After all, it was discovered, but it was impossible, because when taking people to escape, they would definitely pass by the place where Su Ming first came in, where there were many people.

And there, because there were too many people, there was a high possibility that they would be discovered. It really looked like this. After Su Ming and the others ran over, they were discovered all at once.

The unshaven guy immediately took out the walkie-talkie and sent a message, because he knew very well that no alarm device would be triggered in the event of a power failure.

In this case, if he doesn't do anything, it is estimated that the two Chinese scientists will really run out.

These two Chinese scientists, in the underground research institute, belong to the very good kind, and many people admire them, but because of their nationality, they are still a pity.

Because their latest research results are of great importance, and precisely because of this, it is impossible to just leave them back to China.

The only thing that makes the unshaven guy very strange is why Mr. Nott came to rescue these two Chinese scientists. You must know that he is an investor in this underground research institute. What benefits does this do to underground research? Is his brain flooded?

The speed of the guards was very fast, and they rushed in from the outside. Everyone had a gun in their hands. They looked like more than 20 people. Everyone looked well-trained and strong in combat.

Su Ming had guessed that there must be more than one or two guards here, and these people didn't know where they were hiding. After receiving the news, they rushed over at once. The speed of their actions was staggering.

But this is nothing to Su Ming. After all, it is just a group of ordinary people, and in this dark situation, their vision is very poor, and they can't even lock Su Ming's existence for a while. .

Su Ming didn't have time to play with them slowly, and he waved his hand directly, and a majestic vitality suddenly radiated out. These people suddenly fell to the ground without resisting it.

The unshaven guy couldn't see very clearly, but he could already feel it roughly, that all the guards had fallen to the ground.

"Damn it, why this Knott has such a powerful strength is too unscientific. It seems that the highest guardian must be moved."

The shaggy guy cursed, and then he flicked a button, looking solemn.

After these guards fell, there was no obstacle in front of Su Ming. Su Ming led the two scientists to continue walking forward, and at the same time kicked open two steel doors along the way, kicking Su. Ming had some tingling on the back of his feet, but he managed to escape.


Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief. This time Xiaohui was strong enough to give Su Ming three more minutes of power-off time, allowing Su Ming to successfully lead someone out.

It can be seen that when Su Ming came out, the entire research institute was lit up. It was obvious that at this time, they urgently restored the broken power system.

"not good!"

But when Su Ming had let go of his heart, he suddenly felt cold behind his back, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in Su Ming's heart.

Su Ming suddenly turned his head, and sure enough, a guy in a strange tights followed him. This guy was so strong that he was no ordinary guard at first glance.

His eyes stunned suddenly, Su Ming saw that this guy was not good to deal with, and then Su Ming immediately said: "You two leave me alone, run ahead, there is our person in front of you, I will come Stop this guy."

The female scientist also opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say whether Su Ming would be in danger if they just leave.

But in the end, men should be more decisive at this time. It is obvious that women's benevolence will be bad at this time. Xiao Bing hurriedly took his wife and ran forward, giving Su Ming full trust.


The dull voice rang, and suddenly a sniper bullet flew over. The guy in the tights reacted so fast that he avoided the bullet.

Su Ming only realized that, as I said before, Feifei would cover himself on the flanks. It is estimated that Feifei had already noticed the situation here. The cold shot just now was obviously from Feifei.

What surprised Su Ming was that the foreigner in tight-fitting clothes in front of him avoided the fast sniper bullet. You must know that the speed of the sniper is different from that of the pistol. The speed of that thing is completely abnormal. People can hide.

In this case, it also shows that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person, he should be an ancient warrior.

Sure enough, just as Su Ming thought, Quinn's skills opened and looked at and it was clear at a glance. It was really an ancient warrior, or in the mid-term of the microcosm, and his strength was quite good.

The appearance of this person completely subverted Su Ming’s cognition. It turns out that there are not only ancient warriors in China, but also foreign countries. However, when looking at these blond foreigners, the title of ancient warriors is given to them, Su Ming always has a strange feeling, probably the kind of nondescript.

Su Ming did not grind, and the dark vitality bullet was not condensed in advance, so it could not be used. In order to quickly resolve the battle, Su Ming directly drew out the blade of the ruined king and rushed up.

This tight-fitting foreigner was expressionless at first, and looked quite cold, but when he took Su Ming's sword forcibly, he felt a bad feeling, and his complexion changed a little. .

This guy is not a challenging opponent at all, he is not in the realm of Su Minggao, and he can be crushed directly with his hard power, not to mention that Su Ming is also a magical skill.

After the fight, he backed back again and again, and after only two minutes of work, the guy couldn't hold it anymore, and suddenly he vomited blood and flew out.

But Su Ming didn't let him go. The troll's big move came out. Although it was only the strength of the middle stage of the micro-level, it could not be wasted casually.

After the troll's ultimatum was exhausted, Su Ming also retreated directly, and was able to dispatch an ancient warrior to guard it. This underground research institute was already quite difficult.

But after thinking about it, maybe there are mysterious organizations in foreign countries that have gathered some powerful people.

The shaggy guy has been hiding at the door, but after seeing the highest guardian of the research institute also lost, his shock is conceivable, and the whole person is not very good.

But then he showed a sneer and said to himself, "Do you really think you can run away? Naive Chinese!"

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