League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1668: Kneel down to me

The scene became noisy once again, and the whole stadium was like a pot of boiling water, which immediately boiled.

Everyone is basically wondering what the **** is going on, how can there be a comparison between masters like this? This viewing is worse than children fighting. It's too boring.

Su Ming used a finger to point himself, which sounded incredible.

It’s just to be funny. I don’t know that these two people are acting in the skit. Some people are even wondering whether the two people have reached some kind of deal secretly, otherwise, how could they fall down suddenly? Well, this is all acting.

Zhou Zhichen also hid in the crowd and watched. This kind of good show was directed by him with one hand behind his back. How could he not come to see it.

As a result, after seeing this scene, Zhou Zhichen's face was completely black, and he could play Bao Qingtian without makeup.

Te Niang’s Laozi spent such a big price to ask you to do it, and you fell down when you came up. Are you kidding me?

If it wasn't for the situation at this time, it is estimated that Zhou Zhichen would go up and grab Song Chengyi's collar and ask him what he wanted to do.

After Song Chengyi fell to the ground, there was a headache that caused him to react immediately, let alone other people, even Song Chengyi himself didn't know what was going on.

Just now when he was about to kick Su Ming, he didn't know what was going on. In a daze, Song Chengyi felt as if he had suddenly lost consciousness, his head was blank, and he didn't know what to do.

Song Chengyi has never encountered such a strange situation in his life.

At the same time, Song Chengyi also realized at this time. It is estimated that he was afraid of losing the adult, so he quickly got up from the ground and said: "I made a small mistake just now. I'm really sorry. The competition has just begun!"

After hearing Song Chengyi's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They said that they had been working together for a long time, because Song Chengyi himself made a mistake, and he was not doing something tacit understanding.

Even Zhou Zhichen's expression eased a little, and it seemed that the situation was not as bad as he thought.

Su Ming couldn't help but want to laugh. He said that you made a mistake in wool. If I really want to, I don't need to hit you with a finger.

However, what happened just now also gave Su Ming a reminder. Su Ming realized that he couldn't act too lightly, otherwise it would seem a bit fake. It seems that to hit this guy, he has to pretend to be a little bit more powerful. Yeah.

"Boy, take the move!"

Song Chengyi, this guy, immediately yelled, and Su Ming rushed over, this time he shot directly, the experience just now made him a little psychological shadow, for a while, he didn't dare to kick.

Su Ming shook his head. This is also the reason why he despised Taekwondo. This kind of thing is at best to learn to entertain. It is really useless when fighting.

Before you fight, you have to bow to each other. If you make a move, remind the other party to accept it. It’s okay to be polite, but when you really fight, you have to be polite and use wool.

Su Ming didn't make a move, but stepped back a little bit, and then escaped easily.

But hiding all the time is not a way. In that case, it seems that Su Ming is too daunted, so Su Ming has an idea in his heart, intending to rectify this guy, and instantly activate the passive ability of the stone man [Granite Shield].


Su Ming didn't hide now. When Song Chengyi couldn't make a move and came up to pursue him, Su Ming stood there and let him hit him. Song Chengyi punched Su Ming directly in the abdomen.

Many people just glanced at it, and they felt a twitch in their hearts, especially those who supported Su Ming. This kind of thing happened, it's not a joke.

"Beautiful, beautifully played—"

Zhou Zhichen, after seeing this scene, finally couldn't restrain his mood, and yelled directly regardless of the occasion.

Seeing Su Ming being beaten, he didn't mention how happy he was. As we all know, the position of the lower abdomen, but the weaker position, was punched violently. The taste was wonderful.


There was a screaming sound in the middle of the venue, but the person who made the sound was not Su Ming. This particular mother was really strange. The screaming person was Song Chengyi.

Song Chengyi, this guy, looked over at this time, and he could see him covering his fist, the expression of his aunt coming, it seemed extremely painful.

No one can understand Song Chengyi's feeling at this time. Song Chengyi is like a dog, it is inexplicable. After his hand punches, he has a feeling of broken bones.

It's not like hitting someone, it's more like hitting a rock, it hurts so terribly, the back of the whole hand is extremely painful~www.wuxiaspot.com~Su Ming can only sympathize with him, Theoretically speaking, how much strength he used to beat Su Ming just now, then he will have a lot of pain. After all, the effects of force are mutual. It has no effect at all, it doesn't hurt or itchy.

"This Song Chengyi is making fun, right? Te Niang went to beat people by herself, but his hands hurt?"

"This guy is definitely a taekwondo master? How do I feel he can't even beat me, but that's it."

"It's nothing but this, it's obviously too rubbish, okay, how can there be such a taekwondo master, those old students blow him so amazing."

"Don't say it so absolute. From a physics point of view, it is likely that when you were shaking your fist just now, you had friction with the air and hurt yourself."


Everyone was happy, Song Chengyi, this guy, really opened everyone's eyes, I have never seen such a funny person.

Su Ming took this opportunity and didn't want to waste any more time, so he directly pinched Song Chengyi's shoulder with one hand.


He let out a scream again, Song Chengyi's hand pain continued, and now there was a piercing pain in his shoulder. The double blow made Song Chengyi seem a bit unbearable.

Song Chengyi wanted to resist, but it was of no use. The severe pain made him unable to exert any strength at all, and Su Ming's strength was something he could resist.

Gradually, Song Chengyi couldn't bear it anymore. His body began to arch forward continuously. This was a way to relieve pain.


Su Ming's hand was still exerting force, and Su Ming was still pressing down with his hand. At this time, Song Chengyi finally couldn't hold it, his legs suddenly bent, and the whole person knelt directly. To the ground.

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