After Bai Hua reminded him, Fierce Wolf's eyes became vigilant. Indeed, when he saw the call from Su Ming just now, he was also shocked.

Every mobile phone is numbered. This must be Su Ming's mobile phone. This is a certain thing.

It’s just that Su Ming’s people have been arrested and they can still call. How is this possible?

Several people looked at each other and thought of the possibility that Su Ming's mobile phone was discovered in the police station.

Basically, as soon as you hold a mobile phone like this special custom-made mobile phone, you can experience unusual places, even if someone is deliberately calling to try.

The reason for this reaction is that they are too cautious. Basically, people who do this kind of thing are generally very cautious.

Xiaohui said, "Could it be that we were too careful, or Su Ming took the time to make a call and plan to let the wolf to support it."

"It's not that there is no such possibility."

Everyone thought about it for a while, and it seemed that there was such a possibility, so Bai Hua said, "It's possible that Su Ming asked for help. This call is definitely answered."

"It's just that all of us don't talk. If the other party is really calling for a test, it may be recorded as soon as it speaks. Let's listen to Su Ming's voice first."

"Falling wolf, answer the phone, remember to open the speakerphone, let's listen to it."

The fierce wolf clicked on the button that was connected. After the call was connected, everyone's breathing became rapid. It was obvious that this had reached a critical moment.

"Hey, Fierce Wolf, where are you, I'll come to find you!" Su Ming's voice came over.

The four of them were stunned at once, and they said to their heart that this special lady’s voice is not Su Ming’s voice? It was so simple that they didn’t expect that the four of them had already suspected this call 800 times. Up.

In fact, they were thinking too much. This is the call Su Ming called. After he got out of the police station, Su Ming called the wolf to ask where the others were.

"Isn't it Su Ming who came here." The elders were all stunned, but Xiaohui was the first to speak. Since it is Su Ming, what's so nervous.

This mobile phone is originally encrypted. If you want to eavesdrop during the call, the difficulty is not generally high.

"Su Ming, have you come out of the police station?" Fierce Wolf asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, it's coming out. Otherwise, how did I call you?" Su Ming said.

"How did it come out?"

"I came out if I wanted to."


What this said made the four people feel speechless. They were still worried here for a long time. How can they get Su Ming out? Who knows for a long time, they are just worrying, Su Ming actually One person slipped out.

The speechless is speechless, but it is true that a stone in my heart fell to the ground, at least I can prepare for the task with peace of mind.

"A few of us are together, in..." Fierce wolf began to show Su Ming the way, and Su Ming hurriedly come over.

In fact, the meeting place that Bai Hua chose was very easy to find, and I found it with the IQ of Fierce Wolf.

On the phone, Bai Hua directly taught Su Ming a simple Italian dialect, which is a famous scenic spot in Flo City, which is equivalent to the kind of place that you must visit if you come here to travel.

Then Su Ming directly looked for a taxi, reported the name of the place, and passed by, arriving in more than 20 minutes.

After arriving at the place, Su Ming successfully saw the fierce wolf and the others. The group looked at Su Ming, looked up and down, and then felt relieved after seeing that Su Ming had no missing parts.

Especially the fellow Fierce Wolf, who almost took off Su Ming's pants to take a look at the contents, surprised Su Ming.

A few people looked normal, just walking around here, they looked like tourists from abroad, no one doubted.

Especially Bai Hua is too professional, and he got a pair of DSLRs hung around his neck. It looks so much like it. When you see this kind of dress, you basically won’t doubt it, a standard pair of tourists. Dress up.

Several people walked and talked, talking about the task, basically they can only talk about this when they are together.

Bai Hua was the first to speak: "I and Xiaohui, the process of collecting information was relatively smooth, and it was collected all at once. Basically, I have figured out the location of the underground research institute."

"According to the information we have obtained before, the two Chinese scientists are still in the underground research institute, but after tearing their faces, their actions have been restricted, and they are in a state where they cannot act on their own, and have lost free."

The fierce wolf slapped a slap and said, "That's not enough. After we figure out the place, let's rush directly to get the people out."

"If your voice is smaller, it can't be normal. I wish everyone knew?" Xiaohui slapped it directly, and the fierce wolf didn't dare to say a word.

This made Su Ming a little surprised, and he could roughly tell that Fierce Wolf still had a little interest in this Xiaohui.

The fierce wolf lost his temper all at once, and looked like he was angry, so he stopped talking.

Bai Hua said: "Things are not as simple as they thought. If it can be that way, I will take you directly and say what to do."

"Although we have figured out the location of the underground research institute, we can't get in. The security of the place is beyond ordinary people's imagination."

Everyone nodded. After all, it is a secret research institute. Just by listening, you know that this place must be tightly guarded.

Bai Hua continued: "If we really rushed in, I guess you two haven't entered yet, maybe the person has already been moved away, or the other party can directly guard both of you."

Su Ming frowned. Things sounded like it wasn't that simple. If you can't find a way to enter the underground research institute, I'm afraid everything will be for nothing.

Su Ming glanced at Bai Hua and Xiaohui, but he said: "You should have thought of a way, otherwise you won't analyze this with us."

Bai Hua's eyes lit up a little, and Su Ming really got it right.

So Bai Hua said: "It's not a good way, I can only say that this is an opportunity for us, and maybe the only opportunity!"

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