League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1758: Make you never get out

There may be something different from what the wolf had imagined. Su Ming was in the police station and he was very happy. Anyway, by nine o'clock in the morning, no one bothered Su Ming.

I didn't sleep much all night, because I was sitting and sleeping, it was better not to sleep. It was not interesting.

It's just that when the sky was about to dawn, Su Ming squinted slightly, for about two or three hours.


At about 9:30 in the morning, the heavy iron door of the interrogation room was suddenly opened, awakening Su Ming suddenly. Su Ming looked at it. The black police chief yesterday had already entered.

There was still some crumbs on the mouth of this cargo. It is estimated that he came here after eating breakfast, which made Su Ming's heart burst into flames. Te Niang's didn't know to bring some over, did he treat the prisoner like this?

"Let's start the interrogation now, you sit down, give me some energy!" This guy, after sitting down, said to Su Ming.

In fact, Su Ming couldn't understand what this guy was talking about, but this time he brought a translator who understands Huaxia, so there was no obstacle to the communication with Su Ming.

Su Ming rolled his eyes and took a look at this guy. It seemed so real. If he wasn't thinking about how to make things less influential, I guess Su Ming would clean him up last night.

"What's your name, why did you smuggle to Italy?" The black police chief, who is also the big cousin, asked.

Su Ming shrugged, but said helplessly: "Even if I tell you what your name is, you won't believe it, because I don't have any documents. You can't find it."

"You also admit that you don't have any documents? So, your smuggling has become a solid fact." The big cousin's eyes shined a little, thinking that he had caught the loophole in Su Ming's words. .

Su Ming chuckled in his heart and said that he wanted to find my loopholes because of your IQ, so Su Ming deliberately said: "My ID was just lost accidentally. Who told you that there is no ID? It means smuggling."


The big cousin's IQ is obviously not good enough. He was stiffened here by Su Ming's rogue remarks. He immediately patted the table and said, "You don't have to be slick here."

"Do you really think that you can cheat on me like this? I can directly contact your Chinese embassy, ​​and you can find out if you smuggled." The big cousin's tone was serious.

But Su Ming looked very calm. In fact, he didn't even want to conceal his smuggling. He was just chatting with him. So Su Ming continued: "You have been asking for so long now. Should I ask you a question?"

"What are you asking?"

"The **** who smuggled with me should be someone of your relatives?" Su Ming was equivalent to admitting that he had smuggled, and he was straight to the point.

In fact, Su Ming did it deliberately. He just wanted to test it out. Why did this person catch himself? See if it is the same as what he guessed in his heart.

Sure enough, the big cousin's expression changed abruptly. It is obvious that black people are obviously not very good at covering up their feelings.

Seeing his reaction, Su Ming knew what the situation was about. As expected, it was the ghost of the **** special lady in it, as expected.

If he knew this would happen, Su Ming would have squeezed him to death. Some small fish and shrimps, often in some cases, can cause you a certain amount of trouble, although of course it is not a big trouble.

"Don't talk nonsense, no black people, my relatives are not in this country, don't frame me!" The eldest cousin immediately denied.

He was shocked abruptly just now, but he didn't expect that Su Ming would guess him out of nowhere, which made him really startled.

To know that his cousin, but the standard **** is not clean, if he is known about this, it is estimated that he is the sheriff, then he will do it all. He immediately denied that this is a logical thing.

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. It wasn't that he had to admit it. Su Ming was sure of it in his heart, and Su Ming was really relieved now.

Since it was really the **** who reported it, it means that the mission was not leaked, so there is nothing to worry about.

It's just Su Ming's performance that made the big cousin feel a little flustered. He thought that Su Ming had any evidence. This was the thing that big cousin feared the most, because he didn't want this to be exposed.

Immediately, the big cousin took a look. There were two other policemen in the interrogation room, and the big cousin said: "Okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You two, go out and patrol outside. Look, I only need me here."

Obviously he was planning to send people away, for fear of being heard by other people. For a while, if Su Ming kept talking nonsense and was heard by other people, then it would be miserable.

Now in the entire interrogation room, there are still three people left, except for Su Ming and his eldest cousin, as well as the translator.

If it were not for the lack of an interpreter, he and Su Ming would not be able to communicate at all. It is estimated that he also let the interpreter go out quickly.

"Please stop slandering immediately, otherwise, be careful I kill you!" The big cousin immediately said to Su Ming, the expression on his face seemed unspeakably serious.

Su Ming saw that this guy had taken both police officers away. It was obvious that he was doing a guilty conscience. He smiled and said, "Is it slanderous to yourself. It is clear in your heart that if I spread this out, you It should be clear what the consequences will be."

Su Ming just frightened him deliberately, and didn't even think that he could really use this to threaten him, but his words scared the big cousin.

The big cousin's face changed abruptly, Su Ming grabbed his braid and threatened him, which made him unable to accept.

For a while, the expression on his big cousin's face became a little bit fierce. How could it be a good thing for him to be the sheriff? It is almost impossible.

He also has a fierce side. He slapped the table sharply and said viciously, "Boy, you figured out your current situation."

"Dare to threaten me, believe it or not that I will make you never get out?" The big cousin threatened, already showing his fangs.

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