League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1669: Sell ​​your teammates decisively

The audience fell into deathly silence, and many people looked a little dumbfounded when they watched this scene.

Su Ming just squeezed Song Chengyi's shoulder with his hand, but Song Chengyi's whole body fell directly to the ground, and he knelt there, as if he was surrendering to Su Ming.

If it is said that because of Song Chengyi's poor performance just now, many people think that he was acting on purpose, receiving Su Ming's money to give Su Ming face and so on.

Well, now no one thinks like that anymore. You must know that this guy just knelt down. This is a very dignified thing.

As the saying goes, men have gold under their knees. Kneeling to the heavens and knees to kneel to the parents, no one else can kneel, and it is a shame for the wife to let the washboard kneel.

Kneeled directly in front of Su Ming, and still in front of so many people, there were nearly two thousand people in the entire gymnasium. For Song Chengyi, this was absolutely a shame.

After thinking about it for a moment, I knew that if Su Ming really gave Song Chengyi money, Song Chengyi would not be able to fight like that. Wouldn't it have ruined his reputation, and how would he be involved in Ningcheng University in the future?

Looking at the expression on Song Chengyi's face again, his entire face was completely red, which was indeed a great humiliation.

He wanted to resist, he wanted to stand up quickly and fight with Su Ming, every time he held his knees here, it seemed that his humiliation would increase by one point.

But at this time, he couldn't do it. He could only describe it as a minded and weak, as if Su Ming's power was really too great.

Su Ming's hand was still on his shoulder, making Song Chengyi want to move, but found that he couldn't break free at all.

"Can you still fight?" Su Ming asked slowly.

Song Chengyi reacted immediately. Su Ming wanted to ask him if he had given up. If he had given up, then he would not fight, and today's test would be over.

But if he didn't admit defeat, he would have to continue to kneel on the ground.

Song Chengyi didn't want to admit defeat, but he didn't want to kneel on the ground even more, which seemed too ugly. So Song Chengyi had no choice but to admit defeat and said, "No more fights, no more fights—"

Su Ming naturally hoped that this guy would concede defeat, and humiliating this kind of person did not give Su Ming any joyful feeling.

On the contrary, because this guy knelt down, Su Ming wanted to hold his shoulders with his hands, and he had to bend down a little. This action made Su Ming a little uncomfortable, so it's okay to give in early.

So after hearing this guy concede defeat, Su Ming directly let go.

I thought that today's anticlimactic competition would end like this. When everyone could go back to their dormitories, Song Chengyi, who was kneeling on the ground, directly violent.

"What are you going to do to me--"

Song Chengyi naturally couldn't swallow the breath in his heart. After getting up quickly, he directly attacked Su Ming.

Everyone was stunned by this action. My heart said that there are people like this. After Te Niang gave up, he continued to attack? This is shameless, right?

In front of so many people, doing this shameless thing seems a bit wrong, even if you win, you won't admit it.

However, Song Chengyi no longer considered so many things at this time. He just wanted to report to Shuming Ming. Su Ming just embarrassed him enough.

A punch hit Su Ming's face, and the punch was quick enough to see that this guy was still somewhat level.

But this is useless at all. It is almost impossible for him to attack Su Ming if he is still alive in a dream.

Su Ming reacted in the blink of an eye, and suddenly grabbed the fist that this guy had hit with his hand, and Su Ming easily blocked the thunder punch.

Some anger arose in Su Ming's heart, and he said that if she gave you a face, he said nothing. Te Niang's shameless face. I just let you go, but in the end you still came to die.

Su Ming will naturally not let him go now. Su Ming has never been soft on this kind of person. If you don't teach him such a cheap bone, he will make trouble for you instead.

Su Ming's hand slammed hard, pulling Song Chengyi's arm slightly, and then Su Ming lifted his leg and hit Song Chengyi's lower abdomen.


He quickly punched him in the back and relaxed, and this guy was directly beaten by Su Ming and lay on the ground. Looking at this posture, it is estimated that he could not get up for a while.

While everyone was restrained by Su Ming's skill, they gradually realized that Song Chengyi was not acting, he really couldn't beat Su Ming.

It may be that the strength gap between the two sides is too great, which makes Song Chengyi look a little vulnerable.

At this time, think again about what everyone said before the fight. It was just a joke. When you really fight, you know that the two are not comparable at all. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Ming is the worthy number one in Ning University. .

On the other hand, Zhou Zhichen's expression on the scene was extremely ugly. His wishful thinking was in vain. He had a very good abacus. Everything was ready and he waited for Song Chengyi to beat Su Ming violently, but he didn't expect Song Chengyi to be so useless.

Su Ming glanced at Song Chengyi who was lying on the ground, but didn't want him to pretend to be dead, so he picked him up with one hand.

At the same time, he started to scare him: "Boy, how do you want to die, tell me, because you are a foreign friend, I can make your death more comfortable."

Song Chengyi was scared to pee right away, thinking that Su Ming was really going to give him something, so he said quickly: "Don't beat me, I give up, I give up."

Su Ming didn't speak for a while. In fact, Su Ming did it deliberately, in case this guy made a mistake again and deliberately scared him.

Unexpectedly, Song Chengyi was so scared. This guy was completely afraid of Su Ming and realized the huge gap with Su Ming. So Song Chengyi rolled his eyes and said, "As long as you let me go, I Just tell you why I will challenge you."

"Oh, why?" Su Ming let go of Song Chengyi.

Only then did I remember that this guy suddenly came to challenge himself, as if the purpose was not simple, but Su Ming suddenly forgot.

Song Chengyi is now at this time, there is no ethics, it is most important to keep himself, so Song Chengyi decisively sold his teammates, and said: "It's Zhou Zhichen, it's Zhou Zhichen."

"He gave me money, and he specifically said that he would fight for me a scholarship, tempted me to shoot you, let me clean up you!"

Song Chengyi is also relatively unscrupulous. Han people are like this. He is usually very arrogant. If he meets someone who scares him, he suddenly becomes extremely timid.

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