League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1781: Go back to settle accounts

Bai Hua and the others were all frightened by Su Ming. Obviously, Su Ming was making fun of him. He even made them stand still, watching Xiao Bing and his wife be bombed?

"Su Ming, what are you doing, watching him go to death?"

"Hurry up and take action. In less than a minute, it will explode, and everything is too late!"

Both Xiaohui and Fierce Wolf were a little anxious. They didn't seem to have expected that Su Ming would be like this. It didn't look like Su Ming's style at all.

"Don't worry, maybe Su Ming really has something to do." Only Bai Hua, after a brief astonishment, gave Su Ming a thoughtful look.

In Bai Hua's eyes, Su Ming was a man of courage and strategy. He couldn't do that kind of stupid thing. He just watched Xiao Bing and his wife being killed.

But I really couldn't think of what Su Ming was going to do, everything seemed too weird.

Su Ming seemed to have made up his mind to sell off, and stood there without saying a word. On the contrary, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if everything was under control.

Look at Xiao Bing and his wife again. They have closed their eyes. They are still holding hands, and the other hand is clenched into a fist, looking decisive.

They didn't know Bai Hua. In fact, what they were holding in the hands of the couple was a baby, which was equivalent to a baby with one more life.

Everything is too late now, because the thing strapped to their wrists, the obvious countdown on it has entered the last ten seconds, it is estimated that it will explode after running over, and it is too late to do anything.

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven"

However, at this moment, Xiaohui didn't dare to watch it, and there was a sudden rumbling, an obvious explosion. As expected, this thing was not blown, it was true.


After bursts of fire flashed, everyone couldn't help showing a look of despair on their faces. They were all exploded like this. Even if people were made of steel, they would probably be exploded to pieces, let alone flesh and blood. Up.

Everyone didn’t know what was thinking in their heads. Anyway, at this time, everyone felt that there was something empty. Everyone in the country who came to Italy suffered a lot and lingered for so many days, but in the end they didn’t complete the task and they said no. The bitterness.

"Huh, are we really all right??"

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a voice not far away, why is there still someone talking, and the voice seemed to be so familiar.

As a result, everyone looked up, and when the fire disappeared, they found two people standing opposite each other. It was Xiao Bing and his wife. Both of them looked intact, and there was no damage to their clothes.

The Fierce Wolf and the others all opened their eyes wide, as if they had seen a ghost. Isn't this special lady too fake, it was blown up by a bomb, and the result was still intact?

Let alone them, Xiao Bing and his wife who experienced the explosion in person were the most shocking people at this time. They could clearly feel the powerful impact from their wrists just now.

At that moment, he felt that he might have to say goodbye to the world, so he closed his eyes and didn't think about anything.

But when everything returned to calm, Xiao Bing opened his eyes and realized that his life had been saved, and his wife next to him had nothing to do.

"Well, let's see with wide eyes, if they two have nothing to do." Su Ming patted Fierce Wolf on the shoulder and said with an expression that he was still young.

"This... Su Ming, how did you do it?"

Su Ming knew that he had to give an explanation, otherwise it would look too weird, so Su Ming casually pulled out a reason: "This is one of my treasures, which can resist some attacks, but it's a one-off. Consumables."

"After resisting the explosion, it was useless and disappeared." Su Ming could only give a vague explanation.

This kind of thing can't be explained by science, it can only go to the ancient warrior's side.

Everyone sees Su Ming’s eyes, it’s different again. This person is really fighting. In order to do the task, he first put the real essence liquid on it, and now he put a treasure in it. They didn’t get the birch. I know what to say.

I don't know how to thank Su Ming. I can only say that without Su Ming, this mission in Italy would not have been completed this time.

"Mr., thank you so much, you saved our couple again!" Xiao Bing walked over immediately and thanked Su Ming sincerely.

Indeed, thanks to Su Ming, even when he found out that he was still alive, he still has a feeling of being left behind, which is too unreal.

Su Ming couldn't resist this kind of polite scene, so he said: "Okay, now is not the time for you to thank you, hurry up and leave."

"There is so much movement here, maybe someone will catch up in a while, we have to go quickly!" Su Ming asked again: "Are you going directly to the port by boat?"

"It must be the past and I can no longer stay in the country. If you delay time, you may not be able to leave." Bai Hua said.

Anyway, they didn't have much luggage or anything, they were all lightly packed, and wanting to go is just a matter of a sentence, and they can leave at any time.

"Okay, then you remember to pay attention to safety when you are on the road, protect the two of them, and they must be safely escorted to the country!" Su Ming said.

Although looking at it now, there is no danger, but nothing can be said too absolute. Who knows if there will be an accident on the way back, there is definitely nothing wrong with being careful~www.wuxiaspot.com~Su Ming, you What do you mean, aren't you with us? "Ferocious Wolf always feels that there is something wrong with Su Ming's words.

Su Ming said: "I won't go back with you, you go back first, I have something else!"

"What are you doing?"

"Go back and find that Knott to settle the account." Su Ming's voice sounded a little cold.

Today, I was cheated by the guy named Nott. Although I didn't go to look for him at the beginning, Su Ming would definitely not just let it go.

Since ancient times, Su Ming has been pitting others. No one has ever dared to pit Su Ming. Since he pits Su Ming, Su Ming will definitely not give up.

Now that people have been rescued, and the task is almost complete, Su Ming is not welcome!

PS: Four shifts today, and tomorrow too. I will go home these two days to deal with a few things. I won’t disclose the specific private matters. Don’t worry, I will give you an outbreak in a few days. The long-awaited outbreak is finally coming.

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