"Su Ming, here--"

After running forward for a while, I heard the voice of a ferocious wolf calling, and when I looked up, I saw several of them.

"Thank you!"

It was difficult to hide the excitement on the faces of several people, because this time the mission was finally completed, at least two scientists successfully brought them out.

Everything else doesn't matter. This time they come here, their task is to bring people back alive. After all, the two of them are the most precious wealth.

The difficulty of the mission this time is beyond imagination. If it succeeds, most of the credit will be credited to Su Ming. This time, thanks to Su Ming, if Wushuang came this time, you can guarantee that the current mission will be certain. Not finished yet.

Su Ming smiled. It's not the time to be happy, so he hurriedly said: "Get in the car quickly, don't be overtaken by people behind, it's not that easy to run."

"Yes, get in the car and let's go!"

After a few people got in the car, the driver was Baihua. He was more stable and was more familiar with road conditions. Anyway, Su Ming would not dare to ride if he left it to the wolf to drive. too big.

Su Ming glanced around and found that someone was missing, so he asked strangely: "No, Feifei?"

"Feifei lay in ambush on the flanks, and the speed of retreat was too late to meet us. Waiting for him to be too risky, he has a way to go back." Bai Hua said.

Su Ming didn't continue to ask. I guess this is part of the plan. Feifei must have a way, and his person is relatively calm, so that people will not worry about him too much.

"After going back for a while, we can't care about the number of stays in the country. There is already a boat coming to pick us up at the port. We must retreat overnight. It's a hard work for two!" Bai Hua said to the two scientists.

Obviously, this is planning to run away tonight. If it is delayed until the next day, and the people on the Italian side react and want to run again, it is not that there is no way, but it will be more troublesome. I need to make myself dreamy at night.

Xiao Bing said, "Thank you so much this time. I can't talk about your hard work. Thank God if I can come out, this is nothing!"


But at this moment, a small voice suddenly rang. Xiaohui first asked, Su Ming also heard something was wrong, and said, "Did someone's phone ring?"

"Impossible. Our mobile phones are all silent. It is impossible for someone to turn on the sound of the mobile phone. Besides, this mobile phone is not such a sound." Xiaohui said.

Everyone heard it, and it certainly wouldn't be auditory hallucinations. Even the white birch driving in front had heard it, so the white birch slowed the car's speed slightly to make the tires make less noise.

Finally the Xiao Bing found out, and he said, "It seems to be the sound from this thing on my wrist."

"My this also rang!" The female scientist also spoke.

After the two of them raised their wrists, everyone could see clearly that something similar to a watch was tied to their wrists, which looked a little strange.

It's just that after they raised their wrists, the small "didi" voice sounded clearer.

"What is this?" Su Ming asked curiously. It looks strange. It doesn't look like a watch. It has a very advanced feeling. The only small screen shows a series of countdowns.

"not good!"

After Xiaohui glanced at it, her expression suddenly changed, and then she grabbed Xiao Bing's wrist and looked at it, her expression ugly for a while.

"What's wrong, Xiaohui?"

"It's over, this thing is the latest type of liquid bombs and bombs, just a little bit, but the power that bursts out is actually not small at all. At least one person can be blown to pieces in an instant!" Xiaohui's The voice was a little bit incredulous.

"How is this possible? Xiaohui, are you sure?" Fierce wolf also couldn't believe it. Who can believe that these two scientists are still tied to this dangerous thing.


At this time, Bai Hua couldn't drive calmly, so he suddenly stepped on the brakes, stopped the car, and said, "How come there is such a thing?"

The two scientists were obviously frightened. They only heard Xiao Bing say: "This thing, they tied us both on our wrists a few days ago."

"You also know that the two of us have no freedom of movement. We definitely can't resist. I didn't think about it. I thought it was a high-tech testing device to prevent us from escaping or suicide. I didn't expect it to be..."

Xiao Bing didn't say the following words, obviously he didn't expect those foreigners to be so vicious.

Su Ming also understands ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Obviously, people have been guarding them for a long time, thinking that someone will rescue them two, even if you are rescued, what can be done, I can blow them up.

Since this kind of excellent talent can't be used by me, don't even think of him, very simple but vicious idea.

"Can you get this thing down?" Fierce Wolf asked.

Xiao Bing shook his head: "I don't know how to put this thing on. When I was in the research institute, I thought about taking it off, but no matter how I did it, I just couldn’t take it off. The contraction makes the wrist sore."

"This should be made of a new type of material. Unless there is a special method, it will definitely be impossible to open it with brute force." Xiaohui said: "I even guess that if you really encounter a big outside world Power may explode directly."

At this moment, everyone's expressions were particularly ugly for a while. Just now they were happy for a while, thinking that they were successfully rescued, but they didn't know that there was more trouble waiting for them.

"This thing is controlled remotely through a computer. You can check it out. There will be a little more than three minutes left, and it will automatically detonate. Then..."

After Xiaohui, I didn't say anything outside, but what I wanted to express, everyone knows, as long as this thing explodes, there is nothing left.

The female scientist, with despair flashing in her eyes, knowing that she might not be able to save her life, she said, "My dear, let's get out of the car and don't drag them down."

Xiao Bing then reacted and said quickly, "Thank you for being able to come this time. At least let us know that Huaxia has not forgotten us."

"You also have this hard drive. It contains some important records of our research. We need professional personnel to decipher and take it back. We got off!"

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