League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1780: Su Ming, are you crazy?

Su Ming and the others all fell into silence. Indeed, as Xiao Bing and his wife said, if the two of them stay in the car, not only will they die for a while, but Su Ming and the others will also be unable to escape. Up.

After all, the power of this thing is not trivial, just by looking at this posture, it is clear that once it detonates, it is estimated that the entire car will become scrap.

At this time, I can still think of Su Ming and others. I don't want to drag others down, and I keep my own research results. If nothing else, these two scientists are indeed worthy of respect.

But think about it, if they don't have this kind of character, in the face of such good foreign conditions, why should they return home resolutely and finally get themselves to this point.

People are really different from people. The vast majority of people pursue fame and fortune. They just feel comfortable living. But there are some people whose pursuits are much more noble.

It is indeed an insult to Noble to say that such things as noble cannot be eaten as food.

After speaking, the two of them opened the door, thinking about getting out of the car.

Su Ming suddenly said at this time: "Wait a minute."

"It was hard to rescue the two of you. It doesn't matter if you go on like this. There are still three minutes left. We can think of a way." Su Ming said.

Indeed, seeing that the task was almost completed, Su Ming didn't want to just leave it halfway, it was really hurtful.

"Xiaohui, can you take this bomb down?" The people present, if anyone has a solution, it is probably Xiaohui. After all, Xiaohui is a very powerful female hacker, maybe right. This thing is also understood.

Xiaohui shook her head helplessly, and said: "I won't disassemble this thing. It has a special circuit, which is different from a computer. I don't understand it well, just have some understanding."

There is no other way now. If Xiaohui can't, she will definitely not be able to force her up to remove it. That way it will be easy to detonate this, and then Xiaohui will also be put in.

"There is another way!" The fierce wolf said.

Su Ming discovered that although this fierce wolf has a low IQ, he still likes to use his brain. Every time at this time, he can figure out a way, so Su Ming said: "What can you say, hurry up."

"Chopped your hands!"


"I know you definitely don't like to listen, it feels a little bloody, but this is the only way at the moment. Losing a hand and saving one's life, this deal should not be lost, right?" Fierce wolf said.

This time no one spoke to mock the fierce wolf anymore, because what the fierce wolf said was indeed a method, and it seemed to be a pretty good method.

This thing is tied to the wrist. If you can't take it off, you can't take it off, but if you chop it off, you can take it off with your hands. If you lose your hand, you can save your life at least.

"You two quickly think about it, whether it's going to be a hand or a death, there are still two minutes, time is not waiting." The fierce wolf said.

A touch of decisiveness flashed on Xiao Bing’s face. It’s time to make a choice. Losing his hand is indeed very inconvenient, but it’s better than losing his life. No matter what the situation, life is definitely the most important thing. This is Everyone understands a truth.

"Death!" Xiao Bing nodded.

"Okay, this is the real man, it just hurts all of a sudden!" Fierce Wolf seemed to appreciate Xiao Bing's approach, at least not persuaded.

Seeing that his wife hasn't made up his mind yet. After all, she is a woman. When faced with such cruel things, she must not be so decisive. So Xiao Bing said, "My dear, don't be afraid, survival is the most important thing. ."

"I can use a special method to anaesthetize you in a while, don't worry, it won't hurt very much!" said the fierce wolf.

"No need to chop your hands!" Su Ming said at this moment.

"Do you have a better way, Su Ming?" The fierce wolf was taken aback.

"Yes, I thought of a better way. Get off the car as soon as possible. There is no time to delay." Su Ming said, opening the door and getting off the car first.

The two scientists looked at each other and didn't understand what Su Ming wanted to do, but they got out of the car. Because Su Ming rushed in and rescued the two of them just now, there was still a kind of trust in Su Ming himself.

Su Ming gave each of them a small bead and said, "You will hold this bead in your palms for a while, close your eyes and don't think about anything. I can guarantee that you will have nothing at all."

"What is this?" Xiao Bing glanced at the small gray bead. It looked plain and unremarkable. He really didn't know what it was.

Su Ming didn't have time to explain so much to them. In fact, this is Feng Nu's "Eye of the Storm" beads. Just a moment ago, Su Ming thought of such a way.

Although Feng's "Eye of the Storm" beads are a one-time consumable, its powerful protection ability is unquestionable. No matter how powerful a sudden attack, it can be resisted, at least even a powerful attack from an ancient warrior. Can block it.

So Su Ming thought of giving them the "Eye of the Storm" beads to resist the huge power generated by the explosion. This bomb is so powerful that Su Ming does not believe that it can be more powerful than the attack of the ancient warrior of the true origin.

The resistance is sure to be able to withstand it, so Su Ming immediately activated Feng Nu's E skill and condensed an "eye of the storm", which can only be produced one at a time.

But don't forget, Su Ming always wears one for his own self-defense, and there are just two "eyes of the storm" together ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ just one of them.

"You two just hold it in your hands, you must trust me." Su Ming said.

"it is good"

Xiao Bing nodded, since he is also a person who has experienced life and death anyway, there is nothing to be afraid of, it is better to believe in Su Ming once, he should not lie to himself.

Su Ming let the two of them stand farther, so as not to accidentally injure the others by the shock wave of the explosion, then Su Ming hurried to the side. At this time, there was less than one minute left before the explosion.

"Su Ming, what good solution did you think of?"

"Now that you don't understand it, watch it quietly."

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at the explosion!"

Everyone suddenly stared at Su Ming. They couldn't believe what Su Ming was talking about. Xiaohui said loudly, "Su Ming, are you crazy?!"

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