Wang Tao's parents, the two of them all went together for a moment. They were obviously stunned by Wang Tao. They didn't understand which friend he had, who could be so awesome and could help Wang Shuping solve the current troubles.

Suddenly, two people stared at him with exaggerated eyes, but Wang Tao who got him was a little uncomfortable.

However, in front of his parents, Wang Tao didn't dare to sell Guanzi for anything. He only heard Wang Tao say: "It is a roommate of my university and a good brother. He said yesterday that this can be solved."


When Wang Tao finished speaking, Wang Shuping snorted directly and couldn't help but said angrily: "Who told you to tell this matter casually."

"Your roommate must also be a college student. A college student can have so much energy. If you think about it, do you think it is credible?" Wang Shuping asked rhetorically.

He didn't believe Wang Tao's words until he said it. The simple truth is that what he encountered this time was nothing trivial.

Wang Shuping can be regarded as a man who has been operating in the officialdom for many years. He has his own certain network and so on. After the accident, he immediately finds someone, but the effect of the woolen yarn has no effect.

Because this time his competitor was surprisingly strong and had a certain relationship with Ningcheng's inspection department, Wang Shuping had no choice but to despair.

Now I tell Wang Shuping that a college student can solve his troubles, and it feels too fake when I hear it. Anyway, Wang Shuping would not believe a word.

Wang Tao's mother also said, "Xiao Tao, you are still too young to believe in everything."

"People must have heard about you and are going to lie to you some money. If I'm not mistaken, your roommate must say that as long as you pay a sum of money, he will help you solve this matter."

It's no wonder that Wang Tao's mother guessed like this, because most liars now seem to follow this routine.

Wang Tao shook his head and said, "That's really embarrassing. You two guessed wrong about this. I definitely don't believe this when others say this. But what my roommate said, I believe!"

"He won't lie to me." Wang Tao said firmly, looking at people, once you feel that you have spotted it, you can't go wrong.

"Don't talk nonsense, I think you have been fooled by someone."

Wang Shuping immediately said: "Your classmate, he will be cut off directly in the future. This kind of person is just to defraud you of the money. Hurry up and leave here with your mother tonight. Don't worry about it anymore. When you go abroad, as long as you don't commit I'll do whatever you want."

"No, I will definitely not leave this time, Dad, please trust me once!" Wang Tao said seriously.

"You bastard, do you want to **** me off?"

Wang Shuping only got off the anger just now, and now he was upset by Wang Tao again. He was very angry. He only heard Wang Shuping say again: "I'll ask you again, can you go?"

"If I don't go, I've already decided, and I won't leave anything. My brother said that if the matter can be solved, he will definitely be able to solve it!" Wang Tao said, his attitude seemed very hard.


In a moment of irritation, Wang Shuping raised his hand and prepared to slap Wang Tao's face with a slap, but this time Wang Tao's mother was next to him, and he was stopped at once without letting him actually do it.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tao's mother was very stiff. As a woman in this family, she also knew the personalities of the two people. They were more stubborn than the other. It is estimated that if this trend develops, no one can convince anyone in the end.

So Wang Tao’s mother said, “Don’t quarrel, you two, both of you are stubborn.”

"Xiao Tao, are you obedient this time? This matter must be up to your father. After he solves the domestic affairs, he may be able to come out to reunite with the two of us." Mother Wang Tao persuaded.

In fact, even when he said this, he didn't believe it too much. If something happened to Wang Shuping this time, he might not be able to escape.

Wang Tao shook his head again. This time he was the **** who was eating the scales. He was determined and continued to say: "Mom, Dad doesn't believe me, can't you believe me once? I'm really serious this time."

"My brother won't lie to me, and he didn't ask me for money or anything." Wang Tao was firm.

Wang Tao's mother opened her mouth, she wanted to say something, but she held back her words. Seeing Wang Tao's posture, she was obviously bewildered, as if she was fascinated by a ghost, and wanted him to relax for a while. It is very difficult to come here.

After thinking about it, if you want to solve this problem perfectly, you have to use some brains, and you can't take coercive methods. After all, Wang Tao is not a child anymore. If you still force him at this time, it will be counterproductive. effect.

So Wang Tao’s mother said: “That’s OK, Xiao Tao, I choose to believe you once, but I have a request, you must bring the classmate you mentioned to the house, and I’ll ask him what he can do. Solve this matter."

"You have to come in the afternoon. If it doesn't work, you will go abroad with me obediently. Now you have nothing to say?" Mother Wang Tao said.

This is a very good method. At least Wang Tao accepted it all at once. He only heard Wang Tao nodded and said: "Okay, I will contact my classmate Let him see if there is any. Time, come here this afternoon."

After finishing talking, Wang Tao went back to his room upstairs. He was going to call Su Ming to talk about this and let Su Ming come over.

And Su Ming didn't talk nonsense, he could understand Wang Tao's situation at this time, and he went home for no reason and said this. It would be really strange if his parents could believe him.

So Su Ming agreed in one fell swoop. After asking the address of Wang Tao's home, he hung up the phone and Su Ming decided to go there in the afternoon.

"How can you get used to him like this? You don't know if you were obviously deceived!" Wang Shuping complained after watching Wang Tao go.

"You are so embarrassed to say me, is there any other way, just your style of handling things, can you handle this matter?"

Wang Tao’s mother said, “I’m just a stopgap measure. I just called Xiaotao’s classmate over. In the afternoon, we can see if he is lying. When the time comes, Xiaotao will give up. Promised to go abroad with me."

(End of this chapter)

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