League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1653: Definitely not going

Su Ming has already thought about how to deal with this matter in his heart. Prepare for the worst of any matter and think of ways to deal with it. When the situation really turns into a bad situation, you will not really. He is in a hurry and at a loss.

For Su Ming, expelling this kind of thing does not seem to be a big deal. The simplest and most direct way is to use his own contacts.

Huaxia's society is a society that attaches great importance to connections. When you enter the society as an adult, you will understand that without connections, it's really hard to move.

Of course, this doesn't mean that you don't want to do anything, and spend all your time trying to identify people and manage your own contacts.

This kind of thing does not need to be deliberately managed, but is something that has been gradually accumulated over the years. What kind of person you are, you are destined to know what kind of person, or how to talk and laugh, there is no white Ding. Well, that's the reason.

If you want to meet useful people and manage your contacts well, a very simple premise is that you have to make yourself outstanding.

Su Ming knows too many big guys, especially on the boundary of Ningcheng. There are just too many. You stretch out your two hands and find that you can't count your fingers when you run out.

Forget about Li Ziyao and the like, if you deal with this kind of fart thing, Li Ziyao will be alarmed, there is no need.

Although Li Ziyao will definitely be happy to kick Su Ming to serve after he knows it, but Su Ming himself is not very embarrassed, and Li Ziyao is also very busy.

After much deliberation, I feel that this kind of thing is better for Professor Li, Li Ziyao's father.

After all, Professor Li is a well-known doctor of Ningcheng Medical University. Although he is not from Ningcheng University, he is still in the same place. How could anyone in the education circle have never heard of Professor Li’s name? With Professor Li’s prestige, It should be easy to help Su Ming handle this matter.

So Su Ming decided to ask Professor Li for help. If he can't handle it, it's not too late to find someone else.

After leaving the office, Su Ming dialed directly, Professor Li’s private number, and after a while, a hearty voice came from the microphone: "Hey, it’s Su Ming, why do you think of calling the old man? Up."

"Professor Li, look at what you said, I can't call you yet, it's too far off."

"Just kidding, just kidding, Su Ming, what do you want to do when you call? Don't go around with me, just tell me if you have something."

Su Ming smiled bitterly, and said to his heart that these old guys are really smarter than the other. If you have something, you can't hide them at all, so Su Ming straightforwardly said: "There is indeed something, I haven't just started school these days. Well, at Ningcheng University..."

Speaking roughly about this matter, Su Ming did not conceal the facts. The matter of being an instructor by himself was also clear.

After hearing what was going on, Professor Li said directly: "Su Ming, what did you say about your plan? You are also an honorary professor of Ningcheng Medical University anyway."

"If you want to go to some university, if you want to experience student life, you can go directly to Ningcheng University. Why do you go to Ningcheng University? What's good there." Professor Li seemed to look down on Ningcheng University in his words.

Su Ming didn't feel surprised after thinking about it. Ningcheng Medical University and Ningcheng University, as the two famous local schools in Ningcheng, have always had this competitive relationship.

And Professor Li has spent his entire life at Ning Medical University, and it is normal not to go to Ningcheng University. I guess it is normal to look down on the two schools.

In fact, one of them is a comprehensive university, and the other is a medical school. The two are not at all tied together, and there is no competitive relationship. They simply cannot understand each other.

Su Ming could only say, "I can't help it. My family has to go to university. I want to get closer to home. I can't learn much about medicine, so I came to Ningcheng University."

This reason left Professor Li directly speechless. Indeed, with Su Ming's medical level, I am afraid that no one in the entire Ningxia Medical University can teach him. It is useless if he goes there, and can't learn.

So Professor Li returned to the subject and said, "Okay, I'll take care of this matter for you right away. Those guys at Ningcheng University are really good at it. Even if you dare to expel them, I will call their principal. "

"Then thank you Professor Li, let me know if there is news."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ming had confidence in his heart anyway. After hearing Professor Li's self-confidence, Su Ming estimated that there should be no problem with this matter.

"You are my little apple--"

Su Ming was in a good mood, humming a little tune, and went straight back to the dormitory, wanting to expel me casually, it is impossible~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I haven't experienced college students exactly yet, No, I haven't experienced college life yet, so how can I just leave?

"Brothers, my uncle is back, don't hurry up to meet you!" After Su Ming returned to the dormitory, he violently kicked the door open with one foot and shouted at the same time.

"That bastard, want to die, right?"

The Fatty and the others were still worried about Su Ming, and they were upset for a while, but the sudden kicking at the door shocked them.

Wang Tao directly cursed loudly, but when he looked up, Su Ming turned out to be back. He quickly stood up and asked, "Su Ming, how is the situation, what did the counselor say?"

"Don't worry, the counselor said, I will not be expelled. The ones outside are pure rumors." Su Ming said directly.

In fact, the counselor didn't say that at all, but it didn't matter. Su Ming knew that he would definitely not be able to leave anyway, and there was no need to say it to scare them.

"Really or not, did the counselor really say that?" All three of them were stunned. Obviously, they didn't believe it.

The rumors that had been spread outside were coming, and Su Ming actually brought back good news. It seemed that people could not believe it was true.

Su Ming continued: "Do I have to lie to you? That's what the counselor told me."

"Anyway, just put a hundred and twenty hearts. I'm sure I can't leave. If you don't believe it, just wait for the school's punishment notice." Su Ming's expression remained as usual.

Seeing that Su Ming had said so, and he looked calm and calm, he was probably not fired, otherwise no one would be able to slap him like this after returning.

The hanging heart finally fell, and Wang Tao asked again: "Then what will the school do with you?"

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