"Tell me what this only opportunity is," Su Ming asked.

Several people said as they walked, they were always in control of their own steps, and at the same time they looked around from time to time, looking at the scenery, the key is not a sense of disobedience.

Bai Hua had obviously thought about it in advance, and said, "The only opportunity I mentioned is that there is a key person called *."

"This * can be regarded as a successful person in the upper class of the Italian country. Of course, he relies on the foundation left by his ancestors. The * family cares about the city of Flo in the country and has a great reputation."

"Why do you say that this * is the key to the mission, because the underground research institute actually has some cooperative relations with *."

"Why do they have a cooperative relationship?" Su Ming frowned, as if he couldn't understand why.

One is a well-known family. Generally, this kind of people enjoy life. Making money is also very easy for them.

But as the name suggests, the underground research institute must be a place where it is engaged in research. It is all scientific research. It is relatively tall, and it seems that it has nothing to do with these rich people.

Xiaohui said: "Su Ming, you may not be clear about this. In fact, there is a fundamental difference between China and our country abroad. In China, these scientific researches are all funded by the state."

"But in foreign countries, the country doesn't have much money. They only have money. Therefore, to a large extent, these kinds of funding are carried out in secret by the wealthy or large consortia."

Su Ming nodded, and I probably understand it. In fact, there is some truth to this. Don’t think that the rich people have brain problems. Invest in these things. In fact, the rich people’s brains are really better than most people’s brains. The average person is much stronger.

Investing in these research institutes may seem like a thankless task, but in fact it is not. If there are any new results, there will be opportunities to take advantage of them in business, and countless returns will return.

Su Ming understood the key, so he said: "What you mean should be, let's find this *, and then open a gap through him and enter this underground research institute?"

Bai Hua nodded, his general idea is similar to that of Su Ming, and at present, there is only such a better way.

This * is the only breakthrough. It seems that only from him can a way to enter the underground research institute be found.

The only person who has been in contact with underground research and can be locked is *this guy. People from other underground research institutes have always stayed inside. It is even more impossible to contact them. Things.

"Then what are we waiting for? Quickly grab that guy and beat him up and let him take us over." The wolf immediately said impatiently.

Xiaohui rolled his eyes again, seeming to dislike the ferocious wolf all the time, and said, "Could you please use your underdeveloped brain a little bit?"

"It is said that he is a distinguished family in Flo. How can ordinary people come in contact with him? You robbed him. I'm afraid that the police in the whole city will be dispatched in a few minutes. How can they threaten? "Xiaohui said.

The fierce wolf immediately lost his temper. It seems that what Xiaohui said is quite reasonable. In this case, it won't work if you catch it and fight, so the fierce wolf scratched his head and said, "Then what should we do? "

"I really don't know how I took on such a task. It's better to let me go directly to find someone to fight. I like that kind of direct task. This task is too annoying. This is not good and the other is not. Every step is difficult. "The fierce wolf couldn't help but vomit.

No one else said anything. In fact, everyone's feeling was similar to that of a fierce wolf. Su Ming's feelings were the deepest. After he really came over, he realized that the task was really not that simple.

You have to proceed step by step. The key is that when you actually implement it, you will find that every step seems difficult to take, which can be called difficult.

"It's definitely not possible to come hard, we have to find a way to get in touch with that *, it's best to get some relationship." Xiaohui said.

"You two also said, that guy is a rich man, I'm afraid he won't be in contact with ordinary people, it's easier said than done if you want to get to know him." Sniper Feifei said.

Su Ming discovered that although this guy didn't talk too much, every time he said something, it was quite right. It might have something to do with him as a sniper. The most important characteristic of a sniper is to be calm, and calm people look at the problem. It will be more thorough.

In fact, Su Ming's heart moved a bit at this time, and he didn't know whether there was any terminal illness or something like this. Otherwise, he could treat him by himself.

I thought about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This seems to be the best way to meet someone and make him owe favors. It's just that no one has seen it now, and Su Ming certainly doesn't know what is going on.

Bai Hua said, "We can only take a step to see how we should contact him. The day after tomorrow, we have an opportunity to contact him. There is a large auction in Flo."

"That*, want to participate in this auction?" Fierce Wolf answered, and this time he finally reacted faster.

However, Xiaohui slapped him up again, spitting out angrily: "Aren’t you just talking nonsense? The auctions can participate. Those are people with good looks and money. Most people will have nothing to do to participate. thing?"

"And * is a famous family in Flo. It is normal to participate in this auction."

Su Ming said: "You mean, at the auction in our wild area, take the opportunity to contact him?"

"That's right!" Bai Hua nodded and said: "If it is normal, he will rarely appear in ordinary places. It may be more difficult for us to contact him."

"Can we go in that auction?" Fierce Wolf asked again.

And Bai Hua said, "I'll figure out how to do this. I have one day to go to get some admission tickets."

"Let's find a place to take a break now. I will arrange a hotel for you now, so I don't need to go to the black hotel anymore." Bai Hua said.

Although it's a translator, this guy is really worried about many things.

As for how to stay in a hotel without a certificate, Su Ming didn't ask about this kind of mentally handicapped thing. They came out to perform the task, and they must have the support behind the Dragon Soul. It is not surprising that there are some special methods.

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