These people in the West generally call them the devil when they describe something terrible. This is the most common name, and it also represents a deep fear in their hearts.

They all call Su Ming the devil. It can be seen how big the psychological shadow area Su Ming caused to this guy just now. After a while, his little heart is still trembling.

"This incident happened today, after going out, no one is allowed to say, otherwise you know what the consequences will be." This guy threatened calmly.

He didn't dare to threaten Su Ming, but it was fine to threaten a small translator. In today's matter, absolutely can't reveal any half of the word.

Otherwise, it will have a great impact on his reputation and status as the sheriff.

The translator nodded quickly. As a translator, when he actually heard something that shouldn't be heard, he would not take the initiative to say it. This is already a professional habit.

"Sheriff, the Chinese boy, went out, do you want us to get him back?" At this moment, a police officer slammed open the door of the interrogation room and said something.

It can be seen from one detail that this big cousin Sheriff is still relatively imaginary now, and a sudden opening of the door can shock him.

But when he saw that he had come in, the expression on the face of the eldest cousin, the sheriff changed abruptly, and then he slapped it directly and cursed: "You won't knock on the door when you come in. I let people go, let him go!"

The big cousin Sheriff was eager for Su Ming to leave at this time, because he didn't want to face such a terrifying person anymore. Just looking at Su Ming, there was a feeling that his soul was trembling.

It can only be said that this thing of vitality may not cause any attack on the spiritual aspect of the ancient martial artist, but it is still very lethal to ordinary people.

"But... but didn't we catch him back overnight yesterday? Why did the interrogation begin and then let go?" The police officer who was slapped was puzzled.

Subordinates with more such problems are often not liked by the leaders. The eldest cousin, the sheriff, glared at the police officer and then said: "I have interrogated him just now. He is innocent and has legal documents ."

"Don't let go, keep it for what, keep him to sue us?" Big cousin the police chief asked, actually he was just talking nonsense.

After speaking, the guy said, "I'm not too comfortable today. Please take a vacation and go home to rest. If you have anything, remember to call me in time."

Immediately, the elder cousin, the sheriff, went straight home and asked him to continue to work here. Anyway, he already felt that he could not go on.

"Cousin, why did you come back so early? It seems that it is still early to get off work now." The **** said in surprise when he saw his cousin came back at home.

This guy is really too lazy to eat. It's all this point, and he's still lying at home. Anyway, for him, as long as there is food and drink, it's best not to do anything.

The **** suddenly thought of Su Ming, so he said: "Cousin, you caught the Chinese kid who smuggled into the country yesterday. How did you deal with him today?"

Speaking of this, the **** is still quite interested. He has specifically ordered his cousin, and it is estimated that Su Ming, the kid, will be very miserable today.

Not to mention it's okay, as soon as the eldest cousin gets angry, this kid is purely about picking which pot or not, the eldest cousin slaps him angrily.


This slap slapped the **** a little bit dumbfoundedly, looked at his cousin in surprise, and said, "Are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?"

The big cousin said angrily: "Do you know who you have offended? He is a devil."

"You mean that Chinese kid, how is this possible?!"

"How can't it be, tell you, I personally experienced his horror today, you should leave here quickly, don't let him find the door, I'm afraid you won't be able to cry when you cry." The big cousin directly issued an eviction order. .

I had some opinions about this cousin before. This guy is like a time bomb. He may be pitted at any time. This matter made him completely determined. This cousin must rush. go.

The **** obviously didn't expect that his cousin even ordered the eviction order. He seemed to have never done so before, so he smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said, "Cousin, you are too fussy."

"Don't forget, you are the sheriff, how could he dare to come here casually." The **** thought very simple.

But the eldest cousin couldn’t bear it anymore, he slammed the gun out of his body and put it on the nigger’s head all at and said, "If you don’t leave again, Don't blame me for being rude."

The nigger’s eyes were quite wide, and I didn’t expect things to get to this point when I was killed. I was a little confused for a while, and I didn’t dare to say no more. He just said, "Big cousin, but I just left. If it’s gone, where should I go?"

"Forget it, let me make arrangements for you. You can go abroad. Find a country where you want to survive first, and remember it for me, don't come back again." The big cousin sighed and said immediately.


"How come Su Ming was arrested? Did the two of you go to have fun?" Fierce Wolf and the others finally reunited, but the mood was very heavy.

When the fierce wolf heard Xiaohui's words, he became unhappy, and said directly: "Who do you think of us, how can we do that kind of thing?"

"I don't know if Su Ming is or not, anyway, your fierce wolf must be that kind of person." Xiaohui seems to know the look of fierce wolf well.

Bai Hua's status in the team is very high. It is a translator in name but a brain in reality. He said: "You two don't quarrel. Let's analyze it quickly and how to rescue Su Ming."

"He is not here, our task will not be able to proceed."

Feifei on the side said, "It is very difficult to save people from the police station in Italy."

Everyone was silent. It was indeed unexpected to everyone that this happened. The key was too sudden, but there were few measures to deal with.

However, at this moment, Fierce Wolf's cell phone vibrated. When he looked at the number on the phone screen, he was stunned: "It was Su Ming who called."

"Be careful of fraud!" Bai Hua's face changed suddenly and reminded.

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