When the translator conveyed the words of his eldest cousin to Su Ming, the look in his eyes also changed. Obviously, this was a threat to the rhythm of killing Su Ming here.

It’s just that, as a translator, he still has the most basic morals. What he hears should be regarded as nothing. The things he heard today are not trivial. If you really say it, it is estimated that the big cousin can also He was completely dead.

Su Ming showed a thought-provoking expression, and his heart said what he said was the same as the truth. If I was frightened by you in a few words, then I don't need to be confused.

So Su Ming squinted his eyes and deliberately said: "Then I'm going to go out and tell the story, what can you do to me?"

Su Ming was deliberately angering this person, and it was exactly the same as Su Ming thought. He was angry. If he didn't scare Su Ming today, it would be a huge threat to him.

The eldest cousin has made up his mind in his heart. Today, he will either scare Su Ming, or there is a more ruthless way, which is to let Su Ming die here, because the dead can keep a secret forever.

He stood up, squeezed his fists twice, ready to clean up Su Ming, and said, "Don't worry about it, I can discuss it with you slowly."

Su Ming kept squinting his eyes, even if he didn't do anything, Su Ming couldn't help it, because he didn't want to waste time any more, the fierce wolf probably was still waiting for him outside.

In case the fierce wolf couldn't bear it, and went straight to the police station to rob himself, then it would be embarrassing.

Taking advantage of this opportunity for him to do something, Su Ming felt that it was necessary to teach this guy a lesson.


Suddenly, he heard the machine make a crisp sound. The big cousin's eyes widened. What he saw, Su Ming stood up directly from the steel seat.

You must know that this seat is specially designed. It can basically fix all the limbs of a person. It is much harder than handcuffs. You can hardly move your fingers.

But now Su Ming actually relied on his own strength to break all the locks on this chair, which can only be described by a metamorphosis.

"Get me here!"

Su Ming drank a word, the eldest cousin couldn't control himself a little bit, and suddenly flew upside down towards Su Ming, and then Su Ming stretched out his hand and pressed the top of this guy's head.

This guy doesn’t have any hair on his head. In fact, it has something to do with race. I don’t know why. Anyway, blacks don’t have a lot of hair, and they usually have bald heads. Su Ming seemed to hold it down. The guy's Tianling cover.

A ray of vitality poured into this guy's head, and Su Ming launched an attack on his spirit.

He didn't hit him directly, because Su Ming felt that giving him a bite to eat would not necessarily work. Many people remembered eating or not hitting him.

If you want to go out, in addition to forcibly escape, there is a better way to let this guy take the initiative to let himself out.

How can he let people go? Of course, he is really afraid. How to make a person really afraid of you is more exquisite.

Su Ming's method was to create a certain psychological and spiritual fear on him, so Su Ming began a mental attack.

Speaking of Su Ming's mental attack, he was not professional, and he couldn't really hypnotize him. At most, it caused him a certain amount of intimidation.

Seeing the whole body of the big cousin, he trembled involuntarily, because he felt like he was having a nightmare, and countless terrifying images suddenly appeared in his mind.

Basically, the things he didn't want to recall in his heart were all recalled at once. Many of the pictures were related to Su Ming, as if Su Ming was deliberately torturing him.

The key to that kind of pain is so real, as if he had experienced it personally, making his soul tremble constantly, it was a very extreme pain.

This picture is a bit weird. The big cousin is trembling constantly, and he doesn't know what messy things he is talking about, it looks like he has been wicked.

What the interpreter looked at was really dumbfounded. After a little reaction, he realized that there was something wrong with the interpreter, and immediately thought about going out and calling someone. What if it was his turn after a while.

Su Ming just wanted to do it when there were few people. The less people knew about it, the better, otherwise he wouldn't be easy to be let go directly after a while.

If it weren’t for this interpreter to be useful, Su Ming could faint him in one second. How could he really let him go out and call someone? Su Ming waved his hand abruptly, and the interpreter fell to the ground. He didn't fall lightly when he got up, and he was completely honest now.

The whole process lasted for about half a minute~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, it didn't arrive for a minute. Su Ming didn't dare to take it for too long. In that case, maybe this stuff would be demented.

After Su Ming let go, his cousin collapsed to the ground, as if he had no strength at all.

And the whole person’s police uniform was soaked. The ghost knew what he had experienced in those tens of seconds just now. It was completely nightmare, and it took the big cousin for a few minutes. Time came back.

After regaining his senses, he looked up at Su Ming again, and the eldest cousin once again aroused his spirit. Everything he experienced just now was so terrifying that he didn't even want to remember.

Look at Su Ming again, his eyes are all different, this guy is obviously not a normal person.

"Can I go now?" Su Ming asked.

The big cousin was shocked as soon as he opened his mouth. This guy is really screaming now, and he is afraid of Su Ming.

Su Ming's strategy is correct. If you want to frighten someone, you can't just hit him. If you hit him, you are scared on the surface, but it may turn back after a while.

Anyway, the big cousin was really shocked by Su Ming. Where did he dare to say something to Su Mingduo, he immediately nodded and said: "You can go, you can go!"

If he provokes Su Ming again, he really doubts whether he can live.

Su Ming glanced at the goods, didn't say anything, then went out so swaggeringly, it was so easy, come as you want, and come back as you want.

"Sheriff, you... why did you let him go?" After the translator slowed down, he got up and said.

In the eyes of the big cousin the sheriff, there was still a strong fear at this time, and he said: "He...he is a devil."

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