League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1957: Lotus Root Carp Soup

Both parties have their own ideas for this cooking competition. The farm courtyard wants to pass the cooking competition this time to completely suppress the disgusting thing in the oriental restaurant and let them even There was no hope of turning over.

As for the Dongyang Restaurant, they are trying to seize this last opportunity to prove their strength and to redeem a little reputation.

Both sides supported the culinary competition this time, which is equivalent to both interested, so the progress went very smoothly.

The venue for the competition was chosen in a hotel, a big hotel in Ningcheng, which is equivalent to borrowing their venue.

This is relatively easy, and the hotel quickly agreed, and without any fees, directly agreed to the tígòng venue and cooperated with this cooking competition.

The abacus at the hotel is also very good, because this time the incident between the farm courtyard and the Dongyang restaurant is a relatively hot event. After the accident, everyone is paying attention.

Regarding this culinary competition, it is very hot in Ningcheng. The media will definitely pay attention at that time. Naturally, this hotel will be quietly heated with the place where the competition is held.

Su Ming wondered if this hotel belonged to Wang Wei, because that guy was also a tycoon in the hotel industry, and he owned a lot of hotels. Most of the hotels in Ningcheng were under his name.

But Su Ming didn't ask him specifically. It was just a game, and he didn't need any privileges. As long as Feng Ye played normally, Su Ming felt that he won, there should be no problem.

The more difficult thing in this competition is to find the judges. After all, this competition is not ordinary. Two countries are involved, and there is a fairness and unfairness among them.

After all, it is in Huaxia. If all Huaxia people are hired as judges, then some partiality problems will inevitably occur. The Dongyang Restaurant is very worried about this issue.

For them, this is their last chance. There must be no surprises. If the judges are really biased, it is very difficult and almost impossible to win the game.

Su Ming and the others didn't care, because they didn't think about that way to win the game. Since they want to win, they naturally want to win the game upright with their real strength.

Otherwise, with the ethics of those Orientals, there will be noisy noise everywhere, and will not admit the result.

In the end, everyone discussed and decided to invite some gourmets from Toyoguo and let them and some judges from Huaxiaguo to give their opinions together.

The Dongyang restaurant was very active, so they hired someone to come over and specially chartered a special plane. Of course, the reason for being so active was that it was beneficial to them.


Two days later, at around 7 o’clock in the evening, the competition on culinary skills began. Unexpectedly, in addition to the people from Huaxia Guoning City, there are also many Oriental people on the Internet , I paid attention to this game, and even looked for links everywhere, asking where I can see the live broadcast.

The relationship between the two countries of Huaxia and the East is quite deep. To put it bluntly, this is more like a collision of the food culture of the two countries. In this case, no one is willing to lose. Otherwise, it would be too ugly. .

In particular, the Oriental Kingdom has gradually passed on some very traditional things from the Huaxia Kingdom over the past few years. Many people even think that the Huaxia culture is no longer comparable to the Orientalism.

Food is also a very important part of the culture. It happens that the celebrity chefs of both sides play together and they can represent something.

After Feng Yezheng and Su Ming came over, they found that a lot of people had gathered at the scene. Most of them were those media. Of course, there were also a lot of network anchors who came here to live broadcast.

As for the ordinary onlookers, they were not allowed in, because this matter was too hot and many were paying attention. If you really want to see people in, then don’t compete. There will definitely be some problems.

It is stipulated that in addition to himself, each chef can bring two assistants to help. The so-called assistant is similar to the role played in the kitchen.

It is responsible for sorting out the ingredients, as well as washing and cutting vegetables. As for the entire production process, no intervention is allowed.

In the past, when Su Ming tried cooking with others, he didn’t bring his hands, because Su Ming cooks super simple things, either egg fried rice, or green vegetable stew tofu, just by himself. .

But if you really make that kind of cumbersome dishes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it may take at least two or three hours to make one dish. If there is no help, I don't know when.

Su Ming became the one who laid hands on Feng Yezheng, mainly for the purpose of quietly moving his hands and feet, otherwise Su Ming would not be idle and do this kind of publicity.

First, I introduced the chefs who played on both sides. Besides Feng Yezheng, there was an old man on Dongyang, who seemed to be at least 60 or 70 years old. He was a bald head and a thin body, but he seemed to be full of energy.

This chef from Toyo, others call him Mr. Kagawa, is probably a more famous chef from Toyo.

After all, this competition is really important. It is estimated that the Dongyang restaurant does not dare to mess around. The one sent out must be the strongest combat power.

Not much nonsense, after the introduction of the two chefs, the competition officially began. Everyone freed up the space and handed it over to the two chefs.

Su Ming said, "Master Feng, what dishes are you going to prepare today?"

Su Ming also took a look at the ingredients outside, and found that there were many types. After a brief look, he couldn't tell at all what Feng Yezheng was planning to do.

Feng Yezheng smiled here and said, "Prepare to stew a soup, lotus root and crucian carp soup."

Su Ming was stunned for a while. This crucian carp stew soup is nothing new, and it tastes good, but it is usually paired with tofu. Everyone may have heard of crucian tofu soup, but it is similar to lotus root. It was the first time I heard of it when we made soup together.

But since Feng Ye is daring to make this thing, it means that he has also studied it, otherwise, how could he take the risk casually.

(End of this chapter) (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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