League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1772: Your special mother is really a genius

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the League of Legends invincible lottery system! Su Ming suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and said, "Why didn't you let you in? Didn't we just go there yesterday?"

"I'll say the same, but the butler directly kicked me out, saying that Mr. Nott was away, and no one could enter the Nott family."

There is already some anger in Bai Hua’s words: "You know, the housekeeper arranged for us to come back last night, and now I don’t know each other. This is too fake."

Speaking of this, everyone basically heard it, and that Knott obviously planned to shame after he got the things.

"Mabi's, is a foreigner so shameless? If you say you want to cooperate, you have turned back. What a **** noble, no morals, rubbish!" The fierce wolf cursed directly: "Who will be Besides, foreigners have quality, Lao Tzu is the first to go up and beat him!"

Su Ming's complexion didn't look too good, and at this time there was a burst of anger in his heart, it was obvious that this special lady was being tricked.

Yesterday, I really didn't expect such a thing. I did think of a nobleman in Knott, who was reasonable and decent. He even did such a shameless thing. The basic morals are gone.

"Blam me!"

Su Ming took the initiative and said, admitting his responsibility: "I was too careless yesterday. I thought I had already reached a cooperation, so I left the True Essence Essence Liquid to him. I wanted him to be more active. Yes, I didn't expect to lift a rock and hit myself in the foot."

Thinking of this, Su Ming wanted to slap himself. When everyone made mistakes, Su Ming was a little careless, and he really believed in Note.

If you didn't leave the True Essence Essence Liquid yesterday and give it to it after you say it, I'm afraid that Nott would not use this trick.

"You don't blame you for this, that guy is too treacherous."

Bai Hua also spoke: "When I was talking yesterday, I didn't see anything wrong. That guy's acting skills are too good."

In fact, if it is indeed like this, Su Ming and Bai Hua are not the kind of people with simple IQs, so they were deceived by Nott's shameless thing.

The main thing is that this guy said too much. At the beginning, he bargained with Su Ming, saying that only one person could go in. Even when Su Ming and the others were leaving at night, they sent a car to send them off. .

Everyone thought that this cooperation would go on smoothly today. Who would have thought that this guy would turn back.

"Mabi's, I can't bear it anymore. I can't swallow this breath. I'm going to find the shameless thing to settle the account!" The fierce wolf broke out all at once. Among the few people here, his character is the hottest. It is also the most impulsive.

But there was nothing wrong with his reaction. After all, this incident was still too annoying. Normal people couldn’t stand it. Don’t look at other people’s words. In fact, he was also irritated in his heart. This feeling is not very pleasant.

The key True Essence Spirit Liquid was still smashed by Nott, something worth more than a billion yuan, it was smashed without its effect at all. This is the most annoying.

"What are you going to do with him? This kind of thing is verbal. We didn't sign the contract. Even if he repents, we can only suffer a dumb loss!" Bai Hua glanced at the fierce wolf.

The fierce wolf said very upset: "Then I will beat him up and have to kill him a shameless thing, Maby, dare to pit us."

"You stop first!"

Su Ming stopped the fierce wolf and said, "That guy named Knot, I will definitely clean up him, but not now, let's first think about how to complete the task."

When he said this, Su Ming's eyes showed a ruthless look. It was true that Su Ming's advantage was not so easy to take. Su Ming had made up his mind that he would definitely make that guy pay a painful price.

But not now, the primary and secondary scores are clear, the most important thing now is to complete the task.

The system only gave Su Ming half a month. After drifting at sea for about three or four days, after arriving in Italy, it was delayed for several days.

Su Ming is already a little anxious. There are still a few days left, and the key point is still not clear. If he continues like this, Su Ming is really worried, so this task must be done.

"Nott can't count on it now. Since he has turned back, it means that he will definitely not cooperate with us. It is not easy to see him." Su Ming said.

Bai Hua said: "The Knott family's defense is also very tight. We can't forcibly break in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and we will make things worse."

"How about breaking in with force directly?" Su Ming said, this is the only way he can think of at present.

Generally, when things don’t feel like a clue, most people choose to use violence to solve problems.

Bai Hua said: "This is the bottom line. The underground research institute is too tightly guarded. If the various high-end defense systems are really forced into it, it is estimated that the door will not even be opened."

"And even if you really broke in, the success rate of the mission is less than 5%, maybe even lower!"

Su Ming is completely helpless now. The chance of less than five percent makes Su Ming not dare to take risks. After all, if the mission fails to save people, the system mission is equivalent to a failure and too risky. It can only be used as a last resort.

"Teemian, the more I think about it, the more angry I get, more than a billion, that's it."

The fierce wolf was still complaining about Nott. It seemed that he was stuck in it and could no longer get out. He said, "I had known that good thing by Su Ming had been auctioned off. Get more than one billion yuan and invest it. The Underground Research Institute, then, like Knott, can we go in?"


Su Ming is like a helpless child in the dark. He doesn't know where to go. He can't take any steps. But the fierce wolf is like an angel, suddenly lighting up a lamp in front of Su Ming. Su Ming illuminates the way forward.

Su Ming had nothing to do just now, but when he heard the words of the fierce wolf, his head flashed, and he suddenly thought of a better way.

The longer he got, the more excited Su Ming hugged the fierce wolf, and he said, "Fierce wolf, your special mother is really a genius."

Maybe Fierce Wolf just said something unintentionally, but it reminded Su Ming.

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