Su Ming called directly and called the three animals from the dormitory. If they were missing in this situation, Su Ming would have no sense at all.

It took a while for Su Ming to call, and Long Yu arrived. He was wearing a more iconic professional attire. He should have come from a jewelry store.

Carrying a beautiful gift box in his hand, he handed it directly to Su Ming, and said: "Su Ming, this is a gift for you, with a little heart, I hope you don't give it up and wish you a happy birthday."

Su Ming took the gift with a smile on his face, and didn’t open it to see what it was. No matter what it was given, Su Ming didn’t care too much, because Su Ming now lacks almost everything, mainly this one. The heart made Su Ming very happy. Su Ming smiled and said, "Thank you so much."

Jiang Xiaojun said from the side: "Su Ming, I have to count this gift. We both prepared it for you."

In fact, Jiang Xiaojun asked Long Yu to prepare this thing, because Jiang Xiaojun is very troubled with this question, what should be given to Su Ming as a gift, because the relationship between the two people is so good, so Jiang Xiaojun does not know what to give. .

The elders are definitely not the same as women. Men usually have special headaches when they give gifts, and there is no clue at all.

I was thinking of giving Su Ming a doll or something, with a pump, and when Su Ming needed it, he could just pump it up.

But Jiang Xiaojun thought about it sadly. With so many women around Su Ming, it seemed that they didn't need this thing at all. So Jiang Xiaojun threw this problem to Long Yu and asked Long Yu to prepare a gift for Su Ming.

Women always have more ideas than men in these aspects. In fact, Jiang Xiaojun doesn't know what Long Yu is preparing.

Su Ming smiled and resisted the urge to complain about Jiang Xiaojun. In fact, they didn't need this thing between them.

In a short while, the fat man and Wang Tao in the dormitory also came. After all, the restaurant was behind the school. They came out of the school and walked there in ten minutes.

After the fat man came over, he looked at Su Ming in surprise and said, "Su Ming, didn't you say that something was going to happen tonight? Why did you call us over again?"

"Today for my birthday, I would like to invite you to have a meal. You guys will not give up face, right?" Su Ming deliberately said.

"I wipe it, is Su Ming your birthday today?"

The few guys in the bedroom were shocked by appointment. One and two were surprised. Obviously, they didn’t know anything before. Wang Tao said, “Su Ming, you’re a little uninteresting. It’s birthday. Don't tell us in advance."

"What do you know!"

Zhao Shaobo said: "Su Ming obviously didn't tell us on purpose, and then suddenly called us to give us a surprise. This is called romance."

"I'm pooh, what romance did you say to me, a dead otaku who has never even talked about love!"

Su Ming: "..."

Su Ming thought I was celebrating Lao Tzu’s birthday. I just knew it myself. How can I inform you in advance?

The fat guy said again: "That's right, I didn't tell our brothers in advance, we didn't prepare at all, and didn't bring gifts, so how can we go on eating as embarrassingly."

The words were not very embarrassing, but these guys had already begun to sit down with their chairs in their hands. It was obvious that you would lose if you were serious with shameless people like them.

The dishes ordered next began to come up. Everyone ate and drank happily. During the whole process, the atmosphere was very warm. After all, everyone was young and shared the same topics.

And it’s worth mentioning that for the people invited over today, the distribution of gender proportions is very good. Basically, there are males and females, and the truth that opposite **** attracts each other can make sense at any convenience.

With girls, everyone is interested in what they eat, and they are all beauties with good looks. Shen Muke and Long Yu are already well-known, but they didn't think about it.

However, the quality of Shen Muke’s roommates, classmates, etc. is considered to be in the upper-middle range. Fatty and the single dogs, but they are so excited, they can't close the legs of a few girls. Can't close your mouth.

After eating, Su Ming found out when he went to checkout that Jiang Xiaojun had already paid the money, and it took him some time to clean up his box.

After all, this box has been decorated. When you leave, you must clean it up. Otherwise, how could the boss let you go.

After leaving the hotel, Su Ming checked his mobile phone and found that it was past nine o'clock, so Su Ming asked: "Where should I go next, go directly to the dormitory, or why?"

Jiang Xiaojun immediately said: "It's only a few hours, and finally everyone gets together for a birthday. It's boring to go back to the dormitory so soon. Keep going.

Fatty and the three beasts are obviously the same as Jiang Xiaojun. When it comes to their hearts, these three guys also hurriedly said: "That's right, it's still early, let's keep going."

"Su Ming, you have a rare birthday. If we don't accompany you to have fun, we will definitely feel sorry for the whole year." The fat man looks even more righteous. Speak.

Su Ming couldn’t help but wanted to kick it It’s too special to pretend, Su Ming knows that their soap is gone when he pushes his butt, Su Ming knows all these animals in the dormitory. Up.

It is 100% because today’s opportunity is rare. I finally found an opportunity to play with some beautiful young ladies. I definitely don’t want to just go back.

"Su Ming, or let's go sing together." Shen Muco unexpectedly took the initiative to say something.

Su Ming saw that everyone was very interested, and even Shen Muke wanted to continue. Hey, what else can Su Ming say, of course, to satisfy everyone, so Su Ming said directly: "Okay, let's sing together. Go ahead."

In fact, college students only have these leisure activities. When everyone gathers together, ordinary people just eat, sing and sing.

Su Ming thought that if they wanted to go to the bar, they could take them all to the Monday bar, where Su Ming was familiar.

It should have been drinking some wine during the meal just now, so they didn't mean that, so let's listen to their K song.

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