I doubted the whole journey. If it wasn't because Jiang Xiaojun was really too familiar with him, I guess Su Ming would have to doubt Jiang Xiaojun's motives, wondering if he did anything wrong with him.

Finally followed Jiang Xiaojun to the place where he was eating. Su Ming was quite satisfied with this place. He had eaten before, and it was more in line with Su Ming's taste. I remember that Su Ming seemed to praise this place before.

"Go upstairs, in the box." Jiang Xiaojun said to Su Ming, and then started walking upstairs.

Su Ming was even more surprised at this moment. When two people came out to eat, when did they use the box? It's not about important things.

The suspicious Su Ming didn't say a word, because he knew that even if he said it, he probably wouldn't say it. It's better to go up and see what Jiang Xiaojun is going to say.

After following Jiang Xiaojun to the door of the box on the second floor, Jiang Xiaojun looked to the side and then said to Su Ming: "You go in first."

If there were some cover-ups before, then Jiang Xiaojun doesn't cover up at all now, which is too obvious.

How can someone go in instead of pushing the door when they get to the door, and let Su Ming come over and go in first. You know, Su Ming and Jiang Xiaojun are relatively casual.

Su Ming glanced at Jiang Xiaojun, and finally couldn't help it. He was a little panicked. He only heard Su Ming say: "Jiang Xiaojun, you don't want to cheat me."

"You can pull it down. Just your damage. If there is anything that can make me pit, hurry in and have a look. There is something you can't think of waiting for you!" Jiang Xiaojun said.

At the same time, he stretched out his hand to push Su Ming and signaled Su Ming to hurry up, because if Su Ming is no longer hurry, Jiang Xiaojun feels that he can't help it.

Su Ming didn't have any more mother-in-laws. He was really curious about what was in it, so Su Ming directly twisted the handle and the door was opened by Su Ming.

"Bang, bang"

The moment the door of the box was opened, there were two bursts of fireworks in the box, and immediately countless ribbons flew down and landed on Su Ming's head.

It was because Su Ming had already made certain psychological preparations, he was still taken aback, and he suddenly "banged" it, which was really scary.

"Su Ming, happy birthday"

When Su Ming looked up, he found that Shen Muke was standing less than two meters away from him, smiled directly to himself and said, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, and handed it to Su Ming. .

"Happy birthday, happy birthday!"

Behind Shen Muke, there are still several young girls standing. Su Ming has seen these girls. They are all Shen Muke's roommates and classmates who have a good relationship with Shen Muke.

When setting up this place, Shen Muke took them with them. Otherwise, how could Shen Muke do so many things? These girls also kept talking to Su Ming.

Su Ming was stunned at once, and then his face was stunned, as if he didn't expect to have such a battle today.

"Su Ming, what are you doing in a daze, don't you even forget your birthday?" Shen Mu said to Su Ming with a laugh.

Only then did Su Ming react and suddenly recalled today's date, and then Su Ming remembered that Te Niang's today was indeed his birthday.

Su Ming did not expect that the parents who had been with Xia Qingchan for the past two days sent her parents back just today. Su Ming had no time to think about whether it was his birthday.

But after the reaction came over, Su Ming immediately filled Su Ming's heart, and only moved. I really didn't expect that Shen Mu could prepare such a surprise for her.

Su Ming, who was thick-skinned and had seen big scenes, didn't know what to say for a while.

No wonder Jiang Xiaojun kept making it so weird. Jiang Xiaojun had never been like this before. It turned out to be such a thing. Thinking about Jiang Xiaojun and Shen Muke joining together to celebrate their birthday, this feeling makes my heart warm.

Su Ming smiled, a smile from the heart, and said softly: "You two...I said no wonder."

Jiang Xiaojun said immediately on the side: "Su Ming, I'm just in charge of running errands, so don't be too moved."

"The person who really bothers is the school flower. She planned the whole plan for you to celebrate your birthday. Look at how well this box is arranged, you are really lucky." Jiang Xiaojun said.

The decoration in the box is indeed very beautiful, not too fancy, after all, they are all arranged with simple things such as balloons and ribbons, but you can see that they are indeed arranged carefully, giving people a very warm feeling.

Not only does it take a lot of time, but if you do it in someone's box, you must waste some tongue with the boss here. Otherwise, how could someone agree?

Looking at today's Shen Muke again, it is obvious that she has been carefully dressed and celebrated Su Ming's birthday. She is more serious than her own birthday.

Today's Shen Muke is extremely touching in Su Ming's eyes, so Su Ming couldn't help but said: "You are so beautiful today."


Jiang Xiaojun immediately yelled as if he was in spring, and at the same time said loudly: "It's irrational. You're openly abused and spread dog food. This evening I will not let people eat. ."

At the same time, Shen Muke's roommates and classmates also started to booze, extremely enthusiastically.

Shen Muke looked a little besieged, and then changed the subject and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, let's hurry up on our birthday, and have a better meal and drink today."

"Su Ming~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you call the few people in your dormitory together, otherwise it won't be lively." Shen Muke reminded.

Su Ming just remembered that it was true that the box was large, and the few people were deserted. The beasts in the dormitory must be called over.

Just now I was going to eat out with a few of them, but I didn't finish eating.

After the call was over, Su Ming said to Jiang Xiaojun: "By the way, Long Yu is fine at night, you call her too."

Su Ming didn't even think that he could invite too many people, some of his own roommates and some of Shen Muke's roommates, just get together and have fun, there is no need to call all the friends he knows.

But when I saw Jiang Xiaojun, I thought of Long Yu. After all, he was Jiang Xiaojun's family member, so it would be inappropriate not to shout.

Who knows Jiang Xiaojun smiled, and said, "Don't worry, I have already notified her, and I should be there in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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