League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1651: No wind, no wave

"It's not good, it's not good—"

This afternoon, it would be more comfortable without military training. Su Ming and the others stayed in the dormitory all afternoon.

The fat guy is said to have gone shopping. If this guy doesn't eat snacks a day, in his words, it is lonely and intolerable.

As for Su Ming and the others, they were also idle and doing nothing, holding a mobile phone and gathering together to fight the king.

Anyway, without knowing what to do, playing games is really a good way to resolve loneliness.

But who knows that when Su Ming and the others were fighting fiercely, the fat guy pushed in directly from the outside, shouting incessantly, looking violent.

"What's the matter? Are you being chased by someone? You are too anxious." Su Ming looked up at the fat man and said.

The fat man was very anxious, and said, "I really served the three of you. Why are you still in the mood to play games? Something happened."

"What's the matter?"

Wang Tao took it indifferently. In fact, he didn't take it seriously. He was still staring at the screen of the phone, and there was a wave of extreme operations. The fat guy talked with exaggeration. Everyone got used to it after a few days of getting along. They might be taken by mosquitoes. After taking a bite, he felt that something big could happen.

The fat man was really not joking this time, because the expression on his face looked serious, and he continued: "When I was out just now, I heard someone say that the school has to deal with Su Ming that happened yesterday. He said he would fire Su Ming."


As soon as I said this, the three of them were still in the mood to play games. They looked directly at the fat man, and the other two teammates directly cursed the street. What happened to this special lady, in a team battle, the three of them suddenly Not moving anymore.

After stopping the movement, everyone looked at Fatty, and Wang Tao quickly asked: "Fatty, what you said is true or false, where did you hear the news."

"I don't know if the news is true or not, but when I went out just now, many people were already talking about it, and I heard that it was Zhang Chuxue's release."

The fat man continued: "After I heard the news, I didn't even have time to buy things, so I ran back to tell you."

"It shouldn't be true. There is no movement at the school. It is probably an error." Zhao missed his glasses.

At this time, the game has been over by the enemy, so there is no need to look at the phone anymore.

Wang Tao also said: "That is to say, what kind of stuff Zhang Chuxue's woman is, everyone doesn't know."

"She had a feast with Su Ming, and was slapped by Su Ming again. What good things can I hope for Su Ming? I must talk nonsense about Su Ming outside." Wang Tao seems to have a very good opinion of Zhang Chuxue. Big.

But Su Ming's thoughts were not so simple. He had a hunch that this incident might very well be true. In fact, Su Ming also knew that the school couldn't sit idly by when he did something that made the whole school sensational.

So Su Ming is also waiting for what the school should do with him, and expulsion is undoubtedly a way to deal with it.

Su Ming said: "Don't think too much. As the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves. This incident is probably true. The impact of yesterday's incident is not very good. I seem to understand the expulsion from the school."

Su Ming's mood was still relatively calm at this time. When he did it yesterday, he thought of the consequences, not just as simple as impulse.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than memorizing the punishment or expelling it directly. For these two possibilities, it mainly depends on whether the school will show mercy to Su Ming's subordinates. Judging from the rumors outside, it is estimated that it is not merciless.

"But then you can't just expel people directly. Expulsion is usually only when you make a major mistake. Others don't know. Why did Zhang Chuxue know?" Wang Tao obviously still didn't believe it.

Su Ming smiled and asked, "I beat them all like that. Isn't it serious? Although the instructor's side is wrong, the impact I caused is also very bad. The school will definitely deal with it seriously. "

"In fact, there is one more thing I have to tell you. I secretly observed that Zhang Chuxue had an unusual relationship with the president of the student union of our school, that is, Zhou Zhichen who was drawn by me for trouble."

Su Ming slowly said: "As Zhou Zhichen, it is not difficult to get some inside information in advance. Once he tells Zhang Chuxue, Zhang Chuxue will spread it out, isn't it a matter of course."

Listening to Su Ming's analysis, it really looks like that. Su Ming didn't worry much, but the three roommates were frightened. Everyone was doing pretty well. How could they be expelled as soon as they were expelled.

Zhao Shaobo worried: "What can I do, Su Ming, you were expelled before the formal class~www.wuxiaspot.com~ We quickly went to the school’s leader to intercede. Our classmates go together, maybe it’s a little bit Effect," said the fat man.

"No way—"

That guy Wang Tao got even more excited, stood up, and said: "To be expelled is to expel me. This incident happened because of me. Why should Su Ming carry him on his back? I will go to the school leader."

In fact, this matter does have a lot to do with Wang Tao. If it is handled in an ordinary way, Wang Tao's affirmation can't get away, at least it will require a demerit penalty.

It's just that this time Su Ming made things too much trouble, and basically the focus was on Su Ming. That is to say, Su Ming took the pot by himself, and Wang Tao escaped temporarily.

But Wang Tao is not the kind of timid person, but he feels sorry for Su Ming like this.

Su Ming glared at him, and immediately said: "Which leader are you going to find, do you know where the office is? Why did they see you?"

"Sit down quickly. This matter hasn't been officially notified yet. It's hard to tell whether it's true or not. You can think of a solution when the school actually issues a notice." Su Ming said.

If other people talk to Wang Tao like this, Wang Tao's stinky temper must have been stunned, but Su Ming has successfully suppressed Wang Tao, and what he said to Wang Tao is still useful.

"Boom boom boom——"

Someone knocked on the door of Su Ming's dormitory, and Wang Tao went to open the door before he even sat down.

A short and sturdy boy came in. This boy belongs to Su Ming and his class. He directly said, "Su Ming, the counselor asked me to let you know and go to his office."

Upon hearing this, a few people in the dormitory sank unanimously, and the counselors personally sought out Su Ming. It seems that the rumors outside are probably not groundless.

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