League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1840: Hurry up and pour tea

"If you force Xiaotao to make a plane, he is so big, do you think it's possible? You can't get him on the plane tied to Wuhuada?"

In fact, Wang Tao's mother still kept an eye on it: "I deliberately chose the time in the afternoon, it's just a short time, and if I don't delay going to the airport at night, Xiao Tao has already promised me."

Seeing that the look on Wang Shuping's face was better, he took a long breath and said, "That's good, you still have a way to deal with this kid."

"Actually, I can understand his mood. He doesn't want to leave. Why would I want you two to leave? The feeling of eternal separation between heaven and man is uncomfortable, but this time there is really no way." Wang Shuping said. A deep sorrow.

Wang Tao's mother went up and involuntarily hugged Wang Shuping, and said, "Pharaoh, you have worked hard this time. I believe Xiaotao will definitely understand what you did today."


Wang Shuping nodded and strengthened his belief even more. Seeing his eyes, he suddenly became firm.

Faced with these things, Wang Shuping has nothing to fear. What he has to do now is to send his family out quickly so that they can have a good life.

After eating at noon, Wang Shuping couldn't help but asked again: "Xiao Tao, how about the classmate you mentioned, why hasn't he come?"

"What are you in a hurry? I have just eaten now. People don't want to eat. He said he will come in the afternoon. I will tell you when it is almost there." Wang Tao said.

Wang Shuping didn't say anything, and nodded and said: "You'd better urge them, let them hurry, don't waste time."

You can actually tell from this sentence. At this time, Wang Shuping still didn't believe in the so-called classmates that Wang Tao said.

He had never thought that Wang Tao could really find someone to solve the matter. The reason he was urging in a hurry was that he wanted Wang Tao to give up quickly. Don't waste time.

Wang Tao also understands this, but he really has nothing to say now, because he can't come up with anything convincing, and saying it is equivalent to talking nonsense, how could Wang Shuping believe it.

Now Wang Tao can only hope that Su Ming really has a way, so that his parents can believe it for a while.

When I thought that tonight, I might have to take a plane to a foreign country, and Wang Tao's heart was indescribably cold.

About three o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Tao's cell phone finally rang. It was Su Ming who called and told Wang Tao that he had arrived and that Wang Tao needed to go out and pick it up.

Because Wang Tao's home is here in the compound, most people can't get in at all, so Wang Tao must go out to pick it up.

"Parents, my classmate has already arrived, I'll go out to pick him up." After saying that, Wang Tao went out.

Looking at Wang Tao's back, Wang Shuping said: "The classmate of Xiaotao came in for a while, I won't speak, you can talk to him, and by the way, I will observe."

"it is good!"

Wang Tao's mother nodded, and both of them were thinking in their hearts at this time, how to expose Wang Tao's classmate.

"Su Ming, here"

After Wang Tao went out, he saw Su Ming, not far from Wang Tao's house, so Wang Tao hurriedly shouted.

To Wang Tao's surprise, Su Ming was not the only one who came here. There was also a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes next to him. This middle-aged man had a majestic face and looked very imposing.

Wang Tao frowned. He always felt that this man seemed to be familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but Wang Tao couldn't remember it for a while.

In fact, this middle-aged man is Li Ziyao. Su Ming was ruthless this time and brought Li Ziyao directly, just to prove it to Wang Tao's parents.

It is estimated that Su Ming has this kind of face, so that Li Ziyao, a busy man, can run around with him, and still look very happy.

However, although Li Ziyao is a big figure in Ningcheng, his exposure rate is actually not too high. If you don't read the news very much, you may not be able to recognize Li Ziyao at once.

So Wang Tao just felt a bit familiar, but he really didn't see who Li Ziyao was.

Fortunately, he didn't recognize it. Otherwise, it is estimated that Wang Tao would be scared to find his way home.

One of the fiercest characters in Ningcheng suddenly came to your house. I'm afraid normal people will panic in their hearts.

"Okay, take us in quickly, I'll talk to your parents." Su Ming said directly to Wang Tao.

Seeing that Su Ming was not even ready to introduce who the middle-aged man next to him was, Wang Tao didn't continue to ask, but directly said, "Go here."

"Parents, my classmates are here"

As soon as he entered the house, Wang Tao opened his mouth and said to Su Ming and Li Ziyao: "Come in directly, no need to change slippers."

As soon as Wang Tao's parents heard this, they subconsciously looked up, and they both wanted to see who it was that turned their sons around.


But when they looked up and saw Li Ziyao, the two of them coincided with each other, and they all froze.

Especially Wang Shuping, suddenly frightened and at a loss, an exquisite white porcelain teacup in his hand fell directly to the ground, smashed.

Wang Tao couldn't recognize Li Ziyao suddenly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But how could Wang Shuping and Wang Tao's mother fail to recognize it, especially Wang Shuping, don't be too familiar with Li Ziyao, this is the big boss of Ningcheng City.

The stormy sea turned up in his heart. Wang Shuping couldn't think of killing him. How did Li Ziyao come to his home? This... it's impossible.

There is still a certain gap between his level and Li Ziyao. Normally, he can’t even see Li Ziyao. It’s good to be able to see him once. As a result, Li Ziyao is coming to his house now. The impact is too great. I can't realize it at all.

"Li... Secretary Li, you... why are you here."

After a moment of stunned, Wang Shuping stood up. As he was speaking, his tongue was knotted. It was obvious that he still hadn't fully eased up.

Wang Tao's mother also stood up immediately, grabbing the trouser pockets with both hands unconsciously. She didn't know what to say, she was at a loss.

Wang Shuping's reaction was relatively quick, and he directly ordered: "What are you doing in a daze? Go and pour tea!"

(End of this chapter)

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