League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1826: Absolutely ghost

Shen Mu could take a look at Jiang Xiaojun with a disgusting look. This was learned from Su Ming, because Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun had been complaining to each other, and they didn't know how many times they looked at Jiang Xiaojun with disgusting eyes.

After spending a long time together, Shen Muke learned some essence from Su Ming. Whenever Jiang Xiaojun looked like this, Shen Muke couldn't help but want to despise Jiang Xiaojun.

Immediately, Shen Muke said: "I'm serious with you, but you have to cooperate with me, and promise me that you must not disclose this to Su Ming, otherwise I won't forgive you."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not telling Su Ming anything, don't worry about my Jiang Xiaojun character, even if Su Ming seduce me with beauty, I won't give in to him." Jiang Xiaojun stretched out a few fingers, yes God swears.

Shen Mu Kebai gave Jiang Xiaojun a glance, and then said roughly: "In fact, there is not much to do, so I am going to make a cake for Su Ming, and then book a dining room. I will bring a few people. I used to decorate it to create a birthday atmosphere."

"All you have to do is help me find a decent restaurant, probably near the school, don't be too far away, as long as the environment is decent, remember to choose according to Su Ming's taste." Shen Muke told Jiang Xiaojun Said.

Because considering that Jiang Xiaojun and Su Ming are really familiar with each other, the two people probably have seen each other’s birds, so there is nothing they don’t know. Let Jiang Xiaojun book a hotel that Su Ming likes, and he should be able to do it. .

At the same time, Shen Muke said again: "Wait, I will set up the scene that night. When it is almost done, I will notify you, and then you will bring Su Ming over. Don't let him know in advance. Wait until the scene. Let him find out for himself."


Jiang Xiaojun hurriedly nodded his head twice. He understood what Shen Muke meant as soon as he understood it, meaning that he should not let Su Ming know in advance. After arriving at the scene, Su Ming with a bewildered expression naturally knew what was going on. Up.

I can't say how creative this surprise is, because many people have done it before, and in some dog-blooded TV series, it is also performed like this.

But Shen Mu can really do it like this, it still represents her heart, which shows that Shen Mu has prepared in advance. If a boy knows, he will definitely be very moved.

So Jiang Xiaojun gave a flattering sound and said: "School flower, I am still weird today."

"What's weird?"

"It's strange that Su Ming, that bastard, what kind of **** luck he has, he found a good girlfriend like you, and he has been lucky for eight lifetimes."

"Just you can flatter."

Shen Mu laughed a bit, and then continued: "Don't just go around and forget what I ordered, you must remember."

"Don't worry, I will remember it!"

Jiang Xiaojun nodded quickly, knowing how much Shen Mu Ke attaches to this matter, so he certainly wouldn't be half-hearted.

Two days passed quickly. On the day of Su Ming's birthday, in the evening, before it was time to eat, Jiang Xiaojun received instructions from Shen Muke.

So Jiang Xiaojun called Su Ming and said: "Su Ming, where are you, are you at school?"

"At school, what's wrong, have you been beaten again?" Su Ming said this in the first sentence.

Jiang Xiaojun's face turned black, and he directly complained: "Su Ming, can you still expect me to be a little better? I am so powerful now, how could I be beaten by someone, something that doesn't exist."

Su Ming deliberately joked with this guy, and then Su Ming said: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, what's the matter?"

"You haven't eaten yet, come out quickly, I'll treat you to a meal, just in time for a drink." Jiang Xiaojun said.

Su Ming said, "I'm afraid it won't work today."

"Why is it not going to work today?" Jiang Xiaojun was suddenly taken aback, and he said that if this doesn't work, what should Shen Muke tell him to do? Wouldn't he be smashed.

Su Ming said: "I've talked to the guys in the dormitory. Let's go out for a drink later. Let's go out tomorrow. It's the same anyway."

Jiang Xiaojun couldn't help hearing the black thread, and said to his heart how could it be the same. People's birthday is one day. Today is your birthday. What kind of thread will you have tomorrow?

Listening to Su Ming's tone, Jiang Xiaojun also heard it. It is estimated that Su Ming, this kid, didn't realize that today was his birthday. The level of nerves made Jiang Xiaojun admire.

Fortunately, Su Ming is only going to have a drink with his roommate tonight. It doesn't matter much, so Jiang Xiaojun categorically said, "No!"

"You have to come over today, I have to talk about important things for you, and I have to say today." Jiang Xiaojun's tone became serious for a while.

Su Ming couldn't help but be inexplicable, so he said, "What's the matter, what's the important thing for you to tell me?"

"It's inconvenient to say on the phone. Come out anyway. I'll go down to your dormitory to wait for you. Remember to come quickly, otherwise something serious will happen." After Jiang Xiaojun finished this sentence, he hung up the phone directly. .

Su Ming was a bit inexplicable, and I don’t know what kind of medicine Jiang Xiaojun took wrong, but listening to Jiang Xiaojun’s words was quite serious, so he could only tell his roommate about something tonight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he hurried downstairs. .

"What the **** is going on with you, I was so surprised." Su Ming said after seeing Jiang Xiaojun.

How could Jiang Xiaojun say anything? He couldn't say a word, because he was afraid that he would open his mouth and accidentally expose something. Jiang Xiaojun could only say: "It's not easy to walk now, let's talk about it when we go to eat. ."

"I have already booked the restaurant, let's go quickly." After Jiang Xiaojun said a word, he moved forward quickly.

Su Ming couldn't help but a flash of doubt, and he said that he would only have a drink at the restaurant, so why should he make a reservation in advance? Don’t you just eat wherever you go.

But Su Ming didn't say anything. He saw that Jiang Xiaojun had a ghost, but Su Ming resisted it, and he should know it in a while.

Jiang Xiaojun didn’t speak much along the way, and he walked relatively fast. Su Ming was even more surprised now. This Jiang Xiaojun is so different from usual. Normally Jiang Xiaojun and Su Ming can’t stop this mouth. Ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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