The manager's attitude is not very good. When speaking, there is a little impatient tone in it. Obviously, this is to blame the sales lady for interrupting him.

Su Ming frowned. At first, the impression of Su Ming was very good. After all, the sales lady had a very good attitude, which made Su Ming feel more comfortable when talking to her.

Unexpectedly, I would meet Silly in the end. The sales manager's obvious attitude was not very good. After all, he is the manager here and already considers himself a character, so let's be more swollen.

The sales lady was a bit wronged when she was scolded. After all, she was about to complete a business, but she was scolded after a long time.

"But... but what should this customer do?" The sales lady said, she was almost done with the contract.

The sales manager glanced at Su Ming and his group of four people, and found that most of them looked ordinary, especially Liu Fang and Xia Fu. They obviously came from the countryside.

So the sales manager didn't pay attention to a few of them. Obviously, this kind of person is that kind. The family didn't know how long they had saved to buy a house and had to take a loan. The procedures were very troublesome.

Moreover, selling a house to these people would be very troublesome in the process. They were born thinking about whether they could take advantage of it, and the sales manager naturally did not value them.

Just listen to this guy saying: "I'm accompanying Mr. Wang to see the house. You can ask some of you to wait for a while, and wait for me to take care of things here."

Su Ming took a look and found that next to the sales manager, there was indeed a man and a woman. The woman was slightly younger. Both of them looked like five people and six people. They were probably the kind of small money.

For this kind of person with a certain social status, the sales manager would naturally have to accompany him well, and this President Wang still had some friendship with him, and it was normal to put Su Ming aside.

The procedure for buying a house is more than just signing. It is a very complicated matter. If it is a loan, it will be a waste of time. It is better to let them wait a while.

In fact, when looking at things like the house, just find a sales lady to accompany him, but this guy has a good relationship with Mr. Wang, so he accompanies him himself.

The sales lady has nothing to do. He is the manager anyway. He is right in everything. Small sales like her have no right to speak.

Seeing that the sales manager left with the customer directly, it seemed that he didn't want to care about Su Ming's affairs at all.

The sales lady was also a little sad, so she opened her mouth to explain to Su Ming: "Sir, I'm really sorry, our manager is relatively busy now and has important business."

"If you want to buy a house, the contract must go through our manager's hands. I can't go through the formalities. Let's wait for a while."

Su Ming nodded and didn't say anything. He knew that the sales lady, a small employee, could not be blamed at all for this incident.

In fact, the sales manager is a typical snobbery. Most people don’t like it. People with a little identity are desperately moving forward. Now there are too many such people in society. It’s a reality to say something nice. The ugly thing is that there is no discipline.

But what you can't deny is that this kind of person can still be mixed.

So Su Ming said: "It's okay, we can wait a while, it doesn't matter anyway."

Su Ming also didn't bother to be familiar with that guy, as long as he bought the house today, there are too many people looking at idiot these days, and Su Ming can't teach them one by one.


But Su Ming had been sitting here and waiting for more than an hour, and seeing that it was almost time for lunch to eat, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

After a while, it’s almost the same, but after sitting here for so long, Su Ming is really a little upset, really thinking that his time is worthless, right?

The key sales manager seems to have no intention to come over. The so-called important customer he accompanied has been watching for a long time, but he didn't make up his mind to buy it.

On the contrary, Su Ming wanted to buy, but he simply ignored it, which made Su Ming very angry.

"Sir, don't worry, I'll urge you!" The sales lady saw that Su Ming's face was not very good, so she said quickly.

In fact, she had urged it several times in this more than an hour, and every time she came back with shame, Su Ming estimated that she was scolded not lightly.

The sales lady was caught in the middle of this incident, and she was also very uncomfortable. Su Ming didn’t want her to run anymore, so Su Ming stood up and said, “Forget it, I’ll go over and ask him what he is. What do you want."

Su Ming was with him, and Xia Qingchan and the others couldn't sit still, so they quickly got up and followed Su Ming.

The sales manager has been wandering around in this sales center. Su Ming found him all at once and said, "Can I still do the procedures? I have been waiting for you for more than an hour."

"What are you doing? I told you to wait for a while. I said I want to watch the house with Mr. Wang!"

Su Ming's tone was not very good, and the sales manager naturally heard it, so his tone was also very blunt.

Liu Fang became angry all at once. She was so angry that she had never suffered this anger. Today, she came to spend money to buy a house, and she was irritated by someone. This makes no sense.

So Liu Fang spoke: "I said what the **** is going on with you, let's buy a house, what do you mean by hanging us out?"

"Whether to sell or not, or if we don't sell, we will go somewhere I really thought I could only buy a house from you." Liu Fang was very upset.

It is rare that Xia Qingchan didn't grab her mother this time, because Xia Qingchan was also very unhappy, the sales manager was too annoying.

At this point in the sales center, there were still more people, and Liu Fang's voice was not small, and many people all came over at once.

In fact, this morning, no one had any intention to buy a house at all, and only Su Ming was one. It takes a process for ordinary people to look at the house to buy a house.

The sales manager was stunned by Liu Fang, and he couldn't hold his face for a while, and said directly, "What are you arguing with me here?"

"Isn't it great for you to buy a house here? I don't know how long it took for your family to save a down payment."

The sales manager got angry and said directly: "If you don't buy it, you can leave me quickly, thinking that you can't sell the house without you?"

PS: Fourteenth!

(End of this chapter)

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