Su Ming sat down again and put the True Essence Liquid in his hand on the table. In fact, Su Ming did not intend to leave, but was deliberately pretending to be force.

He was just betting on this Nott, he was really interested in the True Essence Liquid, and it was not easy to give up for a while.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Su Ming guessed. This guy stopped Su Ming abruptly. He did not expect that Su Ming would leave immediately. Then his True Essence Essence would be soaked, so this guy stopped. Su Ming.

"Mr. Su, don't be too anxious. Although your request is very difficult, it is not impossible." Nott finally let go.

Because Su Ming’s attitude is much tougher than his attitude. After this time, Su Ming will occupy a very favorable position. If Knott wants to bargain with some cleverness, I am afraid it will not be so. It's easy.

Su Ming said: "I spent so much money this time just to let Mr. Nott understand my sincerity. I believe Mr. Nott, you won't even help with this little help, right?"

"Entering the underground research institute is indeed not an easy task, especially if you are a Chinese from China!"

Nott showed a look of embarrassment, and said casually: "It's okay for me to go in, but if I bring people in, it will take a certain amount of effort."

"First of all, you have to assure me that after you enter, you can't do something that destroys the underground research institute, otherwise I can't explain it. You have to know that I'm just an investor." Knott finally let go.

Su Ming was not surprised by this. Although he did not invest in the underground research institute, it was just an investment project. To put it ugly, he said whether he invested more than a billion yuan in the underground research institute. Not allowed.

Moreover, the return of things like the underground research institute is very slow. He can take Su Ming in and get a real essence spiritual liquid worth more than one billion yuan. I am afraid that anyone with a slightly normal mind will be unable to help it. Just be moved.

"This is for sure, I won't do any damage." Su Ming nodded directly.

There is nothing to entangle with, Su Ming only went in to save people, not to blow up the entire underground research institute.

It can be said that if it is possible, Su Ming would be able to go in and bring people out if he wishes to be silent, without wanting to make any movement at all.

As for what to do if it is discovered, I will talk about it again when the time comes, and Su Ming will definitely not say it stupidly now.

Nott continued and said: "There is one last point. This time you can only go in alone. This is my limit. If I bring in one more person, I can't do it."

When he said this, Knott also glanced at the white birch on the side, as if he was worried that Su Ming would bring the white birch in. If two people go in together, it is indeed not easy to operate.

The faces of Bai Hua and Su Ming changed abruptly. According to their original plan, they entered the underground research institute for rescue. Two people had to go in. It was Su Ming and the wolf.

Others entered the cover, so Su Ming said, "This won't work. I have to take my people in. I'll take one person. One more person. It should be okay?"


Nott thought about it for a moment, and then said directly: "Okay, I promise you, but I won't be able to get in until tomorrow at the earliest!"

"That's okay, we didn't think we could go in tonight, it's okay to wait until tomorrow." Su Ming said.

I really didn't think about going over tonight to have a chance. Although this kind of thing is the sooner the better, but it is night after all, this kind of thing should not be too urgent.

Nuo nodded and agreed to the matter: "I will contact you tomorrow. You can go back and wait for news."

"By the way, do you think you can stay with this life essence?" Knott said.

Su Ming glanced at the True Essence Essence Liquid. Since the cooperation has been achieved, give it to him. Anyway, I have already agreed to give it to him, so Su Ming said: "That's natural. Take this thing. I hope our cooperation can go smoothly."

In fact, Su Ming was also a little bit careful, leaving this thing to show his sincerity, so that Nott can be more efficient when doing things.

"Smooth cooperation!"

Nott stretched out his hand, shook Su Ming, and then instructed the steward on the side: "Go and arrange a car and send the two back!"

When he came, he didn't send a car to pick him up, but now he asked the butler to arrange for it to be delivered, which can illustrate the change of Nott's attitude.

After watching Su Ming and the others leave, Nott finally couldn't control him anymore. He immediately picked up the True Essence Liquid on the table, put his nose close, and sniffed it greedily~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Soon, Nott closed his eyes and showed a look of enjoyment. This kind of thing made people feel so enjoyable. Just smelling it, he felt extremely happy.

Of course, Knott didn't take it right away. He had to take time to study it, or he would make a mistake by the time, and he would lose blood.

After collecting the True Essence Spirit Liquid, Nott suddenly showed a mocking smile and said to himself softly: "Two yellow-skinned monkeys, without looking at what they are, they came to me Nott to discuss cooperation. Really naive!"


Su Ming and the others got up early the next morning, thinking about what they could accomplish today. Before leaving yesterday, Nott gave a contact number.

For fear of disturbing others, Su Ming and the others held back this morning, and when it was almost noon, they thought about this nott, it should be almost arranged.

Bai Hua took out her cell phone and made a call, but after a long time, she couldn't answer at all.

This surprised Bai Hua, but he didn't think much about it. Everyone waited for a while, then redialed back, but no one answered.

Now it’s a bit uncomfortable for people to calm down. Why did no one answer the call? The wolf said, "What's the matter? Could it be that the phone number was memorized wrong?"


Bai Hua said, "When the housekeeper called me yesterday, I asked it again."

"Is he still arranging this matter?" Su Ming didn't believe that Bai Hua would do the low-level things like remembering the phone number incorrectly.

Bai Hua couldn't help it, and said: "Forget it, you are waiting for me, I will go to Knott's house and ask."

After waiting aimlessly for more than an hour, after Bai Hua came back, the expression on his face was ugly, and he said, "The members of the Knot family didn't let me in!"

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