League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1770: It's not impossible

Su Ming agreed with one gulp, and there was no expression of uncomfortable expression on his face. To put it plainly, this kind of thing meant that the other party didn't know it. If he knew, he wouldn't ask like that again.

Exactly as planned before, Su Ming directly admitted that he was the mysterious rich man at the auction.

In fact, no one knows who that guy is. Su Ming can only thank him. It really helped him a lot and created a chance for Su Ming to act as a force.

Note didn't doubt anything, after all, Su Ming even took out the true essence spiritual liquid. Given the degree of preciousness of this thing, he didn't believe he could see the second one.

Moreover, over the years, China’s wealthy people have increased. Many of China’s wealthy people are acquiring famous foreign companies. Many foreigners have actually formed an impression in the hearts of many foreigners. Huaxia people are really too special. Money.

After knowing the identities of Su Ming and Baihua Huaxia, Nott no longer doubted it. With Huaxia’s character, he could indeed throw out more than a billion yuan without even blinking his eyes.

After all, China has a vast territory and abundant resources, and there are many rich people, and there are always people who really don't care about money.

The only doubt is that Su Ming and Bai Hua’s dresses are relatively ordinary. In the eyes of a more tasteful nobleman like Nott, it is not enough at all, but Nott also knows that there are some wealthy people who may not Pay attention to one's own dress. It is said that the rich people in China are even more so.

"The two came to see me with this thing. I don't know what's the matter?" Nott was actually vaguely excited in his heart, but he still had to pretend to ask without changing his face.

Bai Hua did not speak, but looked at Su Ming. Because Su Ming is playing a mysterious local tyrant today, Su Ming is the protagonist. He is just a translator. If he speaks directly, he will undoubtedly be spotted something abnormal. .

Su Ming said directly: "To be honest, I spent so much money to buy this thing, but I actually gave it to you, Mr. Nott."


Nott showed a mysterious smile, he was not so stupid. As soon as he heard that someone was going to give you something, he immediately showed a happy smile, and immediately stretched out his hand to take it. That is impossible.

There is no free lunch in the world, and people don't know you. There was no intersection before. Why should I give you something? This is obviously impossible.

Not to mention that this is still worth more than one billion yuan, and you can know without thinking about it. Obviously this is impossible.

Nott is also a human being, pretending not to care about the true essence spiritual liquid, just glanced at it, and there was no nostalgia in his eyes.

He knows very well that if he shows that he is very interested, then he will occupy a very disadvantageous position in the next negotiation.

Nott said directly: "Mr. Su, I'm afraid you didn't give it to me directly, right?"

Su Mingxin said that this is not nonsense. I don’t think I’m sick, so how could I give it to you directly, but everyone is sensible. When speaking, it saves effort. Just listen to Su Ming directly. : "Indeed, I want to find Mr. Nott to cooperate."

Nott was not surprised at all. He had guessed Su Ming must have come for a long time, so he said directly: "I don't know Mr. Su, I want to cooperate with me. Could it be that he has invested in Flo. intend?"

Su Ming's eyes collided with Bai Hua's eyes secretly, and Bai Hua gave Su Ming a more certain look, which meant that Su Ming should not bend around.

Immediately Su Ming shook his head and said, "It's not an investment. There is an underground research institute in Flo. Some scientists conduct scientific research in it. It is a completely free place. Scientists from many other countries in the world are also there. This place, Mr. Knott, must you be familiar with it?"

The expression on Nott's face froze all of a sudden, Su Ming actually mentioned the Underground Research Institute, something he never expected.

At the same time, he suddenly became nervous, glanced at Su Ming twice with caution, and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Mr. Nott, you don't need to deny it. I have already investigated before coming here. You are an investor in this underground research institute." Su Ming said in a showdown.


Nott nodded simply. It's not a secret. He doesn't have to deny it, but he doesn't understand it: "What are you asking this underground research institute for?"

"If you have studied the laws of Italy, you should be clear that foreigners are not allowed to intervene in these key areas. I can invest because of the prestige and connections of the Knott family in Flo.~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Knott misunderstood Su Ming, thinking that Su Ming was going to invest in that underground research institute, and then get some technology and other things out.

Su Ming smiled and said, "Mr. Knott, you have misunderstood what I mean. I don't have the idea of ​​investing in an underground research institute."

"I want to enter that underground research institute. It may not take long. You only need to take me in. This magical life essence is yours!" Su Ming deliberately took the true essence essence. Pushed forward a bit, and moved closer to Nott.

But the look on Knott's face was still very cautious, and he said, "What are you doing in the underground research institute?"

"I can't tell you this. Naturally, there are some things, but I can guarantee that I won't do any damage." Su Ming can only say like this.

Although the showdown has already happened, you still have to be careful. If this guy disagrees, isn't there a problem?

Nott’s expression looked a little uncertain, he just heard him directly say: "This is not good, I am just an investor in the Underground Research Institute, and I am not the manager there. It is also very difficult for me to get in, let alone Bring in someone you don't know."

If Su Ming believed his nonsense, it would be strange, and he stood up and said: "If that's the case, then I will bother you, sorry!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Now Nott was not calm, thinking that Su Ming would continue begging him nicely, who knows that this person has such a tough attitude, so Nott said directly: "Mr. Su, please stay."

"Seeing you are so sincere, we are not without the possibility of cooperation!" Nott said.

Su Ming showed a smile. Sure enough, this Nott was still moved.

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