League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1652: Can't wait and die

The person who came to Su Ming and their dormitory was a classmate of Su Ming and his class. Because of his active performance, when the instructor wanted to select a person in charge during the military training period, he took the initiative to stand up and volunteer.

This person in charge actually cooperates with the instructors and instructors to get the work done in the military training. If there is anything for the instructor, he will either take the initiative to speak in the group or contact him.

Now I am a person in charge, but according to the previous practice, a role like this generally can be a squad leader after military training.

"The counselor is looking for Su Ming, do you know anything?" Wang Tao asked.

At this time, they already had a bad premonition, and at the same time they were very worried, so they wanted to ask if they wanted to expel Su Ming.

The person in charge said, "How do I know what's going on with the counselor? It's just to come and pass a message. I knew it in the past."

"The counselor is waiting for you in the office. His office is on the administration building, where you signed up. It's on the third floor. You can see it in the past." This guy was quite responsible and reminded Su Ming directly.

Su Ming nodded and said, "Okay, thank you very much, I'll be over right away!"

"It's over, it's over—"

After the messenger left, the fat guy said worriedly: "The counselor is looking for Su Ming at this time. Is it true that Su Ming is going to be expelled from the school?"

In fact, the more you think about it, the more you feel that this possibility is very high. Otherwise, the counselor will call Su Ming shortly after the rumors come out. It is clear that something is wrong.

Su Ming is not in a hurry at all, there is nothing to be anxious, so Su Ming said: "Okay, don't guess here. If you have anything, you will know when I go."

"Also, I have to remind you that before I come back, don't act rashly, such as going to the school leader, otherwise things may be more troublesome." Su Ming said anxiously.

I am mainly worried about that guy Wang Tao. In case this guy's brains really go to any leader, he does not say that he did this thing, and then makes the leader angry, and then it will cause confusion.

After seeing several people nodding their heads, Su Ming left and went to the counselor's office. It was not far or near. He walked for about ten minutes.

"Counselor, you are looking for me." Su Ming knocked on the door and walked in.

There was no one else in this office, so Su Ming and his counselor sat alone in it, looking a bit empty. When the counselor saw that Su Ming was here, he got up and said, "It's Su Ming."

"You did that thing yesterday, right?" the counselor said.

He started talking about yesterday's incident, but Su Ming was not surprised. He approached himself and made it clear that it was for yesterday's incident.

Su Ming directly nodded and admitted: "Yes, I did it. It has caused some bad influence on the counselor. I'm really sorry."

Although the counselor didn’t say anything, Su Ming could guess that, I’m afraid his life is not easy. After all, he’s a student in his class. The counselor was simply scammed by Su Ming. Otherwise, Su Ming would not I would say sorry to him.

The counselor smiled, Su Ming’s attitude was surprisingly good, which was a bit unexpected, because the person who can beat the instructor should be a very grumpy talent, but Su Ming’s first impression on him is that this People are still very polite.

So the counselor said: "Okay, don't be so nervous, sit down and talk."

Su Ming is also welcome. After sitting down on the chair opposite the counselor, he listened to the counselor and continued to say: "What happened yesterday, the school has already dealt with it."

"Are you going to fire me?" Su Ming asked with a smile, not looking nervous at all.

After looking at Su Ming in surprise, he didn't seem to expect Su Ming to say it so casually, and asked: "How did you know?"

"I also heard about it just now. Many people in the school are already talking about this. It doesn't seem to be groundless." Su Ming said.


The counselor sighed, nodded, and said helplessly: "It is indeed the case. The school has already given the results of the treatment and will expel you."

"I have tried my best to fight for you, but the attitude of the leader is very tough, and I have nothing to do." The counselor said.

Su Ming could see that this counselor was not lying to him. He should be a real person. He would certainly not be blamed. This kind of thing could not be decided by an ordinary teacher.

So Su Ming said: "I know Teacher Liu, you are not to blame for this incident, it is my own problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are still too impulsive, there is no room for recovery, I hope you Can you learn a lesson."

The counselor said: "After you go home, explain to your family and comfort your family's emotions. Otherwise, I am afraid they will not be able to accept it for a while. If necessary, I can help you explain it."

"Remember to go to a high school and continue to school. With your foundation, if you study for another year, you may be able to enter a better university. Just treat it as a year of repetition, nothing." The counselor is trying his best. Comfort Su Ming.

Little did he know that Su Ming felt more relaxed at this time, at least better than the counselor's mood.

After listening to the counselor's words, Su Ming couldn't help but want to laugh, but Su Ming also knew that the counselor was kind. If he laughed, it would be too serious, so Su Ming said, "Don't worry. Counselor, don’t think things too badly."

"What do you mean?"

"Before the school's notice is officially down, all this is variable. Let's not worry too much." Su Ming seems to have something to say.

But the counselor couldn't understand it even more, and wondered: "Su Ming, what do you mean, isn't it because you can't accept this for a while?"


Su Ming can only say: "Let's stop here anyway. Counselor, I remember what you said today. We will talk about it after the school's notice of punishment."

"Okay, then you go back first." The counselor said.

After leaving the office, Su Ming shook his head. Now that he has determined that he will be fired, he can no longer sit still.

Although he felt indifferent to this university, Su Ming couldn't be expelled just after he came in, which was too embarrassing.

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