After thinking about it for a while, Liu Fang spoke and said, "Don't tell me, this house is really good, it looks great, and it will definitely be very comfortable to live in."

Su Ming nodded. He seemed to feel pretty good about this house himself. It was indeed a high-end community. Compared with ordinary places, it was indeed better.

Seeing that everyone was quite satisfied, Su Ming immediately decided: "Then this house, let's just buy it in the past."

"Ah, just bought it after a look?"

The person who kept calling Su Ming to buy the house was Liu Fang, but when Su Ming was about to pay for it, Liu Fang felt a little panicked.

After all, it’s such an expensive thing. I’m going to buy it after a while. Isn’t it too rash, so Liu Fang proactively said: “Su Ming, or let’s look at other properties and make a decision. People say that shopping around will not suffer, let's not do it too fast."

Su Ming smiled, and said to his heart that buying a house is not buying clothes. What else can you shop around? The prices are all there, and basically they are clearly marked. There is no such thing as someone cheating you.

In addition, Su Ming feels that it’s almost enough to run this house. If Su Ming is allowed to run around all day, Su Ming’s heart will definitely collapse, so Su Ming said: "Auntie, actually I asked yesterday After a while, the house here is already pretty good."

"The houses in other places are not as good as here, and we will run for nothing when we run." Su Ming persuaded.

The sales lady on the side also said, “Yes, this property of our house is one of the few high-end properties that still have houses in Ningcheng. Even other high-end properties are not geographically located here. Conditions are good."

"And Auntie, you can go and find out. The price here is very conscientious in high-end real estate. If you miss it, you may not have a house next time."

It is said that there may be no house, this is a little bit of flicker in it. After all, the house this year is not as popular as the previous two years, and it is not a popular period for selling houses.

The sales lady must be fooled. She saw that the business was almost complete. At least Su Ming had just said that she wanted to buy it. If they really let them go like this, it would be a big loss.

Liu Fang had already been moved by what was said, and when she said it, she also felt that this house was indeed pretty good, so she had no idea of ​​continuing to look at other houses.

Immediately Liu Fang asked again: "What is the approximate price of the house here?"

After watching this for a long time, in fact, the most critical question was that no one asked about the price. Su Ming didn't care about it, and Liu Fang didn't even think about it. They could really buy the house as soon as they came up.

The sales lady said with a smile: "The price of the house here is about 38,000 square meters."


After saying this, he almost frightened Liu Fang. Liu Fang was covering his chest. It seemed that he couldn't bear the price. He said, "That's right, it's nearly 40,000 yuan per square meter? How much did you get for this house?"

"The house you are looking at. I just calculated it for you. The price of more than 4 million yuan and less than 5 million yuan can be taken down. If you want to borrow in installments, the down payment must be more than 1.5 million yuan. OK." The sales lady roughly calculated.


Liu Fang was completely speechless now. Obviously, he was frightened by the exaggerated housing prices. The ordinary people heard about millions of houses, but it was indeed unacceptable, not to mention that Liu Fang was still an ordinary rural person. , The ability to withstand these things is definitely weaker.

After a while, Liu Fang said, "You are stealing money, how can a house be sold so expensive?"

The sales lady was said to be embarrassed for a while. In fact, the current housing prices are all in this form. She didn't say false, so why was she scolded.

Su Ming hurriedly said, "Auntie, don't get excited, it's all at such a price. Now the house is very expensive."

In fact, the average house price in Ningcheng is not so high, but this is a high-end residential area, and the location is relatively good. Naturally, the price will be higher than other ordinary houses. This is normal.

Father Xia also brought Liu Fang back, so that she wouldn't be ashamed. In fact, Father Xia often reads the news, and she has some knowledge.

I just heard Father Xia say: "You are not bullshit, the house price in our county is almost 10,000 square meters, but here is Ningcheng, so high house prices are normal."

"I can't even figure out the current house price, and I have to shout to buy a house. I really convinced you."

It is rare that after Liu Fang was told by Xia's father this time, she didn't immediately scold her. The price of several million yuan really frightened her.

I thought about buying a house to stabilize the relationship between Xia Qingchan and Su Ming, but now I don’t want to, but quickly said: "Su Ming, let’s go back, this stuff is too expensive, let’s not buy it. Auntie told you yesterday to have fun. For play."

Su Ming couldn't help but smile, thinking that everyone has already come, so why are they leaving, so Su Ming said: "It's okay auntie, buy it and buy it. I can still take out the millions. "

The sales lady's eyes lit up uncontrollably, and as she guessed, Su Ming had the ability to buy a house, and he also had this idea.

You must not miss it, so the sales lady hurriedly said: "This gentleman is right, even if you buy it, there will still be room for appreciation in the future. After a year or two, maybe more than this price~www. Let’s go, auntie, let’s sign the contract or something." Su Ming helped Liu Fang walk forward, and the group returned to the sales center.

After the sales lady confirmed the deal, she became excited, and hurriedly prepared the contract. After a while, the contract was settled.

When signing, Su Ming asked Xia Qingchan to sign, on the excuse that he didn't bring his ID card, so this house is even under the name of Xia Qingchan.

"A few wait a minute, I'll go to our manager to go through the formalities, and then I can pay the money." The sales lady said.

At exactly this time, the sales manager here passed in front of him, and the sales lady hurriedly said: "Manager, you can do this procedure, there are people who want to buy a house.

The manager didn't even look at it, and said directly: "Didn't you see me being with an important guest? Wait a moment."

PS: Thirteenth!

(End of this chapter)

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