League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1773: Kill you turtle grandson

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The fierce wolf was frightened. The expression on his face looked astonished. He looked at Su Ming in a little astonishment, and said: "Su Ming, what's wrong with you, don't you still have that special hobby? ?"

Su Ming slapped the fierce wolf on the head, and said: "You are special, uncle, even if I have a special hobby, I won't like you."

Immediately Su Ming said directly: "What you said just now accidentally reminded me that there is another way."

"What did I say?" Fierce Wolf was a little dazed, as if he didn't remember it too clearly.

Everyone ignored the fierce wolf, and Xiaohui said, "Su Ming, what good idea, have you thought of, say it and listen. Now we really have no good idea."

"Didn't the wolves just said that if you become an investor in the underground research institute, you can get in. Of course, we want to become an investor now. That is impossible. It will not be achieved in a short time."

Su Ming said: "But we can pretend to be the guy Nott. If this happens, then we can go in."

"How can this be?!"

After listening to everyone, they immediately shook their heads. Su Ming's method is too nonsense. People are not stupid. You pretend to be Nott. I'm afraid someone from the underground research institute will see it all at once. , Too nonsense.

In fact, Su Ming is serious. Don’t forget that Su Ming also has the skill of a demon girl, which allows Su Ming to have the ability to transform into a woman, and no one else can see it, which shows how awesome the disguise technique is. force.

"I didn't make a joke with you, I'm serious, you may not know, I know some disguise, if I pretend to be Knott, they absolutely can't tell."

Su Ming continued: "And that Knott's height is about the same as mine, basically even more invisible.

In fact, the demon girl's skills are not only to help you disguise, but also things like height and physique can be changed. It is no longer just as simple as disguise.

Of course, Su Ming must not be able to say this, otherwise it would be impossible to explain it with Yi Rongshu. Fortunately, the height of Nott and Su Ming are about the same.

The error is at most about three centimeters, but at this distance, how can ordinary people distinguish it with their eyes.

"However, no matter how powerful the Yirongshu is, it will still be difficult for you to become a foreigner? After all, beard and hairstyle are different." Bai Hua frowned and said, he considered the problem At that time, they are more detailed.

When Su Ming is working with these people, sometimes he still feels tired, because they think about the problems too carefully.

But there is no way. Su Ming still has to explain. He just listened to Su Ming and said: "Don't worry, I can solve these things. The only way to try at present is this."

"Su Ming, if you are telling the truth, you can really try it, but what should the wolf do?" Bai Hua asked.

As soon as Su Ming heard about the fierce wolf, he couldn't help but have some headaches. According to the previous plan, he entered with the fierce wolf, but the skill can only be used by Su Ming, and Su Ming will not help him. Content.

"I'll go in by myself, the fierce wolf can't go in with me. We don't know what the people who usually follow Knott look like. The risk is too great, and it is very likely that it will be exposed at once." Su Ming said. Said something.

"How can that be!"

The fierce wolf became anxious all at once, and the two agreed to go in together, but Su Ming didn't even take him now, making the fierce wolf feel like he was wearing a green hat.

Just listen to the fierce wolf saying: "You just disguise me as a foreigner, and then I bring a pair of sunglasses and pretend to be your bodyguard or something."


Su Ming couldn't help being a little speechless. He said that this ferocious wolf doesn't look good at ordinary times. His brain is quite useful at critical moments. It is not so easy to fool him.

But Su Ming definitely can't take him, because Su Ming doesn't know how to disguise himself. He will only disguise himself. If the fierce wolf really wants to go, then Su Ming will reveal his stuff.

So Su Ming said: "Fierce wolf, I'll tell you the truth, I didn't expect to use the disguise technique when I came out this time, so I took a mask."

"I can only use it by myself. Without that thing, there is no way to dissolve, and you can look in the mirror, you look in the mirror, your face, it's too difficult to dissolve, I'm a little bit powerless." Su Ming couldn't help but hit Furious wolf.

One sentence struck his heart, and the fierce wolf's heart was pierced to the core, and he hid his chest to the side without speaking.

"Su Ming, is it okay if you go alone?" Bai Hua asked again.

"Don't worry about my strength. If I go in and still fail to complete the task, I guess the wolf has gone, and it won't work."

Everyone didn't mean anything to refute it. It was indeed the truth. The fierce wolf couldn't hold up even a single move under Su Ming's hands.

Su Ming continued: "What you have to do is to prepare a set of high-end clothes for me, which is more in line with the style of Knott. I am wearing this clothes. It is definitely not the same."

"Okay, leave it to me to take care of it. You can just stay and disguise." Bai Hua went out to do this, but before leaving, he roughly measured Su Ming's size.

"I went back to my room to change my face. It may take some time!" After Su Ming finished speaking, he went back to his room.

It is definitely impossible for him to disguise in front of these people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and suddenly became Knott's appearance, and it is estimated that he could scare them to death.

After returning to the room to linger for a while, Su Ming deliberately delayed some time. After all, disguise is also a time-consuming thing, it is impossible to fix it all at once, it is too fake.

After lying in the room for about an hour, Su Ming activated Demon Ji's skills and directly imagined the appearance of Nott in his head.

Immediately, Su Ming took a look in the mirror, and he had completely changed into Note's appearance. This face was still quite handsome, and it was half as handsome as Su Ming himself.

Touching his face, what made Su Ming a little painful was that the beard on this face was a little bit sticky.

Su Ming went to the next room, where the fierce wolf and the others, opened the door and entered.

Bai Hua hadn't come back yet. The three people inside were immediately stunned when they saw Su Ming coming in by pushing the door. Then the fierce wolf jumped up and pointed to Su Ming's nose and said, "You are paralyzed. Come over, I will kill you tortoise grandson!"

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