League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 1958: 3 sentence sashimi

In a culinary competition, if you make something like soup, there is a certain amount of trickery suspected in it.

Because compared with the traditional dishes, the stew is not so complicated, but it takes more effort because it takes longer.

Why do we say that soup has certain tricky ingredients in it? That's because the soup is usually very delicious except for the very simple tomato and egg soup.

In this case, it will have a certain impact on people's taste buds and make the judges feel more intuitive.

Of course, this is only a small part of the impact, and it is not very fatal. It depends on your own level.

In fact, Su Ming probably understands Feng Yezheng's thoughts. Feng Yezheng has been staying abroad before. He wants to compare to Chinese cuisine. Feng Yezheng still prefers Western food. Steaks are what he is best at.

But this time the competition, unknowingly, has changed a bit because of the noise, and many people regard this competition as a collision between Oriental cuisine and Chinese cuisine.

Therefore, Feng Yezheng is under a lot of pressure. If he doesn't make Chinese food, but goes to the whole steak or something, it will undoubtedly be a little bit different.

In this case, in order to ensure victory, Feng Yezheng chose to make soup, which can be said to be well-intentioned.

The game officially started. The first thing to do is to prepare the ingredients. Crucian carp are all the best and lively.

It was specifically requested by Feng Yezheng. The fish must not be prepared for him to kill in advance, and must be killed when cooking, because once a fish is dead, once it has not been cooked for more than ten minutes, it will be less delicious than before. .

It may be nothing in the eyes of ordinary people. It sounds too nonsense. Many families bought more fish, put them in the refrigerator and put them in the refrigerator for a few days, and then took them out to eat. They tasted pretty good.

In fact, in the eyes of truly professional chefs, unclean ingredients cannot be tolerated at all, which is very fatal.

Feng Yezheng directly fished a crucian carp, smashed it twice on the chopping board, and dissected it. The movements looked unusually swift. He always felt that when Feng Ye was dealing with fish, it was more like a work of art. The mastery of all kinds of ingredients has reached a situation where he knows everything well.

The lotus root is handled by another guy. This person is a cook in the small farmyard. He usually works with Feng Ye and is also very handy.

Not many ingredients are needed, just crucian carp and lotus root. The rest are ingredients and don't need to be processed.

In this way, Su Ming has nothing to do. He becomes the soy saucer. It is a bit embarrassing to have nothing to do there. Among the people present, it seems that he is the only one who has nothing to do. The three people from the Dongyang restaurant. , And all moved.

The lotus root and crucian fish soup does not need to be simmered for too long. After all, this is fish, unlike bone soup or old hen soup. If the crucian fish soup is made for too long, it is estimated that the whole fish will not even have the bones left. .

Among them this fish sashimi.

Basically, people who have eaten oriental cuisine know this thing. In addition to sushi, this is probably the most famous in oriental cuisine.

The so-called salmon sashimi is to select fresh salmon, directly remove the thorns from the body, cut into pieces, and then place them on the perilla leaves.

It sounds simple, but in fact it is not easy to do. Otherwise, it will not take longer than Feng Yezheng to make a soup.

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