League of Legends Invincible Lottery System

Chapter 2001: I'm not nervous

() Su Ming couldn't help looking at his Lao Tzu speechlessly, saying that two people are not on the same channel at all. This is the most embarrassing thing.

Seeing Su Qishan talking over there for a long time, Su Ming finally couldn't help it, so he said, "Dad, what we said is not the same thing at all."

"Ah, then you just finished talking, what are you talking about?" Su Qishan asked strangely.

Su Ming said nonsense: "I was watching the game just now, and seeing the team I supported was scored by someone else, I couldn't help but call out."

"You kid—"

Su Qishan immediately got up, looked at Su Ming with disgust, and said, "I thought something happened, which made me worry for a long time."

"What can you do? By the way, Dad, have you cooked yet." Su Ming asked

"How can it be so fast? It has only been a few minutes before my dishes have been washed, and I haven't cooked yet." Su Qishan said.

Su Ming thought for a while and said, "Dad, just now I received a call from a friend of mine, saying that he will come over in a while, and I guess I should eat here. You just need to prepare an extra pair of chopsticks later."

"Which friend, it's Xiaojun, that kid really haven't seen him for a while." In Su Qishan's cognition, it seems that the only friend Su Ming brought home for dinner is Jiang Xiaojun.

Su Ming said painfully, "Dad, isn't Jiang Xiaojun, but another friend?"

"Which friend?"

Su Ming thought for a moment. If you talk about a girlfriend, it will probably cause a lot of pressure on Su Qishan. It will make Su Qishan panic. It is not necessarily a matter. So Su Ming said: "Just an ordinary friend, Dad, you don’t need it. I'm too nervous, she will eat whatever we eat in a while, without special preparation, just add a pair of dishes."


Su Qishan seemed to be very disdainful and said directly: "You too look down on your old man. I have never seen any scenes. You come to a friend. Why am I nervous? If you don't tell you, I will go cooking."

"Ding Dong————"

For about half an hour, the doorbell at home rang, and Su Ming knew that Qin Shiyin should have come, so he got up and went to open the door.

Not to mention that after the vitality in the body was sealed, Su Ming took a rest for a while, and now he felt that his whole person was much better than before.

"Come on!"

Su Ming only opened the door here, and he was shocked, and even rubbed his eyes, for fear that he had misread and lost his ambition.

Shouldn't it be Qin Shiyin who came here? It was Shen Muke who stood outside the door for Mao?

After confirming that he was right, Su Ming could no longer conceal his surprise, and quickly said: "Why are you?"

"Who else is coming over?" Shen Muke blinked his big eyes twice, just looking at Su Ming.

Su Ming reacted immediately. He said something wrong just now, so Su Ming said: "No one, I mean, why are you here at this time? It's strange."

"Quickly come in and sit down." People are already here, and Su Ming can't drive them outside, so he invited Shen Muke in.

Shen Muke said, "I just went back and I was worried about what happened to you, so I ran over to take a look."

Su Ming’s scalp was numb, and Shen Muke’s suffocating operation was something Su Ming hadn’t expected, so Su Ming hurriedly said, “Just call me and ask, why bother? , The school is quite far away from here."

Shen Muke knew Su Ming well, and said, "I don't know you yet. If I call you to ask you, can you tell the truth? You have to come directly to you."

Su Ming was completely speechless, but Shen Muke still said nothing wrong, leaving Su Ming speechless, but what made Su Ming curious was that Shen Muke had never been to Su Ming's house. How did she know? .

Even if she knows that Su Ming's family lives here, she shouldn't know the reasonable and specific house number. Is it possible that Shen Mu can find someone to investigate in advance? So Su Ming asked strangely: "Muke, you didn't even call me to ask me how did you find this place."

"Su Ming, are you stupid today? Have you forgotten? Jiang Xiaojun knows where your home is. I called Jiang Xiaojun directly." Shen Muke said.

Su Ming finally understood that there was an impulse to hack Jiang Xiaojun, a damned friend, and the goods were sold directly to Su Ming. The key is not to tell Su Ming.

He came to Su Ming's house many times, and he naturally knew where he lived.

"Su Ming, your friend is here."

Su Qishan in the kitchen obviously heard the movement here, so he walked out of the kitchen and planned to say hello to Su Ming's friend. If a friend came, it would be inappropriate for him not to come out to say hello.

Unexpectedly, when Su Qishan came out like this, the whole person was stunned. After seeing Shen Muke, Su Qishan was stunned.

He thought that the friend Su Ming was talking about was a boy. For no reason, he thought so subconsciously. Obviously, he didn't expect it to be a woman or such a beautiful little girl.

Shen Muke also blushed a little after seeing Su Qishan. After all, it was Su Ming's father. She was the equivalent of seeing the parents. Shen Muke's whole person, obviously, was a little nervous.

However, Shen Muke still politely said: "Um, hello, uncle, I am classmate Su Ming."

"Hello, hello, what? Come over and sit down, I'll pour you a glass of water." Su Qishan's side, immediately smiled, and looked very satisfied with Shen Muke.

Unexpectedly, Su Qishan encountered embarrassment when he was going to pour water~www.wuxiaspot.com~ picked up the two thermos bottles at home, and found that there was no water at all, so Su Qishan asked: "Su Ming, Why is there no water."

"Dad, don't you usually cook hot water? How do I know why there is no water." Su Mingdan said in pain.

Su Qishan slapped his head suddenly and said, "Look at my memory, I forgot it again."

"Don't worry, I will burn now."

Unexpectedly, Su Ming smelled a weird question in the air, so he asked, "Dad, are things still burning in your pot?"

"Almost forgot, my tofu is still simmering in the pot." Su Qishan hurried into the kitchen again, looking in a hurry.

Su Ming glanced at Su Qishan speechlessly, not nervous as he said just now.

So Su Ming said to Shen Muke: "You are sitting here, I will go in and help my dad."

(End of this chapter)

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