Chinese Language and Literature this year, right?"

"That's right—"

"Then I know that people don't talk secretly. It is indeed something to see instructor Li today."

Zhou Zhichen didn't grind, and he was straight to the point. He only heard him say: "In the class you brought, there was a class named Su Ming who beat me in the afternoon."

"I can't just leave it alone, but you know that the instructor, in my capacity, is not good to go up and directly conflict with him. If you want to deal with him, you have to wait until the end of the military training."

Zhou Zhichen continued: "But I don't want to wait until that time. I also asked instructor Li to help me and fix him."


Li Dafu blinked his eyes and was not surprised, because it was similar to what he had thought before. Zhou Zhichen came to look for him, and he really came for this.

However, he is not familiar with Zhou Zhichen, so he directly said: "Student Zhou, you may have found the wrong person."

"When I train, I have always been very strict. If he does not meet my requirements, I will naturally train him. There is nothing wrong with it!" Li Dafu smiled.

This sentence is equivalent to rejecting it in disguise. Although your status as Zhou Zhichen is not simple, as the president of the student union, most of the students in the school will have to save face when you see it.

But this has nothing to do with Li Dafu's wool, because Li Dafu is a soldier, he left after the military training, without taking away a cloud, naturally has nothing to do with Zhou Zhichen.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Zhichen is of no value to him. Why should he help Zhou Zhichen, instead of offending his students, there is no need.

Zhou Zhichen was not in a hurry, and said directly: "Instructor Li, you'd better think about it. Don't come up and refuse. This is a very simple thing for you."

While talking, Zhou Zhichen picked up a black plastic bag. He carried this thing when he came. Li Dafu also paid attention, but he didn't ask what it was.

Zhou Zhichen opened the black plastic bag and took a closer look. It turned out that there were two cigarettes inside, both of which were Huaxia brand cigarettes, just like the cigarette Zhou Zhichen handed Li Dafu just now.

Li Dafu was taken aback for a moment, and then he said, "Student Zhou, what do you mean?"

"Instructor Li, it's not interesting, just give you some cigarettes for you to smoke. As long as you help me clean up that kid, I don't care how to do it!" Zhou Zhichen spoke slowly, his tone revealing a little gloomy.

This guy looks pretty sunny on the surface, but in fact he is still very dark.

Li Dafu understood what Zhou Zhichen meant and glanced at the cigarettes on the two tables, revealing a trace of greed in his eyes.

Huaxia brand cigarettes are pretty good in my eyes, but two cigarettes add up, like this kind of soft box, only a thousand dollars, which is not a good thing.

But people are greedy in their bones, right? For ordinary soldiers like Zhou Zhichen, this kind of cigarettes can't be smoked casually. For example, his addiction is relatively large, and he may get a pack a day. If you smoke this kind of cigarette, how can you smoke?

Dealing with that kid, it seems that it doesn't take much effort to get two cigarettes. This deal is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

So Li Dafu was moved. People like him didn't have much prospects. A little bit of petty profit directly moved him.

Li Dafu smiled, and said politely: "Classmate Zhou, you're just being polite, but it's just a student. If you can't commit such a trivial matter, you can give me a cigarette. Take it back quickly."

Zhou Zhichen showed a smile, and his tone changed, which proved that Li Dafu wanted to agree, and it seemed that his bet was quite right.

Before coming, Zhou Zhichen had been thinking about it. Instructors, these people usually like to smoke. Many of them are old smokers. If you give money directly, it is too obvious. It is better to give two cigarettes to try.

Anyway, spending a thousand dollars is nothing to Zhou Zhichen. He, the president of the student union, naturally has a way to make money.

Li Dafu said so, how can Zhou Zhichen really take the cigarettes back, wouldn't it be too bad for him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So Zhou Zhichen said: "It's just two cigarettes, and no It’s worth a few dollars. Instructor Li, you can just take it. I’ll give you something later."

"Okay, then I will accept it, and leave the student you mentioned to me. I will give him a bit of hardship tomorrow." Li Dafu said.

He was just polite with Zhou Zhichen, if it weren't for this smoke, he wouldn't help Zhou Zhichen.

A secret transaction against Su Ming was completed in this way, and the bargaining chip of the transaction was only two cigarettes.

"By the way, instructor Li, besides that Su Ming, there is another kid, the one who quarreled with me today, his relationship with Su Ming should be very good." Zhou Zhichen suddenly thought of something and said again.

In fact, he is talking about Wang Tao, but he still doesn't know Wang Tao's name.

Li Dafu was a little impressed. After thinking about it for a while, Li Dafu said: "You said, it should be the guy with the bright hair and looks pretty tugged?"

"Yes, it's him!" Zhou Zhichen nodded.

I had promised Zhang Chuxue and just cleaned up Su Ming casually, but what happened today made him hate Wang Tao too, and neither of them could escape.

"Okay, I took it down, and I'll fix them starting tomorrow."

Li Dafu, an unscrupulous fellow, directly nodded and said: "Those two boys, I see them both upset, so don't worry, I won't make them feel good during this half month of military training."

"With the words of Instructor Li, I'm relieved, and I'll trouble Instructor Li." Zhou Zhichen showed a smile.

Xin said that the kid actually wanted to fight with me. This is just an appetizer. I will trouble you during the military training. After the military training is over, I will let you experience what despair is.

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