League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1798: We live together

"So you don't have to worry about that much. I guess you won't be so interested in a month and a half or even less."

Su Ming suggested two sentences: "It's just that your son still has some special things. When he is interested in something, especially during the time when he is only interested, you have to pay attention to it, don't let him It's like this time."


Cai Ju nodded his head like a rattle. Obviously, he remembered every word Su Ming said in his heart, and he rarely saw that in his identity, he could perform this way in front of a person.

Of course, his identity is nothing to Su Ming, who is used to meeting big people.

"Doctor Su, thank you for your action this time. If you have time tonight, I'll treat you to a meal." Cai Ju said.

In fact, this is also the best way to thank Su Ming. Please have a meal to express your meaning without being obtrusive. You can't say what benefit is directly given to Su Ming. Even if he wants to give it, Su Ming is not yet It's definitely worth seeing.

"You don't have to eat."

Su Ming knew what this guy meant, and wanted to thank himself, but Su Ming was also very busy now, and he had agreed to have a drink with Cheng Ruofeng, so let's forget about the treat.

Just listen to Su Ming said: "There happened to be something tonight. If there is a chance, we can have dinner next time."

Cai Ju didn't force it, and said with a smile: "That's okay, thank you Dr. Su."

After leaving the ward, Cheng Ruofeng finally couldn't help it, and said in amazement: "Teniang's can still have this kind of thing. It is the first time I heard that a child can get lovesickness."

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe it. I can only say that if it wasn't for Su Ming, you came here, and someone else came here, I really can't tell." Cheng Ruofeng seemed to praise Su Ming.

Su Ming is more willing to listen to Cheng Ruofeng's deep flattery, so Su Ming directly said: "There are more weird things in the world, but when you bring children in the future , You have to pay attention, the younger the child is, the harder it is to deal with it, and the older it will be better."

Cheng Ruofeng nodded, and then left the hospital to go home.


The days passed quietly for a few days. Three days later, Fierce Wolf and the others came back. After Su Ming received the news, he went to Dragon God's place.

After all, after several days of performing tasks together, everyone has already had some feelings, especially the unscrupulous fellow Fierce Wolf, who has an appetite for Su Ming, and flattering is so fresh and refined.

I asked, they all went very smoothly along the way, and didn't encounter any problems, but the boat drifted at sea too slowly.

When Su Ming heard about this, he couldn’t help but feel grateful. Fortunately, he stayed and left by plane after killing someone. Otherwise, he would have to be like them to arrive today. That would be too miserable. some.

The two scientists, Su Ming, did not see them, because the talents disembarked, they were said to have been put under key protection, and someone directly took them to the capital.

There is no way that such cutting-edge scientists are more precious than giant pandas, and they must be well protected, even if they are already on the territory of China, they cannot be taken lightly.

Su Ming chatted with a few people for a while, and learned that they were leaving too. After doing this, it was almost impossible to take a break. Anyway, he was born to work.

This mission is over, and there is another mission waiting for them. Su Ming also knows that the next time he wants to see them, he doesn't know when.

So Su Ming gave Fierce Wolf and Wushuang, two drops of True Essence Liquid per person. Wushuang was okay, but Fierce Wolf knew what price this thing had been auctioned for. Su Ming gave him two drops at once. Frightened the ferocious wolf.

At first, the fierce wolf couldn't hold on, but after being smoked by Su Ming, he became honest and accepted the things directly.

Of course, before leaving, he was blackmailed some Baiguling wine by the unscrupulous fellow Dragon God. Su Ming also knew that this old fellow had to go back too. With a mentality of celebrating, Su Ming gave him some .


Su Ming received a call from Xia Qingchan that day. It is said that her parents came over and planned to find Su Ming for a meal. Su Ming was surprised.

Xia Qingchan's parents seem to have not seen them for a long time, so Su Ming quickly said: "Are you here today? You don't want to tell me sooner, I can buy something."

"Don't worry, my parents will come here tomorrow. Just come to my house for dinner. Don't take them to any restaurant." Xia Qingchan said.

"It turned out to be here tomorrow. I thought it was today, which shocked me." Su Ming said.

Xia Qingchan was already telling Su Ming about this matter in advance, so Su Ming was a little relieved, at least tomorrow, there is still a certain amount of time to buffer.

Just listen to Xia Qingchan said on the phone: "Su Ming, don't think about it too easily. You have to come over early tomorrow morning and bring your own toiletries."

"What's the matter, your parents still need to use my toiletries?" Su Ming was startled.

Xia Qingchan: "..."

After being speechless for a while, Xia Qingchan continued to speak: "Where did you want to go, that's it, I...I told my parents before that we are already living together."


After Su Ming heard this sentence ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he was dumbfounded, and his heart said why he suddenly got involved in this topic. If he said that, he would suffer.

If you are living together, it’s okay if you say it. The key is that you didn’t live with you at all. In the end, you told your parents. Then when your parents are eating, you have to look at yourself and feel The daughter of their family was overwhelmed, so Su Ming felt uncomfortable.

So Su Ming said: "You...how can you bully your parents casually, we didn't live together at all."

When Xia Qingchan was on the phone, Su Ming seemed to be uncomfortable. He only heard Xia Qingchan continue to say: "I can't help it. You also know that my mom has been urging me for fear that we are not living together. ."

"I was urged by her to have nothing to do, so I told her that we were living together. You should hurry up to cooperate with me tomorrow, so as not to be seen through by my mother. I'm so annoying." Xia Qingchan said.

PS: Fourth!

(End of this chapter)

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