
When Su Ming heard it turned out to be such a thing, he could only sigh in his heart, Xia Qingchan’s mother was also very strange. It seemed that he had always been very concerned about the two of them, for fear that he would not be ashamed of Xia Qingchan. Shy thing.

I remember when Xia Qingchan took herself home to pretend to be a boyfriend, it was also because her mother kept urging Xia Qingchan to find a boyfriend. Xia Qingchan had no choice but to let Su Ming act as a shield.

Then Su Ming played so well that her mother couldn’t wait to let Xia Qingchan and Su Ming get things done soon. Now Xia Qingchan is urged and can’t do anything about it. She can only say that she has lived with Su Ming. Have to fake the scene.

These things can still be pretended to be past, so it's nothing. Su Ming is more worried about what Xia Qingchan can do if her mother wants to hug her grandson one day.

However, based on the principle of humanitarianism, Su Ming felt that if he didn't help Xia Qingchan, it would seem a little not very good, so Su Ming said: "Okay, I will bring things in general tomorrow."

"Also remember to bring a few of your own clothes. It is best to prepare some for spring, summer, autumn and winter. Come in the morning and I have to set up the scene!" Xia Qingchan's voice sounded very solemn.

Su Ming couldn't help being speechless for a while, saying that Xia Qingchan was too formal, as if he was approaching an enemy.

Xia Qingchan continued: "Su Ming, you must not be careless tomorrow, remember to bring everything here, don't be late."

"My mother made it clear that this time we can go to the house for dinner. Don't go to the restaurant anymore. Although nominally she doesn't want to waste money, I know she definitely wants to take this opportunity to see if we two are I didn't really live together." Xia Qingchan seemed to know her own mother very well.

Su Ming said: "Don't worry, I will definitely pass by on time."


Early the next morning, Su Ming really got up early in the morning and didn't dare to sleep longer. After all, it was promised to Xia Qingchan, and Su Ming couldn't give her to the pit.

It's not easy to think about Xia Qingchan. I won't talk about pulling a child, and I have to help myself deal with her mother. Fortunately, her mother didn't come here every other day.

After Su Ming got up, he packed his clothes and other things, and even brought slippers. Su Ming had the illusion that he was moving.

Fortunately, these things can all be installed in the system space, so for Su Ming, it is not too much trouble. You can take them out when you get to the door of Xia Qingchan's house.

After Su Ming had almost cleaned up, it seemed that there was nothing missing, so he went straight out. Xia Qingchan reminded Su Ming that he had to go earlier, so Su Ming didn't care about breakfast, so he went out.

When Xia Qingchan came to Xia Qingchan's house, Xia Qingchan saw that Su Ming was here, so he quickly invited Su Ming in and said, "I haven't eaten yet. I have already prepared breakfast. Come and eat."

Su Ming came to the dining table and took a look, and found that there were sweet potato porridge, pumpkin pie, and all kinds of whole grains. For Su Ming, who had eaten more pancakes and fruits, improving the taste was obviously very good.

After a while, Huahua woke up. Xia Qingchan went to help Huahua dress up and do something. Su Ming said, "Let me do it, don't you want to set up the scene?"

"You go eat your meal, my parents only arrived in the afternoon, not later than this time." Xia Qingchan said.

After breakfast, Xia Qingchan sent flowers to school. Today is not a weekend. The reason why Xia Qingchan didn't go to work was because she took leave from school.

After coming back, Xia Qingchan arranged it specially and put Su Ming's toiletries in the bathroom first.

These things are the most obvious things that people will notice. If you live alone, you must have toiletries.

Then came Su Ming's slippers, and some Su Ming's shoes. Xia Qingchan specially helped Su Ming buy two pairs of men's shoes to recharge.

At the same time, Su Ming's clothes were also hung in the closet, and Xia Qingchan also specially arranged things like sheets on the bed.

Originally Xia Qingchan slept alone, but now she slept with two people, it is inevitable to make some changes.

Su Ming couldn’t help his scalp numb. He said that this woman was really terrifying, and there were hardly any loopholes left. Every point was considered, so Su Ming felt like he had lived here for a while. .

Su Ming couldn't help but said: "Teacher Xia, there is no need to fight like this, you are already careful enough."

"You don't understand, my mother is too sophisticated, she can see if she leaves a little loophole, she must be careful, if he finds out, then I will die." Xia Qingchan did not dare to take it lightly.

When it was almost noon, Xia Qingchan was finally ready to clean up, and said to Su Ming: "Let’s stop eating at noon. Let’s go out and buy some vegetables by the way. In the evening, my parents come to eat at home, and I still have food. I didn't buy it yet."

"How can it work? Let's go out and buy groceries." Su Ming said, "By the way, I will buy some gifts and the like."


At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Xia Qingchan was going to pick flowers and flowers after school, and she had to pick flowers and flowers after school. Now Xia Qingchan has passed by in advance and dare not care anymore.

"Go pick the flowers, leave it to me here, I'll cook dinner." Su Ming is fine with cooking anyway.

"You can cook?"

"Of course!"

Xia Qingchan chose to believe in Su Ming, but meditated silently in her heart, hoping not to make some dark dishes.

After a while ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xia Qingchan's parents came to the door, and Su Ming quickly opened the door to greet them.

"Why are you at home alone, Qingchan?" Xia Qingchan's mother Liu Fang asked.

Su Ming smiled and said, "Auntie, Qingchan, she went to pick up flowers, and she will probably be back soon."

"This Qingchan is really true. Just pick up the child and let you go. How can you let a man cook at home." Liu Fang said.

Su Mingneng noticed that as soon as Xia Qingchan's mother came in and put on the prepared slippers, she looked around.

Su Ming's heart is clear, it seems to be similar to what Xia Qingchan said. Her mother came here, a considerable part of the reason is to investigate the situation, to see if the two people are really living together.

But Su Ming didn't panic. After all, Xia Qingchan was fully prepared and there shouldn't be any problems.

PS: Fifth more!

(End of this chapter)

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